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Intensive Level 3

Local educational agencies (LEAs) that have been identified as Intensive Level 3 are required to participate in all three steps of the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) process. This is the home page for that Level.

If the LEA has been identified as Intensive Level 3 in the March 20, 2023, Annual Determination Letter, they are required to participate in all three steps of the CIM process. The CIM will be completed with support and supervision from the California Department of Education's (CDE's) Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance (FMTA) consultants in collaboration with Technical Assistance (TA) providers. The goal, at the end of the monitoring period, is to have a fully developed improvement plan that seeks to implement a high leverage activity or activities that will improve outcomes for students with disabilities in the LEA.

The CDE identifies LEAs for Level 3 intensive monitoring and support that are in the bottom 0–3.99 percent of LEAs in outcomes for achievement, placement, and school climate (suspension and attendance) for students with disabilities.

LEAs identified as level 3 do not conduct the CIM process independently. These LEAs will complete all activities under and alongside the CDE's direct supervision and with the collaboration of TA providers along the way. The CDE will assign relevant TA providers to participate in monitoring and support as needed.

Your Support Team

Your support team will be CDE Intensive Monitoring Staff, a System Improvement Leads (SIL) TA provider, and other TA providers as needed. Listed below are links and contact information for your support team.

TA Provider

System Improvement Leads (SIL) External link opens in new window or tab.

CDE Staff

Intensive Monitoring Unit Contact Information
FMTA I Manager: Barbara Gaskin
Direct Telephone Number: 916-327-0865
Unit Telephone Number: 916-324-8898
FMTA IV Manager: Jack Brimhall
Direct Telephone Number: 916-445-1056
Unit Telephone Number: 916-445-9772

FMTA Consultant Assignments by Region

What am I required to do?

CIM Step One: Gather and Inquire

Task Level of Support Timeframe/Due Date

Attend or View the Instructional Webinar

Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL March 28 OR 29, 2023
CIM Team Creation Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Data Drill Down Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Infrastructure Analysis Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Policy and Procedure Review Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Student Record Review Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Educational Benefit Review Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Parent Input Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL and Seeds of Partnership June 30, 2023
Consolidation Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL June 30, 2023

CIM Step Two: Investigate

Task Level of Support Timeframe/Due Date
Prioritize Problem Areas Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023
Root Cause Analysis Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023
Prioritize Root Causes Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023
Initiative Inventory Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023
Theory of Action Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL September 30, 2023

CIM Step Three: Plan

Task Level of Support Timeframe/Due Date
Action Plan Development Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL and additional TA provider as needed November 30, 2023
Submission into Stepwell Directed by CDE in collaboration with SIL and additional TA provider as needed November 30, 2023

CIM Step Four: Implementation and Monitoring

Task Level of Support Due Date
Progress Report 1 for any CIM activities through March 2024 Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider April 10, 2024
Progress Report 2 (April 2024 – June 2024) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider July 10, 2024
Progress Report 3 (July 2024 – September 2024) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider October 10, 2024
Progress Report 4 (October 2024 – December 2024) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider January 10, 2025
Progress Report 5 (January 2025 – March 2025) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider April 10, 2025
Progress Report 6 (April 2025 – June 2025) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider July 10, 2025
Progress Report 7 (July 2025 – September 2025) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider October 10, 2025
Progress Report 8 (October 2025 – December 2025) Directed by CDE in collaboration with TA provider January 10, 2026


March 28, 2023, 9 a.m. Introduction to CIM for New Intensive CIM LEAs Zoom Webinar Registration External link opens in new window or tab.


March 29, 2023, 1 p.m. Introduction to CIM for New Intensive CIM LEAs Zoom Webinar Registration External link opens in new window or tab.

If there are any questions regarding the webinar registration, please email

Questions:   Special Education Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 20, 2023
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