District Support Strategies Webinar Notes
Notes from the April 9, 2020 What Districts are Doing to Support their Students and English Learner Support Strategies Webinar.Coronavirus (COVID-19) Main Web Page
Date: 4/9/2020
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Facilitators: Dr. Stephanie Gregson and Shanine Coats
Panel Members (in order of appearance): Dr. Veronica Aguila, English Learner and Support Division, Dr. Stepan Mekhitarian, Glendale Unified, Angela Herrera and Carol Swanson, Natomas Unified
Key Takeaways: Best Practices for English Language Development (ELD)
- Identify what can be sent home with students
- Leverage online or digital integrated resources from publishers or subscriptions that districts have already purchased for ELD content
- Leverage packets, PBS and other broadcasters for alternatives to online learning resources
- Provide specific time for ELD within the Distance Learning (DL) schedule
- Continue to offer bilingual, dual language, and LA programs through DL
- Capitalize on students use of home language
- Provide EL students and their families with literacy resources
- Continue to provide culturally responsive lessons
- Lots of resources for ELD
- EL newsletter provided by the California Department of Education (CDE)
- See slides for list of resources
- State Seal of Biliteracy will continue to be offered
- Process is the same
- See CDE State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) page
- Kern County Office of Education is a good model to follow
- Work with other districts and schools to share resources and best practices
Key Takeaways: Best practices for DL implementation
- Identify needs of students and families as quickly as possible
- First, establish that social, emotional, health, etc. needs are met
- Connect families with services and resources
- Natomas offers food pantry and meal delivery
- Connect families with services and resources
- Then identify possible access and accommodation issues
- Glendale and Natomas sent surveys to determine need for Chromebooks and hotspots
- Both set up delivery and pick-up processes
- Glendale and Natomas sent surveys to determine need for Chromebooks and hotspots
- First, establish that social, emotional, health, etc. needs are met
- Establish communication plan
- Both developed communication plans that provided regular contact with community
- Natomas provided opportunities to collect feedback and questions from families and from staff
- Natomas utilized traditional methods as well as social media to contact students not reached during initial attempts
- Natomas communicates gaps and bumps in DL process for transparency
- Glendale had an all-inclusive document to communicate with everyone and provide hyperlinked resources
- Both developed orientations for community and labor partners
- Parents were briefed on how the DL process would go and on what resources are available and where to get help when needed
- Natomas developed orientation videos for all stakeholders and sent them out through their communication channels.
- Glendale set up tech support hotline
- Both developed communication plans that provided regular contact with community
- Identify staff and teacher needs and address as possible
- Provide training and support for teachers
- Provide orientation and piloting for teachers
- Leverage existing resources and infrastructure
- Both districts were already using website and web portal (LMS) for some things
- Natomas created specific websites for each school and grade level with user-friendly splash page for easy access to related sites and resources
- The also developed easy access page for contacting teachers
- Natomas teachers already had access to Mac Books and iPads
- Also already used Google Suite
- Both districts were already using website and web portal (LMS) for some things
- For Special Education (SPED), Natomas amended Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and made clear what they plan to do for each child during this process
- Communicated plan with parents upfront
- Developed specific SPED DL platform
- Stressed home-school collaboration
- Currently developing a plan to address regression early
- Not waiting for failure to address the issue
- For preschool, Natomas created a YouTube channel full of skill appropriate instruction videos from the teachers including circle time.
California Department of Education | COVID19@cde.ca.gov
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
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