Consolidated Categorical Aid Program Appeals
Information on the filing, investigation, and resolution of an appeal regarding an alleged violation of federal or state law or regulations governing consolidated categorical aid programs.What is a Consolidated Categorical Aid Program Complaint?
A Consolidated Categorical Aid Program complaint is a written statement alleging violation of a federal or state law or regulation related to specific categorical programs as written in California Education Code (EC) Section 64000.
A complaint alleging the violation of laws and regulations related to consolidated categorical aid programs must be filed by way of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) as written in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) sections 4600–4694.
Uniform Complaint Procedures Informational Documents
Uniform Complaint Procedures Pamphlet (DOCX; Posted 29-Jul-2024)
Guidance for students; employees; parents and guardians; district and school advisory committee members; private school officials and other interested parties for filing a UCP complaint in their local educational agency.
The Uniform Complaint Procedures Pamphlet describes the process for filing a complaint. Topics include referring complaint issues, local educational agency (LEA) responsibilities, LEA policies and procedures, filing a local complaint, timelines, appealing LEA decisions, department resolution procedures, and the final report procedures of the California Department of Education (CDE).
To inquire about the UCP, please use the Appeal Assistance Form.