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California Department of Education Logo

Quick References

A lot of data about news, events, students, schools, teachers, and the history of this agency are spread throughout this Website. We have placed these links all on one page to make it easier for you to find this data.

  • If reporters would like more information about these references, please use the Reporter Request Form to contact the Communications Division.
  • The Newsroom page provides a more detailed overview of services provided by the Communications Division.
  • The links and information below were developed for reporters and others involved in education.

Information about the people who run the California Department of Education, including the State Superintendent and his executive staff.
Fast Facts
Quick references to demographic data about students, schools, teachers, and teacher salaries.
Historical Documents
Publications on how the California Department of Education was established in the state.
Helpful Contacts for Education Information
Staff from the agencies listed in this section can answer many questions about their areas of expertise. The agencies are also a source of various points of view on education-related issues.
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