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Six interactive nutrition lessons for kindergarteners including mini books, food cards, recipes, student workbooks, parent handouts, and a poster to help develop healthy food choices and to promote a physically active lifestyle.


This inquiry-based nutrition lesson set develops healthy food choices and promotes physically active lifestyles. Students explore healthy choices from each of the MyPlate food groups, discover fruits and vegetables and how they grow, identify feelings of hunger and fullness, select balanced meals and healthy snacks, and experience the importance of being physically active. Six interactive lessons include connections with the health, math, science, English language arts, and science standards.

What’s Inside

Lesson 1 gives students an understanding of the five food groups and is recommended as the first lesson; the remaining lessons can be taught over six weeks or several months. Each lesson provides a variety of activities that address different learning styles. Lessons are divided into five sections: Introduction, Core Learning Activities, Center Time, Reflection and Assessment, and Extra Helpings (extension activities). Choose from small-group and whole-class activities. Mini books, food cards, recipes, student workbooks, parent handouts, and a poster are included in the set.

Activity Highlight

In Lesson 4, Planting the Seeds for Healthier Eating, students discover that all fruits and vegetables start as seeds and grow into plants. Activities include a seed growing activity that can be completed indoors any time of the year. Students describe how edible fruits and vegetables grow from a seed to a plant and name the three things a plant needs to grow. Some teachers prefer to teach this lesson with other school garden activities during their region’s growing season.   

  • Key Content Areas: After School, Cafeteria Connections, Food Literacy and Cooking Activities, Garden-based, Healthy School Environment, Integrated Subjects, MyPlate, Parent/Family Involvement, and Physical Activity

  • Originator of Resources: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service

  • User of Resource: Teachers, Garden teachers, Nutrition educators

  • Audience: Kindergarten

  • Languages: English

  • Number of lessons: 6 lessons with 3–8 activities in each unit

  • Amount of time per lesson: 20–60 minutes

  • Format: Downloadable or Child Nutrition Program Operators can request a printed version


To access the curriculum, visit the USDA Discover MyPlate web page External link opens in new window or tab..


If you have any questions, please contact the USDA at

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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