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Obtaining Passwords

How to request passwords for the Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD).

Requesting Agency Access Codes for the CMD

CMD access codes have two components: a numeric agency identification number (AIN) and an access key. The combination of the AIN and the access key allows entry to the system and access to appropriate CMD database records. CMD AINs and access codes are given to the person designated as the agency CMD administrator. The CMD administrator distributes the CMD access codes to other users in the agency. If you do not know who your agency's CMD administrator is or if you need to request an access code, send an email to the CMD at with the following information:

  1. The name, telephone number, and email address of the person who will act as the agency CMD administrator and be responsible for the CMD agency access codes for the entire agency, which could be the county office of education, a school district, a direct-funded charter school, or a California Department of Education division.
  2. The name of the educational agency as it appears in the California School Directory.
  3. A brief statement that acknowledges that the person is authorized by the educational agency to administer the CMD access codes on behalf of the agency.
  4. The name of the person in the agency responsible for translation services (this could be the same person as the CMD administrator).

The return email from the CMD will include CMD access codes for your LEA and guidance for assigning access to others in your agency.

Questions: Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents | | 916-319-0881 
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, April 30, 2024