Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County and District Superintendents, Charter School Administrators, and School Principals:
Exceptional Education Leaders
The California Department of Education (CDE) invites school administrators to recommend outstanding kindergarten through grade twelve educators for the 2024 Exceptional Education Leaders Recognition Program.
The CDE maintains a file of exceptional educators that consists of distinguished teachers and principals. These education leaders may be considered for membership on advisory boards and task forces. We are requesting recommendations to identify educators and emerging leaders who will be of great value to your community and the state and may ultimately receive prestigious recognition.
We seek recommendations of educators who are somewhat new to the profession and demonstrate unique instructional and leadership ability. Such people inspire students, colleagues, and the community and exhibit strong potential for professional leadership.
Of special interest are educators who are outstanding but have not yet received other recognition and who have been in the profession from five to 18 years. These educators provide models for others and have distinguished themselves above and beyond established top-quality professionals in many of our schools. Candidates are typically classroom teachers, as opposed to specialists, and are recognized by peers and supervisors as unique in their leadership and results with students. However, principals and specialists are considered as well.
Please provide CONFIDENTIAL, succinct, and specific information regarding one or more candidates via the survey at https://surveys3.cde.ca.gov/go/exceptionaleduleader2024.asp by June 7, 2024. You will need to attach a one-page narrative that addresses how the candidate meets the criteria in this letter. We know you are busy. If necessary, please assign the request to an associate. If your candidate meets our needs, we will be in touch for more information.
Please keep this recommendation confidential and do not share it with the individual or your colleagues.
If you have any questions, please email exceptionaleducators@cde.ca.gov.
I encourage you to recommend outstanding candidates, and your cooperation and assistance are greatly appreciated.
Tony Thurmond
State Superintendent of Public Instruction