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APH Registration Code Definitions

Definitions for American Printing House (APH) Registration codes.

Definition of codes required for the Student Registration System (SRS) as part of the American Printing House for the Blind annual student census.

Student Placement Categories

Placement Code
Definition of Student Placement Categories


Children birth to three years of age served by infant programs


Preschool Students:
Children of preschool age served by preschool programs.


Kindergarten Students:
Children enrolled in kindergarten classes.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11

School-age Students:
Determined by state law, in regular academic grades one through eleven. Please indicate grade placement by using numerals 01 through 11


School-age Students:
Students who are in grade twelve or are continuing to receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act until the student turns age twenty-two (22).

Note: Grade 12+ replaced grade twelve, Academic Non-graded, Functional Curriculum, Transition Student, and Other Registrant. The above grades do not include any eligible participants over school age of twenty-two years of age or older.


Adult Students:
Includes all eligible school-aged students aged twenty-two or above on the first Monday in January in instructional programs of less than college level. Per the federal government, students who are still registered in high school or below and are age twenty-two or above must be coded as adults in their grade field. This does not mean that they cannot be registered in this program. It does mean that per the federal government they must be coded as adults.

This category also includes adult students in vocational or rehabilitation programs (not college). These adults must complete 120 hours of documented vocational or rehabilitation work in the previous calendar year, January 1 through December 31, and must also meet or function at the definition of blindness. Social and leisure programs do not qualify as instruction. However, student practice to develop skills can be included in the 120 required instructional hours. Their educational time does not have to be held in consecutive weeks as long as they complete 120 hours of documented instruction.

Visual Measurement

Reporting Code Visual Measurement


Meets the Definition of Blindness:
Central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction; or a peripheral field so contracted that the widest diameter of such field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees

The following reporting codes from previous registrations are now reported as MDB:

Right and Left Eye Acuities Distance Vision (20/x based on the Snellen chart):
Measurement on an eye chart: 20/200 or less with maximum correction

Visual Field (VF and degree of restriction):
Restricted field of 20 degrees or less

Counts Fingers (CF):
Should be used only when an eye specialist finds it is not possible to obtain an acuity by using an eye chart

Hand Movements (HM):
Should be used only when an eye specialist finds it is not possible to obtain an acuity by using an eye chart

Object Perception (OP):Fix and Follow

Light Perception Only or No Light Perception (LP)

Totally Blind (NIL)


Functions at the Definition of Blindness:
Visual performance reduced by a brain injury or dysfunction that meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye specialist or neurologist


Qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) definition of blindness:

An impairment in vision, that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance (34 CFR §300.8(c)(13))

Primary Reading Medium

Reporting Code Primary Reading Medium (Choose One)


Visual Readers:Students primarily using print in their studies


Braille Readers:Students primarily using braille in their studies


Auditory Readers:Students primarily using a reader or auditory materials in their studies


Pre-readers:Students working on or toward a readiness level; infants, preschoolers, or older students with reading potential


Symbolic/Non-readers:Non-reading students; students not working on or toward a readiness level; students who do not demonstrate traditional print or Braille reading potential (symbolic readers); students who do not fall into any of the above categories

Secondary Reading Medium

Reporting Code Secondary Reading Medium (Required Category/Choose One)


Visual Readers:Students use print to some extent


Braille Readers:Students use braille to some extent


Auditory Readers: Students use a reader or auditory materials to some extent


Symbolic/Non-readers:Non-reading students; students not working on or toward a readiness level; students who do not demonstrate traditional print or Braille reading potential (symbolic readers); students who do not fall into any of the above categories

Third Reading Medium

Reporting Code Third Reading Medium (Optional Category)


Visual Readers:Students use print to some extent


Braille Readers:Students use braille to some extent


Auditory Readers: Students use a reader or auditory materials to some extent


Symbolic/Non-readers:Non-reading students; students not working on or toward a readiness level; students who do not demonstrate traditional print or Braille reading potential (symbolic readers); students who do not fall into any of the above categories

Questions: Clearinghouse for Specialized Media and Technology | | 916-319-0881 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
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