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AB1200 County Office of Education Fiscal Oversight

Repository archive entry for the Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 County Office of Education Fiscal Oversight program in the Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) Section of the CDE Web site.

Added to Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) on March 24, 2016.

This information is for historical purposes only and it is possible that information contained here may not be current.

Time Period

1991-92 through 2012-13
Effective 2013-14, this program was subsumed into the local control funding formula.

Authorizing Legislation

Section 29 of Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 (Chapter 1213, Statutes of 1991)

Source of Appropriation/Budget Act Item

AB 1200 (Chapter 1213, Statutes of 1991) provided the initial appropriation of $500,000; subsequent appropriations in Budget Item 6110-106-001 (1992-93); Trailer Bill Language (Chapter 66, Statutes of 1993); and Budget Item 6110-107-0001 since 1994-95.

Applicable Statutes/Regulations

AB 1200 (Chapter 1213, Statutes of 1991) commencing with Education Code Section 42120 of Article 2, Chapter 6 of Part 24.

Program Description

AB 1200 was created to ensure that local educational agencies throughout California adequately prepared to meet their financial obligations. The concern arose following the bankruptcy of the Richmond School District and the fiscal collapse of a few other districts that were preparing to request an emergency loan from the state. AB 1200 improved fiscal procedures, standards, and accountability at the local level and expanded the role of county offices of education (COEs) in monitoring school districts by mandating that COEs intervene under certain circumstances to ensure districts can meet their financial obligations.

AB 1200 appropriated funding for COEs to offset the cost of any new program or higher level of service required by the new district oversight provisions. These activities include conducting reviews, examinations, and audits of districts, and providing written notifications of the results, at least annually, on the fiscal solvency of the districts with disapproved budgets, qualified or negative certifications, or districts facing fiscal uncertainty.

Funding was distributed to eligible COEs (single district COEs were excluded from funding) based on an equal amount per average daily attendance (ADA) for all school districts within each county, with a minimum apportionment amount to ensure that COEs with substantially lower than average school district ADA would receive adequate funding to perform their AB 1200 responsibilities.

Funding for AB 1200 County Office of Education Fiscal Oversight has been appropriated every year for distribution to COEs since the passage of AB 1200, until 2013-14 when funding for this program was subsumed in the local control funding formula.

SACS Resource/Revenue Codes




Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
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