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Title I, Part A Carryover Waiver Request Criteria

When requesting a Title I, Part A carryover waiver, the local educational agency (LEA) shall provide a reasonable and necessary justification description with several required components.

According to the Elementary and Secondary Education as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act Section 1127(b), a State Educational Agency may waive the 15 percent carryover limitation only once every three years.

All LEAs with remaining carryover funds 15 percent or greater as of September 30, must apply for a waiver when completing the Title I, Part A (TIA) LEA Carryover data collection form in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS/ConApp) during the CARS Winter Release during the dates published by the CARS office.

NOTE: The waiver request box will display in the TIA LEA Carryover data collection form when the form is saved, IF:

  • the amount of carryover reported as of September 30 is greater than 15 percent,
  • the LEA has an available allocation greater than $50,000, and
  • the LEA is eligible for a new carryover waiver.

LEAs type the waiver request in the waiver request box in the TIA LEA Carryover data collection form in the CARS/ConApp.

IMPORTANT: If the LEA does not wish to apply for a carryover waiver, the LEA will enter a request to be invoiced for the amount of excess carryover in the waiver request box.

When requesting a carryover waiver, the LEA submits a reasonable and necessary justification description which includes the following required elements:

  • A description of why the LEA has excess carryover and what obstacles the LEA and/or school(s) faced in spending the funds.
  • A description of how the LEA plans to expend or obligate the excess carryover funds.
    • Were any of the funds reserved for/allocated to specific activities?
      • Describe how those funds will be reserved and used for the same required activities.
        • The LEA must ensure that any funds, originally required to be reserved for specific activities (e.g., parent and family engagement, equitable services), that were not spent should be used for those specific activities;
          • If funds are carried over for equitable services, for example, include a description of how the funds will be used as follows:
            1. To provide services for that private school to which the amount was originally designated, or
            2. If that private school has no further need for services, to provide services to other private schools, or
            3. If no other private school is interested, to be used for other purposes within the LEA.
    • Will any/all of the excess carryover funds be retained at the LEA level?
      • Include a statement(s) addressing the following:
        • The expenditures must align with what is already in the LEA/district’s plan.
          • For example: "50% of the excess carryover funds will be retained at the LEA level. The planned activities/expenditures comply with the Title I, Part A authorized use of funds criteria and will be expended in accordance with approved LEA/district plans by September 30, 2024."
    • Will any/all of the excess carryover funds be allocated to eligible schools?
      • Include a statement(s) addressing the following:
        • The LEA must ensure that the expenditures align with what is already in the school’s plan, and
        • The carryover funds are only allocated to eligible schools.
          • For example: "50% of the excess carryover funds will be allocated to eligible schools. The planned activities/expenditures comply with the Title I, Part A authorized use of funds criteria and will be expended in accordance with approved school plans by September 30, 2024."


Title I, Part A Carryover and Waiver - Title I, Part A
Link to the California Department of Education Title I, Part A Carryover and Waiver web page.

Instructions: 2022–23 Title I Part A LEA Carryover
Detailed instructions regarding how to complete the 2022−23 LEA Carryover form.

Questions:   Title I, Part A Policy, Program, and Support Office | Rina DeRose |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, September 12, 2024
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