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Common Core State Standards Implementation Survey

This Web page is being provided as a reference to participants of the Common Core State Standards Implementation Survey. Information regarding how to access the survey was e-mailed to district superintendents and charter school administrators May 3, 2013. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact the Common Core Systems Implementation Office at

Note: Select responses to several of the survey questions generate follow-up questions. Based on participant response, some of the following questions may not appear in the online survey.

The California Department of Education is gathering information regarding the progress of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) systems implementation across California.

Full implementation of CCSS systems will occur over several years in the context of a continuous learning process. Each of California's local educational agencies is in the process of developing its own local plan for CCSS systems implementation based on local needs and resources.  We fully recognize and support the idea that there are many different ways to approach the challenges of transforming our standards-based system, and expect that local implementation plans and strategies will be as diverse as the state itself. 

With this in mind, we are collecting information from school districts and direct-funded charter schools (both of which will be referred to as local educational agencies [LEAs] throughout the survey) to help us establish priorities to best support your work. Your participation is voluntary, but critically important in guiding statewide CCSS implementation.

We request that each LEA complete only one survey between May 3 and May 16. We estimate that the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The questions are designed to help us identify trends, not specifics, and are general in nature. Some may be difficult to answer. Please apply your expertise and knowledge of your LEA to select the most appropriate answer. In order to be submitted, a response is required for all questions in this survey. However, you may use the “save responses” option if you are unable to complete the survey in a single session.

Please direct any related questions to

Thank you for your time and assistance with this important work.

Please tell us about your LEA. We will collate survey responses and use aggregate data that are not tied to a single respondent to identify trends.

Your LEA is a:

( ) District

( ) Direct-Funded Charter School

Name of you LEA: _________________________________________________________


County-District-School (CDS) Code (14 digits, no dashes or spaces. District CDS codes will end with 7 zeros. Charter CDS codes will end with their 7 digit school code): ___________________________________

(Not sure about your code? You can find it in the California School Directory [], or you may also contact the Common Core Systems Implementation Office at 916-319-031.9)

Full implementation of CCSS systems will occur over several years and in the context of a continuous learning process.

The Awareness Phase represents an introduction to the CCSS, the initial planning of systems implementation, and establishment of collaborations.

The Transition Phase is the concentration on building foundational resources, implementing needs assessments, establishing new professional learning opportunities, and expanding collaborations between all stakeholders.

The Implementation Phase expands the new professional learning support, fully aligns curriculum, instruction, and assessments, and effectively integrates these elements across the field.

Based on these descriptions, which phase best describes your LEA's current level of CCSS implementation?

( ) Awareness

( ) Transition

( ) Implementation

( ) Other: _________________________________________________________________

Overall, how knowledgeable are teachers in your LEA regarding the CCSS?

( ) Teachers are very knowledgeable about the CCSS.

( ) Teachers are somewhat knowledgeable about the CCSS.

( ) Teachers are slightly knowledgeable about the CCSS.


Overall, how knowledgeable are site administrators in your LEA regarding the CCSS?

( ) Site administrators are very knowledgeable about the CCSS.

( ) Site administrators are somewhat knowledgeable about the CCSS.

( ) Site administrators are slightly knowledgeable about the CCSS.

To what extent has your LEA provided professional learning opportunities for teachers related to the CCSS?

( ) We have not yet offered professional learning opportunities for teachers

( ) We have offered limited professional learning opportunities for teachers

( ) We have offered some professional learning opportunities for teachers

( ) We have offered extensive professional learning opportunities for teachers


What types of professional learning opportunities are being provided to teachers in your LEA? Check all that apply.

[ ] CDE professional learning modules

[ ] County office-developed toolkits

[ ] District-developed materials

[ ] School site-developed materials

[ ] District-wide trainings

[ ] Site-level trainings

[ ] CCSS integrated into existing professional learning communities

[ ] Online trainings

Other: ___________________________________________________________________


Have teachers and/or staff providing pre-kindergarten or transitional kindergarten programs been engaged in professional learning opportunities designed to support student attainment of the CCSS?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) The district does not offer pre-kindergarten or transitional kindergarten programs


Have teachers and/or staff providing extended learning/after school programs been engaged in professional learning opportunities designed to support student attainment of the CCSS?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) The district does not offer extended learning/after school programs

To what extent has your LEA provided professional learning opportunities for site administrators related to the CCSS?

( ) We have not yet offered professional learning opportunities for site administrators

( ) We have offered limited professional learning opportunities for site administrators

( ) We have offered some professional learning opportunities for site administrators

( ) We have offered extensive professional learning opportunities for site administrators


What types of professional learning opportunities are being offered to site administrators in your LEA? Check all that apply.

[ ]CDE professional learning modules

[ ] County office-developed toolkits

[ ] District-developed materials

[ ] School site-developed materials

[ ] District-wide trainings

[ ] Site-level trainings

[ ] CCSS integrated into existing professional learning communities

[ ] Online trainings

[ ] Other: __________________________________________________________________

Optional: Please share information regarding any CCSS-related professional learning activities that your LEA will be engaged in this summer in the comment box below.


Based on the questions you receive from the public and LEA personnel, how would you describe the local level of interest in the new CCSS-aligned assessments?

( ) Very interested

( ) Somewhat interested

( ) Slightly interested


Overall, how knowledgeable are your LEA’s site administrators regarding California’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium?

( ) Very knowledgeable

( ) Somewhat knowledgeable

( ) Slightly knowledgeable


Overall, how knowledgeable are your LEA’s teachers regarding California’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium?

( ) Very knowledgeable

( ) Somewhat knowledgeable

( ) Slightly knowledgeable

To what extent have you provided information about the CCSS to parents?

( ) We have not yet shared information with parents

( ) We have shared limited information with parents

( ) We have shared some information with parents

( ) We have shared extensive information with parents


How are you communicating with parents about the CCSS? Check all that apply.

[ ] Back-to-school night

[ ] School events

[ ] PTA/PTSO meetings

[ ] Newsletters

[ ] Letters to the editor

[ ] News releases

[ ] Other: _________________________________________________________________

How often do LEA personnel engage local institutions of higher education in discussions regarding career and college readiness as related to the CCSS?

( ) We have not yet engaged in CCSS-related discussions with our local institutions of higher education

( ) We engage in CCSS-related discussions occasionally

( ) We engage in CCSS-related discussions frequently

( ) There are no institutions of higher education nearby

To what extent have LEA personnel engaged local businesses/business organizations in discussions regarding career readiness as related to the CCSS?

( ) We have not yet engaged in CCSS-related discussions with our local businesses (skip to next page)

( ) We engage in CCSS-related discussions occasionally

( ) We engage in CCSS-related discussions frequently


Based on your discussions, how supportive of CCSS implementation are local businesses and business organizations?

( ) Very supportive

( ) Somewhat supportive

( ) Slightly supportive

To what extent are CCSS-aligned materials being used in classroom instruction?

( ) Materials are being used in every classroom

( ) Materials are being used in most classrooms

( ) Materials are being used in a few classrooms

( ) Materials are not yet being used in classrooms


What types of CCSS-aligned materials are you using? Check all that apply.

[ ] Teacher developed materials

[ ] Open educational resources

[ ] Free supplemental materials provided by the publishers of your currently adopted programs

[ ] Purchased supplemental materials provided by the publishers of your currently adopted programs

[ ] Free supplemental materials provided by a publisher not directly affiliated with your currently adopted programs

[ ] Purchased supplemental materials provided by a publisher not directly affiliated with your currently adopted programs

[ ] Other: __________________________________________________________________

What resources are you using to support the transition to the CCSS? Check all that apply.

[ ] Title I

[ ] Title II

[ ] Title III

[ ] General funds

[ ] Flexed funds

[ ] Local revenue funds

[ ] Donations from philanthropic organizations

[ ] Other: __________________________________________________________________

How familiar are you familiar with the CCSS Systems Implementation Plan for California?

( ) Not familiar

( ) Somewhat familiar

( ) Very familiar


Has your LEA developed a plan for implementing the CCSS?

( ) We have not yet started to develop a plan

( ) We are in the process of developing a plan

( ) We have a fully developed plan


What strategies are you using to communicate with your LEA stakeholders about your CCSS implementation plan? Check all that apply.

[ ] Staff meetings

[ ] School Site Council meetings

[ ] PTA/PTSO meetings

[ ] Newsletters

[ ] Webinars

[ ] Local school board meetings

[ ] Letters to the editor

[ ] News releases

[ ] Other: __________________________________________________________________

Please share any additional information regarding your LEA's CCSS systems implementation work in the comment box below.


End of Survey

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0490
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 9, 2024