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CNAC Minutes for the March 11, 2019, Meeting

Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC).

Members Present

Colby Bladow, Dena Boortz, Helen Chang, Caroline Danielson, Kim Frinzell, Maria Galleher, Nori Grossmann, Lawrence Herrera, Clell Hoffman, Barbara Rohrer, Patrick Traynor

Representative for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Stephanie Papas

Members Absent

Cody Williams

Also Present

Mike Danzik, Lisa Melhouse, Jenny Fales, Stephanie Bianco

Call to Order

Clell Hoffman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There was no public comment

Approval of Agenda

Clell Hoffman, chair, moved to approve the agenda for March 2019.

Approval of January 2019 Minutes

Clell Hoffman, chair, moved to approve the minutes for January 2019.


Mike Danzik introduced Jenny Fales, Stephanie Bianco from California State University, Chico, who will present after lunch. Shanine Coats, California Department of Education's (CDE) federal liaison, will offer federal updates later.

Agenda Items

Item 1

Subject: Nutrition Services Division (NSD) Updates

From NSD, Kim Frinzell, Director

The topic of discussion: NSD and CDE updates


  • Twelve new nutrition-related bills being introduced this session in the State Legislature
  • Direct Certification—NSD is working toward a federal benchmark of 95% eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to be directly certified in the school nutrition programs
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policies—NSD is exploring trying to get the administrative review cycle extended
  • Professional Standards—some flexibilities for small districts (specifically, those with 2,499 students and below)
  • USDA is convening a work group for U.S. Dietary Guidelines for 2020–2025. Brief discussion among CNAC members that school breakfasts can be carbohydrate heavy and that students may benefit from the addition of protein items, even though this is at a higher cost.
  • During 2018, NSD completed USDA management evaluations for the Summer Food Service Program, National School Lunch Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program.

From Government Affairs Division, Alejandro Espinoza, Legislative Representative

The topic of discussion: Various Senate and Assembly Bills

  • Updated list of bills provided
  • Senate Bill 265—Pupil Meals: Child Hunger Prevention and Fair Treatment Act of 2017 is a continuation of the bill regarding collection of unpaid lunch dues
  • Assembly Bill 354—School Meals: Free and Reduced-Price Meals is being discussed in committee March 13
  • March 14 is the deadline for submitting or revising bills to the State Senate; March 21 is the deadline for the Assembly
  • Mr. Espinosa encouraged members to discuss the issues with colleagues and express concern about various bills. Transmit information to the bill’s author’s office and committees via letter, email, or phone call

From: Shanine Coats, Federal Policy Liaison

The topic of discussion: Various federal updates

  • The President released his budget today. There are no concerns at this point as the budget is a starting point.
Ms. Coats provided a handout summarizing federal level nutrition-related issues.

Item 2

Subject: Sharing the State Superintendent's overall priorities and plans for the CDE.

From: Stephanie Papas

The topic of discussion: Discussing the Superintendent's priorities for California education


  • Two of the Superintendent’s priorities include: (1) charter schools and (2) early education
  • Charter schools bill just passed and signed by Governor Newsom—intends to hold charter schools accountable to the same rules and laws as public schools
  • Early education—literacy by third grade very important
  • Fifteen workgroups have been formed and are just starting. They are internal to CDE only at this point, but are starting to reach out to stakeholders

Item 3

Subject: Promoting CalFresh to Qualifying Young Adults: Bridging the Gap Between K–12 and College Students

From: Jenny Fales and Stephanie Bianco

The topic of discussion: CalFresh presentation: Preventing Hunger for all California Children and Youth


  • Center for Healthy Communities (CHC)—proposed pilot based on Butte County model

    • Include college students more in CalFresh
    • Food aid helps with grade point average, information retention; students graduate in less time and with less debt
    • Program has student interns assisting other students in the application process; they follow up with training and technical assistance
  • The proposal suggests assigning a point person at a district or school to assist in general outreach and in the application process. Outreach would also include free and reduced-price meals
  • This program would bridge the gap between school and home, where meals may be lacking at dinner, on weekends, and during holidays
  • This would require working in conjunction with the California Department of Social Services to make it happen
Ms. Fales and Ms. Bianco presented a PowerPoint. For more information, please contact Ms. Fales or Ms. Bianco by phone at 530-898-5323 or by email at

Item 4

Subject: Health Education Framework Draft

From CDE Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division, Constantino Silva, Education Administrator I, Lindsay Weiss, Education Programs Assistant, and Jennifer Bentley, Education Programs Assistant.

The topic of discussion: Update on comments made to the Health Education Framework; next steps


  • The second 60-day Public Comment and Review Period has ended. There were 760 actionable comments received. Comments and recommendations made by CNAC members were included.
  • The Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Meeting is on March 28. This is open to the public. CNAC members are invited to provide public comment. Stephanie Papas indicated that public comment is limited to one minute per person.
  • It is expected that the IQC will recommend to put forward the framework for adoption by the California State Board of Education (SBE).
  • This item will be taken up by the SBE for review on May 8 or 9. Information regarding the specific day and time will follow.
  • The CDE is looking for nutrition experts to act as content reviewers for Health Education textbook adoption. A request was made of the CNAC members to let their colleagues know and apply for the summer of 2020. The link for information and application will follow.

12:25 p.m. Lunch

Reconvened meeting at 1:34 p.m.

Item 4—Continued

Topic of discussion: Letter to the SBE in support of the Health Education Framework

  • A letter to the SBE was drafted by members encompassing information previously sent, and strongly supporting the Health Education Framework.
  • Stephanie suggested the letter be sent in after the SBE’s May meeting agenda posts to the internet, which will be 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.
  • Mike Danzik will format, edit, and send the letter to Mr. Hoffman, who will send it to the SBE after the May agenda posts, sometime during the week of April 29, through 5 p.m. on May 3

Item 5

Subject: CNAC Logistics

From CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair

The topic of discussion: CNAC meeting dates, Form 700, and expiring term limits


  • 2019—remaining meeting dates
    • May 13
    • September 9
    • November 18
  • 2020 meeting dates
    • March 16
    • May 18
    • September 21
    • November 16
    • Action item: motion to approve these dates was approved.
  • Form 700 and Ethics Training—Stephanie handed out the Form 700 and will provide a link to the Ethics Training. The Form 700 is due April 1.
  • Several member’s term limits are expiring in December 2019

    • The CDE will be accepting applications from the public. A public announcement will be made in June or July, followed by the application process, and interviews.

    • Current members whose term is ending can reapply. The open CNAC member positions will include the Consultant, School Board Member, Curriculum Coordinator, and School Administrator.

Item 6

Subject: Agenda topics for next meeting

From CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair

The topic of discussion: Brainstorming for agenda items


  • Social justice in food. An educator can come in to address this topic, possibly from the California Endowment.
  • Discuss the priorities of State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) and how CNAC can support them.
  • Social-emotional learning can be addressed in conjunction with nutrition and physical education. How can CNAC assist in this endeavor?
  • Someone to speak to ways in which CDE can support the continuity of nutrition education with higher education, across grades or across CNPs.
  • Long term goal/plan to educate students on the importance of eating breakfast.

    • Marketing strategies, campaign ideas

    • Suggestion that CNAC reach out to Youth Speaks (in Oakland) to help advocate for health and nutrition education, specifically regarding breakfast

  • University of California at Berkeley researcher—different methods/strategies for increasing participation of the School Breakfast Program (grab and go, etc.), also include food waste

Clell Hoffman, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 2:50 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 4, 2024
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