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CCSS Implementation Plan Overview Video Transcript

The following is a text transcript of the Common Core Channel video, Overview of the Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Plan for California.

Video starts.

Welcome to the California Department of Education’s Common Core video resources. These resources are designed to help educators and other stakeholders learn more about the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, also known as CCSS, or Common Core.  This video provides an overview of the Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Plan for California.

The Common Core State Standards are being implemented in California using the Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Plan for California. The State Board of Education and State Superintendent of Public Instruction approved this plan as a living document to guide the Common Core implementation work at the California Department of Education, or CDE. Local educational agencies (or LEAs) can also use the information in the plan to guide the development of their own local plans.

The plan begins with the Significant Milestones Timeline showing state-level activities and phases of the plan. This timeline provides a broad overview of statewide Common Core activities. An interactive version of this timeline is available on CDE’s website.

The plan’s implementation activities are detailed in seven overarching strategies. Each strategy has three sections:

  • a narrative section explaining the  importance of the strategy,
  • a chart showing CDE’s activities,
  • and a chart offering suggestions and opportunities related to the strategy for local educational agencies that are developing their own local Common Core plans.

Strategy 1 of California’s Common Core plan is: Facilitate high quality professional learning opportunities for educators to ensure that every student has access to teachers who are prepared to teach to the levels of rigor and depth required by the CCSS.

This strategy highlights online professional learning modules, educator preparation and induction, outreach, and Web-based promotional tools.

Strategy 2 is: Provide CCSS-aligned instructional resources designed to meet the diverse needs of all students.

This strategy involves the English language development, or ELD, standards, new curriculum frameworks, instructional materials adoptions and reviews of supplemental materials.

Strategy 3 is: Develop and transition to CCSS-aligned assessment systems to inform instruction, establish priorities for professional learning, and provide tools for accountability.

This strategy centers on California’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and many activities involved in transitioning to a new assessment system, which is balanced, coherent, and comprehensive across grades and subjects. This includes new assessments to measure English language proficiency and alternate assessments for students with severe cognitive disabilities.

Strategy 4 is: Collaborate with parents, guardians, and the early childhood and expanded learning communities to integrate the CCSS into programs and activities beyond the K-12 school setting.

This strategy focuses on supporting student success with the Standards during activities beyond the K-12 school day. It addresses early childhood education, transitional kindergarten, the importance of engaging parents and guardians, and the role of after school and expanded learning.

Strategy 5 is: Collaborate with the postsecondary and business communities to ensure that all students are prepared for success in career and college.

The Common Core State Standards are designed to prepare students for success in career and college. This strategy outlines collaborative work underway with postsecondary and business partners to meet that objective. It draws particular attention to Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards revised last year. It also centers on clearly defining career and college readiness.

Strategy 6 is: Seek, create and disseminate resources to support stakeholders as CCSS systems implementation moves forward.

This strategy supports local implementation efforts by securing additional funding and resources. It also seeks to identify and share the best resources for implementing Common Core from around the state and nation.

Finally, strategy 7 is: Design and establish systems of effective communication among stakeholders to continuously identify areas of need and disseminate information.

This strategy builds strong stakeholder communication systems to support implementation of the standards, including information about this plan, public web pages, and other communication activities.

The Common Core plan also includes appendices with helpful tools and information. One appendix provides an LEA planning template organized around milestones of Common Core systems implementation. Additional appendices contain information detailing professional organizations and stakeholder groups that assist LEAs with developing their own local plans.

The Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Plan for California, along with the Significant Milestones Timeline and other Common Core implementation tools, clarify what California is doing, how to stay informed, and where to find additional help.  This plan is available to download on the CDE Common Core State Standards Web page under the Implementation Plan tab.

[Updated June 2019]

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Video ends.

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Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 9, 2024