February 2013 State Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the February 7, 2013, meeting of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity
for Military Children
California State Council - General Business Meeting
February 7, 2013
Travis Education Center
2775 De Ronde Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533
- State Council Members: John Burns, Jerry Dannenberg, Kate Wren Gavlak, Kelli May, Shannon Milder, Jacie Ragland, Patricia Rucker
- Invited Guests: Jenny Callison, Leah Cleveland, Sylvia Crowder
- California Department of Education (CDE) Staff: Barbara Pomerantz
Welcome and Introductions
Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner, State Council: Called the meeting of the California State Council for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children to order at 9:15 a.m. at the Travis Education Center, Travis Unified School District.
Opening Remarks
Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Introduced attending members and guests.Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
John Burns moved, Jacie Ragland seconded; the motion to approve the December 6, 2012, State Council meeting minutes passed with the following amendments:
- All references to "Commissioner Gavlak" were changed to "Commissioner Wren Gavlak."
- On page 4, under California Dues Update and Discussion, the following sentence was added to the end of the third paragraph, at the request of Kelli May: "Some members of the State Council indicated that they would not be able to support, endorse, or participate in any fundraising activities for dues payment, or otherwise, due to organization ethics regulations."
National Commission Updates
- Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Reported on the issue the Commission has been addressing regarding demands by a lieutenant colonel in Rhode Island in regards to services for his special needs child.
- The Commission held an Executive Session to address the lieutenant colonel's demand that the Commission take punitive actions against the State of Rhode Island. The Commission and its legal counsel believe the matter is clearly an Individuals with Disabilities Education Act issue, not an Interstate Compact issue.
California Dues Update
- Jacie Ragland, State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Designee: As a result of Commissioner Wren Gavlak's contacts with the Assembly Speaker's representative, the Council has the commitment of the Speaker to provide the $60,000 for current year dues that are past due, and to work closely with the Council to identify a permanent line-item budget for sustainable funding.
- This issue has now gained the attention of people who want to show California's support for our military and their children. There was discussion in regard to the pros and cons of the dues being funded through a line-item in the budget or as part of the legislation.
Interactive Intake Form Demonstration
- Leah Cleveland, Administrative Assistant to Commissioner Wren Gavlak: Presented a draft of the Interstate Compact "Assistance Request Intake Form" that she created to assist the Commissioner and others in gathering necessary information needed to best assist military personnel who contact the Commissioner or School Liaison Officers for help with a Compact-related issue.
- The State Council reviewed the draft form and provided suggested changes which will be incorporated into a second reading and e-mailed to State Council members for further review.
- The State Council discussed means for widespread distribution and Web site posting of the form after it is complete.
- Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee: Perhaps CDE could put out a press release after the form is ready.
- All State Council members present agreed on the need and importance of educating our military and school personnel statewide on Compact issues and the process for seeking assistance.
- State Council members discussed possibilities of hosting an Interstate Compact Web site. Currently, CDE provides a Web page with Frequently Asked Questions and links to Web pages to assist military personnel.
- State Council: It was noted that the CDE Web site is not easily navigated by those who may be unfamiliar with it, and there are restrictions on what can be included on the Web site.
- Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: She will contact the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children to inquire about their interest in hosting Web pages for individual states.
State Council Appointments
- Jacie Ragland, SSPI Designee: She received notification from the California State Senate Rules Committee that Senator Marty Block has been appointed to the State Council. (Senator Block authored Assembly Bill 2202, amending the date by which the State Council must present its Report to the Legislature.)
- She has received no word from the Assembly regarding its recommended appointee to the State Council.
- State Council members discussed an appointment for the seat of Military Family Education Liaison by an ex-officio member of the State Council.
- State Council members suggested Brian Bonner, a representative from the Military Child Education Coalition, or Suzan Solomon from the California State Parent Teacher Association.
Draft Report to the Legislature Update
- A significant portion of the meeting was spent updating the Draft Report to the Legislature, which defines the nine Areas of Impact the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children has on California and its school districts, students, and military commands.
- The updated Draft Report will be e-mailed to all State Council members for review and further comments.
State Council Member Comments
- Shannon Milder, Navy Region Southwest Regional School Liaison: In the future, she will need to attend Council meetings held in Northern California by teleconference due to a budget freeze.
- Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: The "GoToMeeting" online meeting software is a tool that the Executive Committee for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children has used in the past.
- Patricia Rucker, State Board of Education Representative: Asked Commissioner Wren Gavlak how the State Council members can best support her in their role on the Council.
- Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Distributed a document outlining State Council responsibilities and listing public agencies that should know about the Interstate Compact.
Public Comments
- Guest Jenny Callison, Assembly Committee on Veteran Affairs: Presented a handout and request for input from Dr. Laurie Crehan, Office of the Deputy Assistant, U.S. Secretary of Defense, in regard to the U.S. Department of Defense recommendation for establishment of an identifier for military children in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
- The purpose is to provide data on student attendance and educational outcomes to assist the U.S. Department of Defense in developing policy and military child education initiatives.
- Some State Council members expressed the inability to provide quantitative data on our military children when the students are not identified.
- Kate Wren Gavlak, Commissioner: Shared some of the issues with collecting this type of data across the state, noting the data could be used negatively as well as positively, and the difficulty in maintaining updated, "clean" data.
- Preliminary discussions have raised questions among superintendents as to how the data would be used. For example, would there be comparisons between districts and/or states?
- Members agreed this is not an issue under the jurisdiction of the State Council.
- Ms. Callison was referred to Cindy Kazanis, CDE Educational Data Management Division Director, for information regarding the process for having information included in the CALPADS.
Establish Meeting Calendar: April/May 2013
- The next meeting of the State Commission is scheduled for April 24, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.
- Tentative plans include a reception for State Council members that evening, hosted by Vincent A. Coglianese, Brigadier General, Marine Corps Installations West Commanding Officer General.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Lisa Clark-Devine | PurpleStarSchools@cde.ca.gov
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 14, 2024
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