Sexual Health Education Accountability Act
Provides information concerning the Sexual Health Education Accountability Act requirements.The Sexual Health Education Accountability Act (SHEAA), Health and Safety Code 15100 - 151003
requires any state-funded, community-based sexual health education program that provides education to prevent adolescent or unintended pregnancy or to prevent sexually transmitted infections to meet specific requirements. SHEAA requires state funds for community–based sexual health education programs to be spent on programs that are medically accurate, appropriate for the priority population and comprehensive. This applies to all state-funded community based programs that provide education to prevent teen pregnancy or unintended pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. This would apply to the Community Challenge Grant (CCG) program because CCG primarily funds comprehensive sexual health education strategies, many of which are conducted in California’s public schools.
SHEAA requires programs providing education in public schools to state how their instruction fits into the school's overall plan to comply fully with EC 51930 – 51939.
SHEAA authorizes the funding agency to terminate a grant if the funded program is not in compliance with the legal requirements.
SHEAA sets forth basic standards for community-based sexual health education programs:
- All information must be medically accurate, current and objective.
- Presenters shall know and use the most current scientific data on human sexuality, human development, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Program must be age appropriate for its priority population’s age, culture, and language.
- Program may not teach or promote religious doctrine.
- Program may not promote or reflect bias against any person (as defined in Section 422.56 of the Penal Code) on the basis of:
- Disability
- Gender
- Nationality
- Race or Ethnicity
- Religion
- Sexual Orientation
A sexual health education program conducted by an outside agency, such as a community-based organization (CBO) at a publicly funded school, shall comply with the requirements of Section 51934 of the EC if the program address HIV/AIDS and shall comply with Section 51933 of the EC if the program address pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted diseases other than HIV/AIDS.
If the sexual health education program is conducted by an outside agency, such as a CBO, at a publicly funded school, the CBO shall indicate in writing how the program fits into the school’s plan to comply fully with the California EC 51930 - 51939.