Notification of Upcoming Management Bulletins
Management bulletins under development in December 2022.Early Education Division Email
Sent Date: December 1, 2022
Expires: All interim guidance is valid until superseded by a management bulletin (MB) or statute; specifically regarding interim guidance in this email:
- Eligibility and Priority interim guidance superseded by MB 23-01: Changes in Eligibility, Priority, and Non-Countable Income for the California State Preschool Program (CSPP)
- California State Preschool Program Neighborhood School Eligibility Criteria interim guidance superseded by MB 24-01: California State Preschool Program Neighborhood School Eligibility Criteria to Enroll Three- and Four-Year-Old Children
- Children with Disabilities in CSPP interim guidance superseded by MB 23-02: California State Preschool Program and Children with Disabilities (Exceptional Needs)
- Age Eligibility for CSPP Extended Learning and Care Services interim guidance superseded by MB 23-05: Part-Day California State Preschool Program as an Extended Learning and Care Option
- Dual Language Learner Children in CSPP interim guidance superseded by MB 23-03: Updated Guidance on Identification of Dual Language Learners
- Suspensions and Expulsions interim guidance superseded by MB 23-08: Suspension and Expulsion in the California State Preschool Program
Attention: Executive Directors and Program Directors of all California State Preschool Programs
This email is to inform the profession of upcoming Management Bulletins (MB) that will provide guidance on how to implement recent changes to statute.
Please note that the descriptions in this email are not intended as comprehensive guidance, but rather as key highlights of the changes that were made. The California Department of Education (CDE) strongly advises all contractors to read through the Management Bulletins when they are posted, as they are the definitive source for implementation guidance.
Upcoming Management Bulletins | Key Highlights |
Eligibility and Priority | An email sent to the Early Education Division (EED) email distribution list on July 14, 2022 provided interim guidance in advance of posting the MB. If you do not have a copy of this email, contact your Program Quality Implementation (PQI) consultant.
Key changes to enrollment priority include:
California State Preschool Program (CSPP) <begin delete> |
This MB will revise and replace MB 21-04, providing guidance on the following changes:
Children with Disabilities in CSPP (Exceptional Needs)*
An email sent to the subscribers of the EED email distribution list on July 28, 2022 provided interim guidance in advance of posting the MB. If you do not have a copy of this email, contact your Program Quality Implementation (PQI) consultant. Key highlights include:
Age Eligibility for CSPP Extended Learning and Care Services | An email sent to the subscribers of the EED email distribution list on September 20, 2022 provided interim guidance in advance of posting the MB. If you do not have a copy of this email, contact your Program Quality Implementation (PQI) consultant. Key highlights include:
Reimbursement, Distance Learning Plans, and Distance Learning Requirements | This MB will provide guidance for contractors on Fiscal Year 2022–23 requirements for reimbursement, distance learning plans and distance learning services when children are unable to receive in-person services as a result of public health orders or guidance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Key highlights include:
Closures Due to Circumstances Beyond the Contractor's Control | This MB will revise and replace MB 21-10, with guidance for CSPP contractors that are unable to operate and close any sites and/or classrooms due to circumstances beyond their control, on how to request a closure credit for any reduction in days of operation and/or attendance. Circumstances beyond a contractor’s control include but are not limited to, earthquakes, floods, or fires, as well as incomplete repairs and renovations that have been authorized by the CDE. |
Dual Language Learner Children in CSPP | MB 22-04*, published on August 15, 2022, notified and provided guidance to CSPP contractors regarding new requirements for identifying and collecting data on dual language learners, language characteristics of preschool programs and language composition of program staff. MB 22-04(a) revises and replaces MB 22-04, providing updated guidance on changes made by Assembly Bill (AB) 321 (Chapter 903, Statutes of 2022) and updates on how to determine if a child is a dual language learner. It has been posted today, December 1, 2022. |
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) | This MB will rescind and replace MB 19-02 to reflect that, effective July 1, 2022, all CSPP contractors who elect to implement ECMHC services may claim an adjustment factor of 1.10 (increased from 1.05). This adjustment factor can be claimed in addition to any other single adjustment factor, and applies to all children enrolled in the classroom or family childcare home setting where services are provided. This MB will also provide guidance on changes to the definition of ECMHC services and who can provide them that will take effect in 2023 as a result of AB 2806 (Chapter 915, Statutes of 2022). |
Suspensions and Expulsions | This MB will rescind and replace MB 18-06 to reflect the changes that will go into effect in 2023 as a result of AB 2806. The MB will provide guidance on:
Audit Threshold | This MB will provide guidance on contract audit requirements and notify CSPP contractors that the annual audit threshold has been increased from twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per year to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per year. |