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Project Cal-Well

A project to promote mental health awareness and wellness among California's kindergarten through twelfth grade students.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has been implementing Project Cal-Well in partnership with local educational agencies (LEAs) throughout California with funding support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) under the Project AWARE grant since 2014.

Project Cal-Well is designed to raise awareness of mental health; expand access to school and community-based mental health services for youth and families; and create sustainable student mental health infrastructure through leveraged resources.

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School Health Services Research and Evaluation Team is evaluating the initiative. WestEd provides technical assistance to the project from 2019.


The California Department of Education (CDE) received three cohorts of five –year grants from SAMHSA to launch Project Cal-Well in 2014-19 (Cohort 1), 2019-24 (Cohort 2), and 2023-28 (Cohort 3). Using a three-component intervention model, Project Cal-Well strives to achieve the following goals:

Goal 1: Provide universal supports to create positive school climates that help school-aged youth develop skills to promote resilience and pro-social behaviors; avert development of mental and behavioral health disorders; and prevent youth violence.

Goal 2: Increase access to and availability of sustainable culturally competent and developmentally appropriate school-based mental health (SBMH) programs staffed by mental health staff to screen for, provide early intervention for, and to address any ongoing mental health needs of children with symptoms consistent with a mental disorder(s).

Goal 3: Build partnerships and cross-system collaborations to promote youth well-being and increase and improve access to sustainable culturally competent and developmentally appropriate community-based mental health services.

Cohort 3 (2023-28)

In Cohort 3, the CDE partners with Santa Cruz County Office of Education and Stanislaus County Office of Education to support seven mid-size school districts: all schools from three LEAs in Stanislaus County, and all secondary schools from four LEAs in Santa Cruz County.

Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2024-25)
Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2023-24)

Cohort 2 (2019-24)

In Cohort 2, the CDE partnered with Humboldt County Office of Education, Sacramento County Office of Education, and Stanislaus County Office of Education to serve students and families from eight school districts from five counties in Northern California.

This brief from WestEd describes the success of Project Cal-Well and how LEAs built sustainable student mental health infrastructure under Cohort 2 External link opens in new window or tab..

Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2023-24)
Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2022-23)
Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2021-22)
Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2020-21)
Project Cal-Well Funding Results (2019-20)

Cohort 1 (2014-19)

In Cohort 1, the CDE served students and families from five school districts in Southern California through a partnership with ABC Unified School Districts, Garden Grove Unified School District, and the San Diego County Office of Education.

This brief from UCSF describes the Project Cal-Well model and provides highlights of successes and lessons learned over five years of implementation External link opens in new window or tab..


Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a research-based curriculum based on a medical first aid model. It is designed to provide parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, neighbors, and other caring adults with skills to help a school-age child or youth who may be experiencing emotional distress, the onset of a mental illness, addiction challenge or who may be in crisis. YMHFA participants learn to recognize signs and symptoms of children and youth in emotional distress, initiate and offer help, and connect the youth to professional care through a five-step action plan.

Unless it is used as a refresher, YMHFA training is not intended for staff with a mental health background such as school psychologists, social workers, clinicians, etc., due to its basic nature.

This no cost training is currently delivered virtually through two hours of self-paced learning and five and a half hours of instructor-led training. The training can be delivered in evenings, weekends, and is also available in Spanish.

YMHFA content now includes critical components such as cultural considerations, impact of culture on trauma, school violence and bullying, social media impacts, and self-care. Additionally, the training has been restructured to include information relevant to young children in the elementary school grades.

The California Department of Education (CDE) offers this free training to public, charter, and private schools, districts, and community organizations. For more information, please reference the letter from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction which encourages county, district, and charter school administrators to take advantage of this free training.

2023-24 YMHFA Informational Flyer (PDF)

To request a training, complete this Inquiry Form External link opens in new window or tab. . Email for additional questions.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on Campus High School Workshops (NCHS) and Club Support External link opens in new window or tab.
The NCHS is a student-led club that focuses on mental health and wellness and provides a critical opportunity that fosters student involvement, promotes youth voice, awareness, and self-advocacy. The NCHS provides activities for youth that help decrease bullying and the stigma often experienced by those living with mental illness, potentially averting mental health crises, helping reduce youth suicide, and increasing school safety. Students involved in NCHS Clubs and activities are becoming lifelong advocates in the mission to eliminate the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness and eliminate suicides. The CDE partners with NAMI California to sponsor year-round trainings, quarterly office hours, and mini-grants to help high school student teams and their advisors to start an NCHS Club on their campus.

Email for additional information.


The California Department of Education (CDE) contracts with the University of California, San Francisco’s Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies to conduct an independent evaluation of Project Cal-Well program activities. The following data collection instruments were created to assess the social emotional wellness and mental health needs and perceptions among students, school staff, and principals:

Student Survey:

Staff Survey:

Statewide Principal Survey:

UCSF Project Cal-Well Web page External link opens in new window or tab.
Project Cal-Well resources including legacy briefs, infographics, and resource and evaluation briefs.


Resources below are organized based on Project Cal-Well Three-Component Model External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF).

Component 1: Creating a Positive School Climate

Student mental health starts with prevention. It is critical that schools work on creating a safe, respectful, and supportive school climate so all students have the opportunity to learn and thrive in a positive learning environment.

  • Virtual Be Well Space External link opens in new window or tab.
    Free virtual space with research-based strategies and supports to calm, activate, or support mental wellbeing.
  • Wellness Education Lab External link opens in new window or tab.
    Free online mental health literacy training for students 13+, staff, and families. Two training modules which takes approximately 45 -60 minute per module.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

PBIS provides a tiered intervention framework to deliver evidence-based strategies to promote a positive school climate and address student disciplinary issues.

Restorative Practices

Strategies on relationship and community building to prevent and address conflicts, and repair harm as a result of student behaviors or wrongdoings.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Cultivating social and emotional competencies among students have shown to improve student motivation, reduce problematic behavior, and improve school climate.

Trauma Informed Practices

Resources to help educators create trauma-informed schools and compassionate classrooms.

Component 2: Increase Access to School-Based Mental Health Services

A Guide to Increase Mental Health Services for Students (PDF)
This guide is created by Project Cal-Well, with input from the Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup, to assist schools and districts to build capacity to better address mental health challenges among students.

Component 3: Build Community Partnerships and Collaborations

A California Guide for Sharing Student Health and Education Information External link opens in new window or tab.
Best practices for schools on information sharing between schools and community agencies.

School Mental Health Referral Pathway Toolkit External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
Provides best practice guidance and strategies to support schools in referring and coordinating mental health services for students under a multi-tiered system of supports.


California Safe and Supportive Schools Newsletter External link opens in new window or tab.
A monthly newsletter on school climate and mental health resources, trainings, and information.

K-12 Mental Health Listserv

To receive information about the K-12 Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention planning and implementation process, send a blank message to

To unsubscribe, send a blank message to

Questions: Hilva Chan | | 916-319-0194 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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