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Errata to the ELO-G LEA Template for the Plan

The errata to the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-G) Local Educational Agency (LEA) Template for the Plan is intended for LEAs that have received the ELO-G, so that they may update their copy of the LEA Template for the Plan.

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This errata hereby revises as follows:

Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan Instructions: Introduction
Currently Reads:

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by school districts, county offices of education, or charter schools, collectively referred to as Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), that receive Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant funds under California Education Code (EC) Section 43521(b). The plan must be adopted by the local governing board or body of the LEA at a public meeting on or before June 1, 2021, and must be submitted to the county office of education, the California Department of Education, or the chartering authority within five days of adoption, as applicable. The plan must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2022.

For technical assistance related to the completion of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan, please contact

Amended, July 9, 2021, to Read:

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by school districts, county offices of education (COE), or charter schools, collectively referred to as LEAs, that receive Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant funds under California Education Code (EC) Section 43521(b). The plan must be adopted by the local governing board or body of the LEA at a public meeting on or before June 1, 2021, and must be submitted to the county office of education, the California Department of Education, or the chartering authority within five days of adoption, as applicable. The plan must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2024.

For technical assistance related to the completion of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan, please contact

Instructions: Expenditure Plan
Currently Reads:

The ‘Supplemental Instruction and Support Strategies’ column of the Expenditure Plan data entry table lists the seven supplemental instruction and support strategies that may be supported with ELO Grant funds.

Complete the Expenditure Plan data entry table as follows:

In the ‘Planned Expenditures’ column of the data entry table, specify the amount of ELO Grant funds being budgeted to support each supplemental instruction and support strategies being implemented by the LEA and the total of all ELO Grant funds being budgeted.

The plan must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2022. In the ‘Actual Expenditures’ column of the data entry table the LEA will report the amount of ELO Grant funds that the LEA actually expended in support of the strategies that it implemented, as well as the total ELO Grant funds expended.

Amended, July 9, 2021, to Read:

The ‘Supplemental Instruction and Support Strategies’ column of the Expenditure Plan data entry table lists the seven supplemental instruction and support strategies that may be supported with ELO Grant funds.

Complete the Expenditure Plan data entry table as follows:

In the ‘Planned Expenditures’ column of the data entry table, specify the amount of ELO Grant funds being budgeted to support each supplemental instruction and support strategies being implemented by the LEA and the total of all ELO Grant funds being budgeted.

An LEA may amend its ELO Grant Plan, including the planned expenditures, based on changes in student needs identified as part of the LEAs ongoing assessment of the needs of students identified for supplemental instruction and support. LEAs are encouraged to collaborate with community partners when amending their plan.

A materially altered plan should be brought to the governing board or body of the LEA for adoption. School districts must submit the amended plan to their COE; charter schools must submit their amended plans to their chartering authority; COEs and school districts in a single-district county must submit their amended plans to the California Department of Education (CDE). COEs and school districts in a single-district county must submit their amended plans to the CDE by email at LEAs are also strongly encouraged to post an amended plan to the same web page as their LCAP.

The plan must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2024. In the ‘Actual Expenditures’ column of the data entry table the LEA will report the amount of ELO Grant funds that the LEA actually expended in support of the strategies that it implemented, as well as the total ELO Grant funds expended.

Questions:   ELO Grants Team |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 22, 2024