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Title I, Part A Neglected Reservation

Information related to local educational agencies (LEAs) who shall reserve funds as necessary to provide comparable services to children.

Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and of its successor the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), seeks to make sure the Neglected Reservation is a set-aside fund that must be reserved from the LEA's Title I, Part A allocation for services to students who reside in eligible institutions for neglected children within the LEA's boundaries. The Title I, Part A Neglected Reservation is only required by the LEA if there are students in an eligible institution for neglected children and youth and if these neglected children and youth attend a non-Title I school, similar to how it calculates the proportional share for equitable services (ESSA Section 1113[c][3][B]; 34 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 200.77[a][4]).

LEAs shall reserve such funds as are necessary to provide services comparable to those provided to children in schools funded under this part to serve children in local institutions for neglected children (ESSA sections 1113[c][3][A][ii-iii], and [B][i-ii]).

In addition to the required Title I reservations, an LEA, at its discretion, may reserve funds for:

  • Children in local institutions for delinquent children and neglected or delinquent children in a community-day program (34 CFR 200.77[a][2-3]).

Title I, Part A funds reserved to serve children in neglected institutions, and if appropriate, children in delinquent institutions, and neglected or delinquent students in community day programs, shall be determined based on the total allocation received by the LEA and prior to any allowable expenditures or transfers by the LEA.

NOTE: The Title I, Part A neglected reservation should not be confused with the Title I, Part D Neglected or Delinquent or the At-Risk program. Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funds are allocated by the California Department of Education to County Offices of Education (COEs) to support COE juvenile detention education programs and facilities. Visit the Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 web page for more information pertaining to Title I, Part D, Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk programs.


Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs (ESSA, Title I, Part A) External link opens in new window or tab.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Legislation and Regulations web page discussing Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs.

Questions:   Sherry Davis | Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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