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SPSA/LCAP Planning Summary

Resource to assist single school districts and charter schools in meeting School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) planning requirements in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

The SPSA Planning summary was developed to support schoolwide program (SWP) planning efforts for single school districts and charter schools using the LCAP to meet the requirements of the SPSA. The tables below explain how to utilize the LCAP to meet SPSA planning requirements.

Table 1: Requirements for Development of the Plan

SPSA Requirement LCAP Requirement Where in the LCAP the SPSA Requirment May Be Addressed
Administer a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school. The needs assessment must include an analysis of verifiable state and local data, and it must be based on academic achievement information for all students within the school. LEAs are required to use available state and local data, including input from educational partners to identify successes and areas of need. LEAs must identify the areas of identified need in the Plan Summary of the LCAP. LEAs may also address identified needs within the Engaging Educational Partners section, the explanation of why the LEA developed a goal, and in the Increased or Improved Services sections of the LCAP. LEAs may address this requirement in the Reflections: Annual Performance in the Plan Summary section, in the explanation of why the LEA has developed a particular goal, and/or in the Engaging Educational Partners section.
Identify how the school will evaluate and monitor the implementation of the SPSA and progress towards accomplishing its goals. Within the goals included in the LCAP, LEAs must include measures of progress for each of the State Priority areas, as applicable to the LEA. LEAs may also include additional measures of progress. LEAs may address this requirement in the Measuring and Reporting Results section and/or Goal Analysis section of the applicable goal(s).


Table 2: Requirements for the Plan

SPSA Requirement LCAP Requirement Where in the LCAP the SPSA Requirment May Be Addressed
Goals set to improve pupil outcomes, including addressing the needs of student groups as identified through the needs assessment. LEAs must include goals, specific actions, and related expenditures within the LCAP that address the applicable state priorities. LEAs must consider performance on the state and local indicators, including their locally collected and reported data for the local indicators that are included in the Dashboard, in determining whether and how to prioritize its goals within the LCAP. A well-developed goal can be focused on the performance relative to a metric or metrics for all students, a specific student group(s), narrowing performance gaps, or implementing programs or strategies expected to impact outcomes. LEAs should assess the performance of their student groups when developing goals and the related actions to achieve such goals LEAs may address this requirement in the Goals and Actions section.
Evidence-based strategies, actions, or services. LEAs are required to identify actions used to make progress towards the goal. LEAs may address this requirement in the descriptions of actions within the Goals and Actions section. The LEA must note which action(s) are funded with Title I, Part A funds in the action description.
Proposed expenditures, based on the projected resource allocation from the governing board or body of the LEA (may include funds allocated via the Consolidated Application, federal funds, and any other state or local funds allocated to the school), to address the findings of the needs assessment consistent with the state priorities, including identifying resource inequities, which may include a review of the LEAs budgeting, its LCAP, and school-level budgeting, if applicable. LEAs are required to enter the total funds associated with each action in the Total Funds column of the Goals and Actions section. Budgeted expenditures from specific fund sources (e.g., LCFF, Other State funds, Local funds, and Federal funds) are provided in the Total Planned Expenditures Table. LEAs must note which action(s) are funded with Title I, Part A funds in the action description. Additionally, LEAs will include the actions funded partially or fully with federal funds in the Total Expenditures Table.

Annually evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the SWP, using data from the State's annual assessments and other indicators of academic achievement.

Determine whether the SWP has been effective in increasing the achievement of students in meeting the State's academic standards, particularly for those students who had been furthest from achieving the standard.

Revise the plan, as necessary, based on the results of the evaluation, to ensure continuous improvement of students in the SWP.

During the Annual Update process, LEAs are required to use actual annual measurable outcome data, including data from the Dashboard, to analyze whether the planned actions were effective towards achieving the goal. “Effective” means the degree to which the planned actions were successful in producing the target result.

In the Goal Analysis section for each LCAP goal, LEAs must address overall implementation of all actions; differences in budgeted versus actual expenditures; the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of all actions; as well as any changes to the planned goal, metrics, target outcomes, and/or actions for the coming year.

LEAs may address this requirement in the Measuring and Reporting Results section, specifically in the yearly outcomes for each metric and in the Goal Analysis section of the applicable goal(s). Within the Goal Analysis section, LEAs must describe the overall implementation and analyze the effectiveness of the actions, and document any changes made to the goal, metrics, target outcomes, and/or actions based on reflections on prior practice.
A description of how the school will ensure parental involvement in the planning, review, and improvement of the SWP plan. LEAs must consult with educational partners in the development of the LCAP and must provide descriptions of the consultation process and the impact that the feedback provided had on the plan. LEAs may address this requirement in the Engaging Educational Partners section.
A description of the activities the school will include to ensure that students who experience difficulty attaining proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards will be provided with effective, timely additional support, including measures to ensure that those students' difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance to those students. LEAs are required to identify actions used to make progress towards the goal. Actions can be focused on the performance relative to a metric or metrics for all students, a specific student group(s), narrowing performance gaps, or implementing programs or strategies expected to impact outcomes. LEAs should assess the performance of their student groups when developing actions. LEAs may address this requirement in the descriptions of actions within the Goals and Actions section. The LEA must note which action(s) are funded with Title I, Part A funds in the action description.
For an elementary school, a description of how the school will assist preschool students in the successful transition from early childhood programs to the school. Not applicable.  LEAs may address this requirement in the Plan Summary: General Information section and/or within the action description, as applicable to the LEA.
A description of how the school will use resources to carry out these components. LEAs are required to identify actions used to make progress towards the goal. Actions can be focused on the performance relative to a metric or metrics for all students, a specific student group(s), narrowing performance gaps, or implementing programs or strategies expected to impact outcomes. LEAs should assess the performance of their student groups when developing actions. LEAs may address this requirement in the descriptions of actions within the Goals and Actions section. The LEA must note which action(s) are funded with Title I, Part A funds in the action description.
A description of any other activities and objectives as established by the SSC. LEAs are required to identify actions used to make progress towards the goal. LEAs must consult with educational partners in the development of the LCAP and must provide descriptions of the consultation process and the impact that the feedback provided had on the plan. LEAs may address this requirement in the descriptions of actions within the Goals and Actions section and/or in the Engaging Educational Partners section.

Contact Information:

For questions related to the LCAP and SPSA, contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office at

For questions related to Federal Program Monitoring, please contact the Title I Monitoring and Support Office at

Questions:   Local Agency Systems Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
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