Acronyms and Initialisms
Common acronyms and initialisms used by the California Department of Education (CDE).A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z
Top of PageB
Acronym | Description |
BPPVE | Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (Outside Source) |
BTSA | Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (Outside Source) |
BTTP | Bilingual Teacher Training Program |
Top of PageD
Acronym | Description |
DAC | District Advisory Committee |
DAIT | District Assistance and Intervention Team |
DEAM | Department of Education Administrative Manual |
DGS | Department of General Services (Outside Source) |
DOF | Department of Finance (Outside Source) |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor (Outside Source) |
DPA | Department of Personnel Administration (Outside Source) |
DSIB | District, School, and Innovation Support Branch |
DSS | Department of Social Services (Outside Source) |
Acronym | Description |
EAP | Early Assessment Program |
EC | Education Code (Outside Source) |
ED | U.S. Department of Education (Outside Source) |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations (Outside Source) |
EDMD | Educational Data Management Division |
EETT | Enhancing Education Through Technology |
EIA | Economic Impact Aid |
EL | English learner |
ELA | English-language arts |
ELAP | English Language Acquisition Program |
ELD | English-language development |
ELSD | English Learner Support Division |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Outside Source) |
ETS | Educational Testing Service (Outside Source) |
Acronym | Description |
FAQ | frequently asked question |
FASD | Fiscal and Administrative Services Division |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Outside Source) |
FFA | Future Farmers of America (Outside Source) |
FPD | Fiscal Policy Division |
FTE | full-time equivalent |
FY | fiscal year |
FYS | Foster Youth Services |
Acronym | Description |
GAD | Government Affairs Division |
GATE | Gifted and Talented Education |
GED | General Educational Development Test |
GPA | grade point average |
GSE | Golden State Examination |
GSSMD | Golden State Seal Merit Diploma |
Acronym | Description |
HCE | Health Careers Education |
HECT | Home Economics Careers and Technology |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HOUSSE | High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (Outside Source) |
HPSGP | High Priority Schools Grant Program |
HTML | hypertext markup language |
Acronym | Description |
IAD | Improvement and Accountability Division |
IASA | Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 (Outside Source) |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Outside Source) |
IEP | individualized education program |
IFSP | individualized family service plan |
II/USP | Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program |
ILSB | Instruction and Learning Support Branch |
IS | independent study |
Acronym | Description |
Acronym | Description |
Acronym | Description |
LAC | Legal, Audits, and Compliance Branch |
LC | Language Census |
LD | Legal Division |
LEA | local educational agency |
LEP | limited English-proficient |
LPCs | Local Child Care and Development Planning Councils |
LRDC | Learning Resources Display Centers |
Acronym | Description |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MTYRE | multitrack year-round education |
Top of PageO
Acronym | Description |
OCR | Office for Civil Rights (Outside Source) |
OEO | Office of Equal Opportunity |
OSE | Office of the Secretary of Education (Outside Source) |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Outside Source) |
Acronym | Description |
PAR | Peer Assistance and Review program for teachers |
PASR | Principal Apportionment System Rewrite |
PBDMI | Performance Based Data Management Initiative |
PCA | Program Cost Account |
PD | P-16 Division |
Portable Document Format | |
PERS | Public Employees Retirement System |
PFT | Physical Fitness Testing |
PI | Program Improvement |
PL | Public Law |
PLSD | Professional Learning Support Division |
PMP | Pregnant Minors Program |
PPIB | P-16 Policy and Information Branch |
PPR | Pupil Promotion and Retention |
PQR | program quality review |
PSAA | Public Schools Accountability Act |
PSAT | Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test (Outside Source) |
PSD | Personnel Services Division |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association (State) (Outside Source) |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association (National) (Outside Source) |
Acronym | Description |
QAP | quality assurance process |
QEIA | Quality Education Investment Act of 2006 |
Acronym | Description |
RDA | Recommended Daily Allowance |
RFA | Request for Applications |
RFEP | reclassified to fluent English proficient |
RFP | Request for Proposals |
RLA | Reading/Language Arts |
ROCP | Regional Occupational Centers and Programs |
Top of PageT
Acronym | Description |
T5 | Title 5, California Code of Regulations |
TEROC | Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee (Outside Source) |
TICAL | Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership |
TSD | Technology Services Division |
TUPE | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education |
TWBI | Two-Way Bilingual Immersion |
Acronym | Description |
UC | University of California (Outside Source) |
UCOP | University of California Office of the President (Outside Source) |
UCP | Uniform Complaint Procedures |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture (Outside Source) |
Acronym | Description |
VAPA | Visual and Performing Arts |
VE | Visiting Educator |
Acronym | Description |
WASC | Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Outside Source) |
WEE | Work Experience Education |
WestEd | WestEd (Outside Source) |
WIC | Women, Infants, and Children (Outside Source) |
X, Y, Z
Acronym | Description |
YOA | Year of Appropriation (Outside Source) |
YOB | Year of Budget (Outside Source) |
YOC | Year of Completion (Outside Source) |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey (Outside Source) |
YRBSS | Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (Outside Source) |
YRE | year-round education |
Questions: Katina Oliphant |