Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Select County and District Superintendents and Principals:
Sacramento State Feria de Educación 2021
We are writing to inform you about an upcoming college outreach and educational fair for students and families that will devote particular attention to empowering Spanish-speaking parents and students to succeed in California’s educational system.
Unlike years past, the ninth annual Feria de Educación will be held virtually on Friday, October 1 and Saturday, October 2, 2021. Feria de Educación is hosted in partnership with Univision 19, Sacramento State, and the California State University. The event strives for impactful and informative sessions in a culturally sensitive environment that allows us to provide resources in Spanish to help bridge the cultural gap between Spanish-speaking parents and California’s educational system. Our goal is to create a college-going culture beginning from a young age in preschool to high school. By providing events such as Feria de Educación, we hope to increase the number of Latinx students who have dreams to pursue a college degree.
The fair will include interactive virtual workshops on financial aid, planning for college, and services for undocumented students, among others. Staff volunteers will also provide one-on-one virtual advising sessions for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (also known as the FAFSA) and the California Dream Act Application. In addition, approximately 50 universities, community colleges, educational organizations, and nonprofit groups will participate in the event to provide information and resources to students and their families. Attendees may also visit the Virtual Transfer Corner, designed to address the needs of students planning to transfer from a community college to a four-year institution.
We greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide to promote the event to families in your district or school. We are happy to send posters to display in your classrooms and offices or save-the-date cards to share with students. Visit the Feria de Educación Dropbox account at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p95vg3c4obqqot1kyq12p/AN2VZNgaomTSDBsjGejUGCw?rlkey=7ntu5vpcr0zvz34wvov8yqxh7&e=1&dl=0 to access an electronic version of the save-the-date card.
If you have any questions concerning this year’s Feria de Educación, please contact Dr. Viridiana Diaz, Associate Vice President for Strategic Student Support Programs at Sacramento State, at viridiaz@csus.edu, or visit the Feria website at https://www.csus.edu/feria/.
Thank you for your efforts promoting this event. We hope to see many of your students and families virtually in attendance.
Tony Thurmond
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Robert S. Nelsen
Sacramento State
Steve Stuck
President and General Manager
Univision 19