Home-to-School Transportation Reimbursement
Home-to-School Transportation Reimbursement funding information to assist school districts, transportation agencies, and school transportation operators in providing the safest and most efficient transportation services for their passengers and customers.Home-to-School (HTS) Transportation Reimbursement was implemented by Assembly Bill (AB) 181 (Chapter 52, Statutes of 2022) and amended by AB 185 (Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022). It provides reimbursement funding for school districts and county offices of education (COEs) based on the prior year eligible transportation expenditures and prior year Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) transportation related add-on funding.
This page will provide assistance primarily on three major topics in accordance with the statutes authorizing this funding (California Education Code (EC) Section 39800.1
and EC Section 41850.1
- Home-to-School Transportation Reimbursement Funding
Link to CDE Principal Apportionment Section
Questions can be direct to: PASE@cde.ca.gov
- Home-to-School Transportation Service Plan
Find more information in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
Questions can be directed to: HTSRP@cde.ca.gov
- Home-to-School Transportation Data Collection
Find more information in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
Questions can be directed to: HTSRP@cde.ca.gov
Home-to-School Transportation Reimbursement FAQs
Transportation Services Plan
Funding Formula and Apportionment
Financial Reporting and Audits
Transportation Data Collection
Transportation Services Plan
Are all school districts and COEs required to have a transportation plan if they do not currently offer transportation services?
No, the transportation services plan is required only as a condition of apportionment which is based on reported transportation expenditures. A school district or COE not offering transportation should not have any transportation expenditures to report.
Given the absence of the term "charter schools" in the definition of local educational agency (LEA) in Education Code (EC) Section 39800.1, can it be assumed that charter schools are not required to have a transportation services plan?
Charter schools are not expressly included in statute for purposes of Home-to-School (HTS) Transportation Reimbursement and the associated transportation services plan, therefore, they are not required to adopt such a plan.
Are school districts and COEs required to submit the transportation services plan to the California Department of Education (CDE)? (Updated November 2024)
No, the plan does not need to be submitted to CDE. The plan will be checked in the LEA’s annual audit.
Will there be guidance on the elements of the transportation services plan, such as what grades need to be included, and other pertinent information?
EC Section 39800.1
outlines the required elements of the transportation plan. Each LEA can add additional information to its plan that meets local needs.
The statute requires that transportation services plan describes how the LEA “will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, and pupils who are low income.” Does that mean the plan would take into account students in grades 7-12 who are low income?
Yes, all pupils who are low-income should be included in the transportation services plan.
For the transportation plan we must have adopted by April 1 each year, is the plan supposed to address the subsequent fiscal/school year or the current fiscal/school year? (Updated November 2024)
The plan would address updates to and primarily about the following fiscal/school year.
Does CDE offer guidance on how to mitigate safety concerns as a result of providing students access to public transportation through Local Transit Agencies, specifically, TK-8 students?
There is no specific guidance provided by CDE. Local Transit Agencies may be able to assist with these concerns.
Can LEAs forego the additional transportation funding in EC 39800.1 and, therefore, not be required to develop the plan? (Revised March 2023)
There is no specific guidance provided by CDE. Local Transit Agencies may be able to assist with these concerns.
Does an LEA need to update its plan every year? (Updated November 2024)
LEAs who have adopted a plan need to update the plan each year by April 1st.
Does an LEA need their updated plan adopted by the governing board? (Updated January 2024)
Having an updated plan adopted by the governing board is a local-level decision. Informing the governing board of updates would be advisable and the governing board would decide if further action is warranted.
Are LEA required to hold consultations with stakeholders during plan updates? (Updated January 2024)
There is no requirement for stakeholder consultation on an annual or update basis, only on the initial development of the plan.
Funding Formula and Apportionment
Which entities will receive HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding? (Revised July 2023)
Pursuant to EC Section 41850.1
, school districts and COEs that provide transportation services are eligible for funding. Charter schools are not eligible to receive HTS Transportation Reimbursement. Effective fiscal year 2023-24, school districts in which all schools have been converted to charter schools are not eligible for funding.
Is a school district eligible for HTS Transportation Reimbursement if student transportation is provided by a Joint Powers Authority (JPA)? (Revised March 2023)
Yes. Eligible expenditures paid to the JPA for student transportation are eligible for HTS Transportation Reimbursement. See California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) Procedure 640 Example 5(b) for example of how to properly code the payment to the JPA for the expenses to be eligible for HTS Transportation Reimbursement.
If a school district contracts out for transportation services; is the school district eligible to receive the HTS Transportation Reimbursement? (Revised March 2023)
Yes, a school district or COE is eligible for funding if it provides transportation services through a third party. HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding is allocated to the LEA receiving services, not the third party that is providing the services.
Does an LEA have to apply for HTS Transportation Reimbursement funds or will funding automatically be allocated? (Updated November 2024)
Allocations will be made to eligible LEAs through the Principal Apportionment based on the statutory formula. There is no application process. If the audit finds that the LEA did not adopt and/or update the transportation services plan, funds will be disallowed and owed to the State. The LEA does not need to send the funds back to the state. Disallowed funds will be recovered, per the audit finding, at a subsequent Principal Apportionment certification, and reflected in the applicable monthly payments.
How will the HTS Transportation Reimbursement be calculated? (Updated November 2024)
In accordance with EC Section 41850.1
funding will equal the difference between (a) and (b) below, unless the difference is negative, in which case the HTS Transportation Reimbursement will be zero.
(a) 60 percent of the home-to-school transportation expenditures reported by the school district or COE from the annual Unaudited Actuals data submission, as determined by its Function 3600 entry in the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS), consistent with the definition in the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM), for the prior year, excluding capital outlay and nonagency expenditures;
(b) The amount of LCFF Add-on computed for the prior fiscal year for the former the Home-to-School Transportation program and the Small School District Transportation program, which will be adjusted by cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) commencing in the 2023-24 fiscal year.
If a LEA expands its transportation services each year, will the HTS Transportation Reimbursement cover the additional costs? Will there be a limit on the reimbursement amount? (Updated November 2024)
Statute does not limit the amount of statewide or individual LEA funding available for reimbursement. Statewide funding for the program is set up as a continuous appropriation (EC Section 14002).
Each fiscal year’s funding amount for the LEA will be calculated using prior year eligible transportation expenditures. An increase in expenditures will result in an increase in state reimbursement, provided that 60 percent of expenditures is greater than the LCFF Add-on amounts for transportation, adjusted by COLA beginning in fiscal year 2023-24. -
How will the HTS Transportation Reimbursement be distributed?
The HTS Transportation Reimbursement will be included in a school district’s or COE’s Principal Apportionment, which also includes funding for several other programs such as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), Special Education funding, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program. For more information, refer to the Principal Apportionment home page at CDE Principal Apportionment Section.
When and how often will the LEAs receive HTS Transportation Reimbursement? (Updated November 2024)
As noted previously, a school district’s or COE’s HTS Transportation Reimbursement uses data from the Unaudited Actuals data submission. Therefore, in the first year of implementation, funding for fiscal year 2022-23 was apportioned in June 2023 as part of the 2022-23 Second Principal Apportionment certification after 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals data was made available. In subsequent fiscal years, the Advance and First Principal Apportionment certifications will include an estimate of HTS Transportation Reimbursement based on prior year data, with the final funding for the fiscal year calculated at the Second Principal Apportionment certification when prior year actual unaudited actual data is made available.
Where and when will funding results be available? (Updated November 2024)
Funding results are posted via a new funding exhibit as a component of the Principal Apportionment and posted on the CDE Principal Apportionment Section website.
If a school district’s LCFF entitlement includes transportation add-on funding but the school district does not receive any LCFF State Aid because it is fully funded through local revenue (i.e. basic aid). Will the school district be eligible for HTS Transportation Reimbursement?
Yes, the school district’s basic aid status for purposes of LCFF funding does not preclude the district from receiving HTS Transportation Reimbursement provided the district is eligible for funding pursuant to EC Section 39800.1
and EC Section 41850.1
. The LCFF transportation add-on amount will be used as a component in the calculation of HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding for all eligible school districts, regardless of how each district’s LCFF entitlement is funded.
Financial Reporting and Audits
What is the resource and object code combination for the HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding?
School districts and COEs should use unrestricted resource 0000 and object revenue code 8590 to record the receipt of funds.
How will CDE identify the capital outlay and nonagency expenditures that need to be excluded?
Capital outlay expenditures are identified by SACS Object Codes 6000-6999 and nonagency expenditures are identified by Goal Codes 7100-7199.
What are some examples of capital outlay expenditures?
Per the CSAM, capital outlay costs (SACS Object codes 6000-6999) include land, buildings, equipment, and other intangible capital assets, including items acquired through a lease. The most common pupil transportation capital outlay costs are school bus purchases. For a detailed description of capital outlay please navigate to Procedure 330 in the CSAM available at CDE California School Accounting Manual: Definitions, Instructions, & Procedures.
What are some examples of nonagency costs?
Per the CSAM, nonagency costs (SACS Goal codes 7100-7199) represent activities conducted on behalf of another agency, either LEA or non-LEA, by contract or agreement, where the other agency retains primary responsibility for providing those services. For example, one school district may provide transportation services for the pupils of one or more other schools districts. The providing district reports expenditures associated with the transportation services to a nonagency goal, signifying that the expenditures are incurred on behalf of another entity. The district receiving the services also reports the expenditure for contracted services, and those expenditures will be counted for purposes of calculating that district’s transportation reimbursement. For a detailed description of Nonagency costs please navigate to Procedure 320 in the CSAM available at CDE California School Accounting Manual: Definitions, Instructions, & Procedures.
If a COE provides transportation to convey district students to attend COE-operated special education programs, is the COE eligible to receive HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding based on transportation expenditures associated with special education and how should the COE account for transportation expenditures? (Added March 2023)
Yes, the COE is eligible for funding. The COE should report transportation expenditures using appropriate special education goals (that is, Goal 5xxx) and Function 3600. If the COE invoices school districts of residence for excess costs, the school districts should report the expenditure with appropriate special education goals, Function 9200, Transfer between Agencies, and excess cost objects (Object 714x).
As a condition of receiving apportionment, the governing board of the COE shall adopt a transportation services plan in accordance with EC Section 39800.1.
Can LEAs charge indirect costs for the home to school transportation program? (Revised May 2023)
EC Section 41850.1 is silent on whether LEAs can charge indirect costs for HTSTR program. However, it is clearly stated that only expenditures reported in Function 3600 are eligible for reimbursement. Since indirect costs are reported using general administration functions (functions 7200–7999), these costs are not eligible for reimbursement for HTSTR program under the current law.
Prior guidance of transfer of indirect costs from Function 7200 to Function 3600 using Object 5710 is rescinded. It has been determined that previous guidance may result in inaccurate financial reporting.
How will the HTS Transportation Reimbursement interact with other transportation funding, such as other transportation grants?
Statute does not include any limitations on the school district or COE using HTS Transportation Reimbursement funds concurrently with funding for transportation from other sources.
Will school districts or COEs need to budget for HTS Transportation Reimbursement?
HTS Transportation Reimbursement funding is based on a school district or COE’s prior year expenditures. The timing of when to budget for the revenue is a local-level decision.
Will HTS Transportation Reimbursement be audited?
EC Section 41850.1(b)
specifies that the LEA shall be subject to an audit, including the adoption of the transportation plan required by EC Section 39800.1
. The audit guide procedures for this program are in development. The audit guide for K-12 agencies will be adopted by the Education Audit Appeals Panel (EAAP) in early 2023, with more information available at the Education Aduit Appeals Panel
Transportation Data Collection
What will be the format for the data collection required in EC Section 41850.1? What demographic data will be collected? (Updated September 2023)
Per EC Section 41850.1(c)
, CDE will collect data through two existing standardized data reporting systems. Transportation data (ridership, miles, demographics, etc…) excluding expenditure data will be collected through the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data collection in the fall.Expenditure data will be collected by CDE from the information submitted through coded entries in the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) data collection during the LEAs standard financial submission process.
Will there be detailed information relative to what other data needs to be collected like the number of students and the number of buses? (Updated September 2023)
All transportation data (excluding expenditure data) will be collected through the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data collection each fall. The transportation data that will be collected is as follows:
- Ridership Demographics
- Ridership Information
- Average Daily Ridership
- Annual Ridership
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Ridership
- Number of Days Transported
- Number of Home-to-School Miles Driven
- Number of Home-to-School Routes
- Number of Lap/Shoulder Belt Equipped Buses
- Types of Fuel Sources
When will the LEAs be required to report transportation data to CDE? (Updated September 2023)
Data will be collected at two different times, both after the completion of each school/fiscal year. All transportation data (ridership, miles, demographics, etc…) excluding expenditure data will be collected through the (CBEDS) data collection in the fall, typically during October. Expenditure data will be collected through the standard SACS data collection with the LEA’s end-of-year financial submissions.
Will this data collected pursuant to EC Section 41850.1 be available on the CDE website annually? (Updated September 2023)
Yes, EC Section 41850.1(c)
requires CDE to publish transportation data and this will be posted after data has been collected, compiled, and readied for publication. The timing of publishing these reports will entail awaiting both the year-end Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) data and the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data certification process to be completed. Reports are expected to be finalized for publication by the Spring of the next school/fiscal year on the CDE website.
Transportation Plan and Data Collection | Office of School Transportation | HTSRP@cde.ca.gov
Funding Formula and Apportionment | Principal Apportionment Section | PASE@cde.ca.gov