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CNAC Minutes for the March 7, 2023 Meeting

Council Members:

Kim Frinzell
Clell Hoffman, Chair
Cristine Holmer
Jane Alvarado-Banister
Carrie Buck
Maryam Shayegh
Jackie Day, Vice Chair
Ryan Alvarez
Natalie Cole
Ronald Little


Holly Hungerford Cocking


Blake Johnson
Jackie Richardson
Andrea Bricker
Kianna Wong
Ellen Sweeney

Administrative Activities:

Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Approve March 2023 California Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) agenda:

Motioned to approve agenda. Seconded. March agenda approved.

Approve November 2022 CNAC meeting minutes

Motion to approve November meeting minutes. Seconded. Minutes approved.

Annual Reminders: Trainings and forms

Request for public comment:

No request for public comment.

Agenda Items

Item 1: Members to provide update on action plan progress to date:

Group 1 — Priority: Access to nutrition during the out-of-school time period, especially during summer. CNAC members Natalie Cole, Cristine Holmer, Jane Alvarado-Bannister, and Jackie Day

  • Added content to Teams to begin developing a statement, including resources and references to work on during this meeting. Proposed content includes information on nutrition during summer and electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards.

Group 2 — Priority: Increasing access to school breakfast by adopting strategies that make breakfast more accessible. CNAC members Ryan Alvarez, Holly Hungerford Cocking, and Carrie Buck.

  • One member drafted a white paper, another drafted a one-page paper. During today’s meeting, the group plans to combine the information.

Group 3 — Priority: Ensure adequate seat time so that all students have time to receive and eat a nutritious meal. CNAC members Clell Hoffman, Maryam Shayegh and Ron Little.

  • Members created a one-page document highlighting challenges schools may face regarding time and space constraints, staffing and supervision challenges, and budget constraints. Goal is to review readability and create an infographic during today’s meeting.


Item 2: Members continue to work on action plans as needed, including defining and developing deliverables.


Item 3: Legislative update:

Nutrition Services Division Director’s division and federal updates:

Updates from Blake Johnson:

  • Blake Johnson provided updates on senate and assembly bills relating to nutrition.

  • Blake shared that the next phase is assigning bills to committees, which will start late March, early April.

  • Questions from the group were addressed.

Updates from Kim Frinzell:

  • Universal meals guidelines are now out and posted for public comment, which are due April 3.

  • Comment period is open for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Proposed Rule: Child Nutrition Programs- Revisions to Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Of note, California state laws go into effect January 2024, that vary from the proposed Buy American which is proposing to set 5 percent limit on aggregate non-commercial food purchases.

  • The CDE received over 1,000 registrations for the Kitchen Infrastructure and Training funds.

  • The CDE received $23 million in federal Local Foods for Schools Cooperative Agreement funding, $10.9 million in federal equipment assistance grants, and $160 million supply chain assistance funds.

  • Meal reimbursement rate update: the additional 15 cents for breakfast and 40 cents for lunch will expire.

  • Certain pandemic waivers will expire April 30 while others expire in June, CDE has been communicating broadly.

Jackie Richardson shared about the visit to West Contra Costa in El Sabronte, Betty Reid Soskin Middle School celebrating National School Breakfast Week.

Members go back to working on their projects. Move reporting back to 2:40

Item 4: Members report back to full group on progress and actions:

Group 1: Our first objective, big picture is to create a web page to connect families with meals to increase access to nutritious meals. Short-term, we put together content for a flyer.

Our other big action item is to recommend the addition out of school time meals to the SSPI’s vision of school meals.

Group 2: We are currently putting together a white paper. We are starting to put everyone’s section of the white paper together, putting together resources for different types of breakfast models, breakfast after the bell, grab and go etc.

Group 3: We collected research, information, and reasons for providing adequate seat time. We provide specific strategies on how to ensure adequate seat time.

Item 5: Discuss agenda items for May 2023:

Collaborative meeting date: Tuesday May 2, 10-3 (virtual)

CNAC members voted to change the date of this meeting from May 8, 2023, to May 2, 2023 due to a scheduling.

Requested agenda items: Legislative Update, Kim’s report

Groups requested more time to work together on action plans.

Request for public comment:

No public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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