Title I, Part A School Student Counts
Title I, Part A school student counts are collected and reported by the local educational agency (LEA) on an annual basis.Purpose
The Title I, Part A School Student Counts is a data collection form located in the California Department of Education (CDE) Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS). Title I, Part A School Student Counts are reported by the LEA on an annual basis during the CARS Winter release.
The purpose of the Title I, Part A School Student Counts data collection form is for LEAs to report the:
- School ranking method;
- Measure of Poverty (Low-income measure);
- Student enrollment counts for each school; and
- Eligible low-income student counts for each school.
The measure of poverty (low-income measure) selected is used by the LEA to allocate Title I Funds to schools.
The Title I, Part A School Student Counts form contains pre-populated data elements including: school name, school code, lowest grade offered, highest grade offered, grade span group, total student enrollment counts, and eligible low-income students ages 5–17 counts.
- The source data for School name, School code, Low grade offered, and High grade offered are prepopulated from the CDE County-District-School Administration (CDS) database, as reflected in the California School Directory web-based application.
- The school-level student data (Student Enrollment and Eligible Low-income Students counts) are prepopulated with prior year certified data from the CALPADS Fall 1 submission report.
The data reported in the Title I, Part A School Student Counts data collection form will populate the Title I, Part A School Allocations data collection form and will be used by the LEA to calculate eligibility and ranking for Title I, Part A school allocations.
To determine Title I, Part A School Allocations, the LEA may use prior FY school-level student data, or, current FY school-level student data as reported to CALPADS.
Measure of Poverty (Low-Income Measure) for Student Counts
According to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1113(c), the school ranking method selected will be used by the LEA, if funds remain after serving all eligible schools with a low-income percent above 75 percent low-income, to rank remaining eligible schools and school attendance areas from highest to lowest and serve eligible schools either within each grade-span grouping or within the LEA as a whole.
The ESSA Section 1113(a)(3), and Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 200.78(a)(1) require an LEA to rank all of its school attendance areas according to their percentage of public school children from low-income families.
To determine the eligibility, ranking, and serving of each school attendance area, an LEA shall use the same student measure of poverty (low-income measure) for all school attendance areas in the LEA (ESSA Section 1113[a][5][A]). The LEA must use the same measure of poverty to:
- Identify eligible school attendance areas and schools;
- Rank areas and schools; and
- Determine the allocation for each school (ESSA Section 1113[c]).
According to the ESSA Section 1113(a)(5)(A), the LEA shall use the same measure of poverty, which shall be one of the following:
- The number of children eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch (FRPM) under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] 1751 et seq.).
- The number of children in families receiving assistance under the State program funded under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (SSI).
- The number of children eligible to receive medical assistance under the Medicaid Program.
- The number of children aged five through seventeen in poverty counted in the most recent census data approved by the Secretary.
- Note: Because census data* are generally not available at the school level, if an LEA uses this measure, it would most likely be part of a composite with one or more of the above measures Within-district Allocations Under Title I, Part A of the ESEA, as Amended, Non-regulatory Guidance (Page 7)
- Note: Because census data* are generally not available at the school level, if an LEA uses this measure, it would most likely be part of a composite with one or more of the above measures Within-district Allocations Under Title I, Part A of the ESEA, as Amended, Non-regulatory Guidance (Page 7)
- A composite of such indicators (ESSA Section 1113[a][5][A]).
*Data from the U.S. Federal Census – Bureau of the Census
Additional information is available on the CDE Title I, Part A School Allocations web page.
Determining School Allocations
To determine Title I, Part A School Allocations, the LEA may use:
- prior FY school-level student data, or
- current FY school-level student data.
The LEA shall obtain/verify the respective student counts (data) based on the low-income measure selected.
IMPORTANT: Records must be maintained to verify any revisions made to prepopulated data.
Please review the detailed instructions below regarding how to obtain/verify accurate school-level student data for prior fiscal year and current fiscal year.
Prepopulated School-level Student Data
The Title I, Part A School Student Counts data collection form is prepopulated with prior FY school-level student data from the certified CALPADS Fall 1 submission. The prepopulated school-level data includes total student enrollment counts and eligible low-income students counts**.
**The eligible low-income student counts have been prepopulated with eligible low-income students ages 5−17 only. LEAs have the option to include all eligible low-income students when determining school allocations depending on the measure of poverty (low-income measure) selected.
If the LEA elects to use prior FY data, the LEA shall ensure that the correct data is entered into the School Student Counts data collection form based on the low-income measure selected. Additional detailed instructions follow.
To Verify School-level Student Data from the Prior FY
Prior FY Data is available on the CDE FRPM (Student Poverty) Data web page.
The FRPM (Student Poverty) Data web page contains the complete data files pertaining to K–12 students who are eligible for FRPM. The FRPM data are collected annually. The data reflect Fall Census Day (first Wednesday in October) data certified by LEAs as part of the CALPADS Fall 1 data submission.
When the LEA selects FRPM as the measure of poverty (low-income measure), the LEA may obtain prior year data from the data files located on the CDE FRPM (Student Poverty) Data web page as follows:
- Student Enrollment Counts for FY 2023−24:
- The “Enrollment (K−12)” data, which appears in Column Q of the data file, is accessible from the FRPM (Student Poverty) data web page, and:
- Contains the total student enrollment for each school, and
- Populates the data in the column titled “Student Enrollment” of the School Student Counts data collection form in the CARS.
- The “Enrollment (K−12)” data, which appears in Column Q of the data file, is accessible from the FRPM (Student Poverty) data web page, and:
- FRPM Counts for FY 2023−24:
- The “FRPM Count (Ages 5−17)” data, which appears in Column Y of the data file, is accessible from the FRPM (Student Poverty) data web page, and:
- Contains the "Eligible Low-income Student Counts for students ages 5−17 only," and
- Populates the data field for each school in the column titled “Eligible Low-income Students” of the School Student Counts data collection form in the CARS.
- The “FRPM Count (K−12)” data, which appears in Column T of the data file, is accessible from the FRPM (Student Poverty) data web page, and:
- Contains the “Eligible Low-income Student Counts” for all eligible low-income students, and
- May be used to populate the data field for each school in the column titled “Eligible Low-income Students” of the School Student Counts data collection form in the CARS.
- The “FRPM Count (Ages 5−17)” data, which appears in Column Y of the data file, is accessible from the FRPM (Student Poverty) data web page, and:
Important: When any revisions are made to prepopulated data, ensure detailed records are retained.
Do not use CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 to obtain FY 2023-24 school-level student data.
The following table highlights the fields in the FRPM Student Poverty Data file described/referenced above:
(COL. = Column)
Scroll to the right to view the complete table in this example:
COL. O | COL. P | COL. Q | COL. R | COL. S | COL. T | COL. U | COL. V | COL. W | COL. X | COL. Y |
Low Grade |
High Grade |
Enrollment (K−12) |
Free Meal Count (K−12) |
Percent (%) Eligible Free (K−12) |
FRPM Count (K−12) |
Percent (%) Eligible FRPM (K−12) |
Enrollment (Ages 5−17) |
Free Meal Count (Ages 5−17) |
Percent (%) Eligible Free (Ages 5−17) |
FRPM Count (Ages 5−17) |
K |
12 |
57 |
45 |
78.9% |
47 |
82.5% |
37 |
29 |
78.4% |
31 |
9 |
12 |
150 |
112 |
75.3% |
134 |
89.3% |
129 |
95 |
73.6% |
116 |
6 |
8 |
164 |
135 |
82.3% |
148 |
90.2% |
164 |
135 |
82.3% |
148 |
Questions about the CALPADS data in the school-level FRPM data file provided on the FRPM Student Poverty Data web page should be directed to the CDE Data Reporting Office and/or the CALPADS Service Desk as follows:
- Data Reporting Office email: dro@cde.ca.gov
- CALPADS California School Information Services Service Desk email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
NOTE: For LEAs that do not select FRPM as the measure of poverty (low-income measure) the LEA will use to determine school allocations, please contact Rina DeRose via email at RDeRose@cde.ca.gov for instructions.
To Obtain School-level Student Data for the Current FY
The LEA may choose to use current FY data to populate the CARS Title I, Part A School Student Counts data collection form.
To obtain current FY school-level student data, run CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1, Enrollment – Primary and Short-term Enrollment Count by Subgroup. A specific age eligibility filter must be selected in order to obtain the student enrollment counts to populate the school student counts data collection form.
Please review the detailed information provided below (under the sub-heading CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1) regarding how to obtain/verify accurate data when running CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1.
CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1
When the LEA selects FRPM as the low-income measure, the LEA may obtain current FY data from the CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 using the following instructions:
- Log in to CALPADS:
- Select "Reports>" "Snapshot Reports;"
- Scroll to Fall 1 reports, and click on Report 1.1 Enrollment – Primary and Short-term Enrollment Count by Subgroup;
- To obtain the total (student) enrollment count and the count for all eligible low-income students for each school within the LEA:
- Run the CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 with the following filters selected:
- Status Filter:
- Select “Revised Uncertified” (if the report is run on or before January 24, 2025); OR
- Select Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) "SELPA Approved" (if the data is already SELPA approved or the report is run on or after January 24, 2025).
- Age Eligibility Filter:
- Select Age Eligibility "All (K−12, UE, US, TK)" to obtain:
- The total student enrollment count for each school, AND
- The total eligible low-income student count (FRPM count [K−12]) for each school;
- IMPORTANT: If your LEA uses the eligible low-income count of students ages 5-17 only (FRPM count [ages 5-17]) when determining Title I, Part A school allocations, run CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 a second time:
- Select Age Eligibility “Title I (5−17 year olds only)” to obtain:
- The count of eligible low-income students ages 5−17 only for each school.
- You will still use the total enrollment count obtained when CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 is run with Age Eligibility Filter “All.”
- Select Age Eligibility "All (K−12, UE, US, TK)" to obtain:
- Click "View Report”
- The total student enrollment count for each school appears in the "Enrollments" column (located in the third column from the left of the CALPADS Report 1.1).
- The count for eligible low-income students appears in the “FRPM Eligible" column (located in the last column on the right of the CALPADS Report 1.1).
- Status Filter:
- Run the CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 with the following filters selected:
- For questions regarding the CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1, please contact the CALPADS-California School Information Services Service Desk:
- Email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
- Email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
Sample – CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 – Primary and Short-term Enrollment Count by Subgroup:
Scroll to the right to view the complete table in this example:
School Code | School Name | Enrollments | Transitional Kindergarten (TK) | English Learners | Title III Eligible Immigrants | Gifted and Talented Education | Title I, Part C Migrant | Students with Disabilities | Socio-economically Disadvantaged | FRPM Eligible |
123456 | Happy Elementary | 471 | 24 | 38 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 59 | 148 | 146 |
When using current year data:
- The "Enrollments" count data in CALPADS Report 1.1 is entered into the "Student Enrollment" field of the School Student Counts data collection form for each school.
- The "FRPM Eligible" count data in CALPADS Report 1.1 is entered into the "Eligible Low-Income Students" field of the School Student Counts data collection form for each school.
The following table includes the corresponding fields of the CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 and the Title I, Part A School Student Counts Data Collection form in the CARS/Consolidated Application (ConApp):
Report Name | Enrollment Data - Column Title | FRPM/Low-income Data - Column Title |
CALPADS Snapshot Report 1.1 | Enrollments | FRPM Eligible |
School Student Counts Data Collection Form/CARS | Student Enrollment | Eligible Low-income Students |
- Service and Support: CALPADS-California School Information Services Service Desk
- Email: calpads-support@cde.ca.gov
- Phone: 916-325-9210
Additional information is available on the CDE CALPADS web page.
LEAs may either use the low-income (free or reduced-price meal [FRPM]) student count of all eligible FRPM [low-income] students K-12 or only those eligible FRPM (low-income) students ages 5-17 in each school).
- The count for eligible low-income student appears in the “FRPM Eligible" column (located in the last column on the right of the CALPADS Report 1.1).
- All Eligible Low-income Students will appear when Age Eligibility Filter “All” is selected.
- Eligible Low-income Students Ages 5-17 will appear when Age Eligibility Filter “Title I” is selected.
Important: When any revisions are made to prepopulated data, ensure detailed records are retained.
NOTE: For LEAs that do not select FRPM as the low-income measure the LEA will use to determine school allocations, please contact Rina DeRose via email at RDeRose@cde.ca.gov for instructions.
The CEP, a universal meal service option, as authorized by amendments made in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Section 11(a)(1)(F), of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1759a(a)(1)(F) are inclusive. Since the CEP is a program within the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) pursuant to ESSA Section 1113(a)(5), LEAs may use CEP as a poverty measurement for students counts with the reminder that LEAs shall use the same measurement for all schools within the LEA.
For additional information, please contact the CDE Nutrition Services Division at 800-952-5609, or by email at nsddatarequest@cde.ca.gov. When emailing, please mention “CEP Data” or “National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Provision Questions” or an appropriate subject in the subject line to ensure that your email gets directed accurately.
The CDE Alternative Income Forms*** web page provides information regarding alternative methods of collecting information to determine whether or not student households meet income criteria for free or reduced-price meals.
- Alternative Income Forms*** used for collecting household income information to identify students meeting the criteria for FRPM eligibility for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) purposes.
If you have questions, please contact the Principal Apportionment Section via email at PASE@cde.ca.gov.
If you have questions, contact:
- CALPADS/California Basic Educational Data System/CDS Operations Office
- Email: calpads@cde.ca.gov
- Phone: 916-324-6738
Title I, Part A LEA Allocations
LEA allocations intended to help elementary and secondary schools establish and maintain programs that will improve the educational opportunities of low-income and disadvantaged students.
Title I, Part A School Allocations
LEAs shall allocate funds to eligible school attendance areas or eligible schools.
A data collection system to apply for Categorical Program Funding and to report on the use of those funds.
School Grade Span Group Assignment
Consolidated Application guidance for the School Grade Span Group Assignments, which are used in the School Student Counts data collection.
Alternative Income Forms
Alternative Income Forms for collecting household income information to identify students meeting the criteria for FRPM eligibility for LCFF purposes.
CALPADS Update Flash #240
This Flash addresses FY 2022−23 Fall 1 and 2 changes.
CALPADS Update Flash #220
NSLP Meal Application and Alternative Income Form requirements for FY 2022−23.
The CEP provides School Nutrition Program sponsors an alternative method for claiming student meals in high poverty schools.
California Universal Meals - School Nutrition
The CDE frequently asked questions pertaining to the statewide Universal Meals Program for all school children.
A longitudinal data system used to maintain individual-level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.
ESSA Content on the United States Department of Education Website
The ESEA as reauthorized by the ESSA is the federal K−12 education law of the United States. ESSA was signed into law in 2015 and replaced the previous education law called “No Child Left Behind.”
LEA Identification and Selection of School Attendance Areas and Schools and Allocation of Title I Funds to Those Areas and Schools (August 2003)
ED's non-regulatory guidance for LEA identification and selection of school attendance areas and schools and allocation of Title I funds to those areas and schools.
Within-district Allocations Under Title I, Part A of the ESEA, as Amended, Non-regulatory Guidance (February 2022)
ED’s non-regulatory guidance regarding within-district (school) allocations under Title I, Part A (Title I) of the ESSA, and accompanying regulations in 34 CFR §§ 200.64, 200.77, and 200.78.