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CNAC Minutes for the December 15, 2021, Meeting

Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) on December 15, 2021.

Members Present

Cristine Holmer, Clell Hoffman, Carrie Buck, Jackie Day, Ronald Little, Holly Hungerford-Cocking, Jane Alvarado-Banister, Maryam Shayegh, Ryan Alvarez, Natalie Cole, Kim Frinzell

Also Present

Mike Danzik, Jackie Richardson, Frances Tayam

Call to Order

Clell Hoffman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m.

There was no public comment.

Agenda reviewed.

Ground Rules shared.

Agenda Items

Item 1

Subject: Introduction of Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) members and general areas of interest
  • CristineꟷHow to make the food program the best it can be for staff
  • HollyꟷIncreasing access to meals, applying legislation
  • ClellꟷIncreasing quality and access to school meals
  • JaneꟷIncreasing quality and access to school meals, increasing Farm to School opportunities, and improving Local School Wellness Policies
  • CarrieꟷIncreasing access to healthy choices, especially for homeless youth and families, legislation
  • Jackie D.ꟷExtending nutrition education beyond the classroom, policy and legislation
  • RyanꟷEarly childhood nutrition education, nutrition and physical education curriculum
  • RonꟷMaking food and nutrition more appealing, addressing food desert areas
  • NatalieꟷForming and strengthening collaboration and partnerships

Item 2

Subject: CNAC Overview

From: Mike Danzik and Jackie Richardson

Mr. Danzik and Ms. Richardson reviewed the following topics with the CNAC members: the establishment of the CNAC, the purpose of the CNAC, State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (SSPI) vision and objectives, 2022 priorities and focus of the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division, the CNAC members roles and responsibilities, the CNAC web page, highlights of the CNAC Bylaws, Bagley-Keene Act meeting requirements, and Form 700ꟷStatement of Economic Interest.

Item 3

Subject: CNAC Members Areas of Interest

The topic of discussion: CNAC members discussed areas of interest in relation to the CDE’s priorities and the SSPI’s vision and objectives


  • ClellꟷEducating the public regarding universal meals, nutrition and learning connections, wellness committee leadership, and educating families as agents of change
  • CristineꟷConcerns over lack of school food service resources, school meals should be part of the curriculum and are critical to a quality education system, concern over the ability to make changes in schools, encourage sharing of best practices and the good work that is occurring
  • JaneꟷParent education on school meals, emphasize nutrition standards and quality, strengthen connections between nutrition and physical education and physical activities, sharing best practices
  • MaryamꟷWork on messaging and marketing, address overall instruction of health education in schools
  • RyanꟷStart nutrition education when students are young so they will maintain good nutrition after high school and beyond, address obesity
  • RonꟷSocial and emotional learning, avoid meal stigma
  • KimꟷCollect recommendations, resources, and best practices
  • Jackie D.ꟷHealth/wellness is the foundation for everything, as sound nutrition improves and allows us to fulfill all other aspects of our lives, rethink meal service and improve lunchroom experience
  • CarrieꟷStart small, find local champions, and see what can teachers do
  • MaryamꟷConcern that there is no streamlined approach to the implementation of student nutrition, health, and wellness; lack of qualified school nutrition personnel; important to highlight voices of the disadvantaged students; identify local resources; parental engagement critical

Item 4

Subject: Agenda topics for next meeting March 2022

From: CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair

The topics of discussion: Set 2022 meeting dates; brainstorming for agenda items


  • Meetings will continue remotely; Mike will share updates when available
    • 2022 meeting dates: March 21, May 9, September 19, and November 14
  • Agenda items for March 2022
    • Review meeting agenda ground rules
    • Vote in a CNAC Vice-chair
    • Approve December 2021 notes
    • Provide state and federal legislative updates
    • Members to discuss possible short-term (what to accomplish by November 2022), and/or long-term (what to carry over to 2023) goals
    • Members to share individual ideas for viable deliverables for short/long-term goals
  • Other ideas that were shared:
    • MaryamꟷEducate different stakeholders, amplify educational supports (e.g., Multi-tiered Systems of Support [MTSS], Local Control and Accountability Plan, etc.), and help make the connections between these and nutrition/health
    • Jackie D.ꟷHighlight plant-based options and meeting cultural needs
    • HollyꟷAddress needs of small, rural school districts

There was no public comment.

Clell Hoffman adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Friday, December 06, 2024
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