Official Letter
Official Letter
Notice of the First Apportionment for the
California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Year 2019-20
The State Controller, State Treasurer, State Department of Finance, and Select County Superintendents of Schools are hereby notified that an apportionment has been made from funds provided by an interagency agreement with the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and Item 6100-156-001 of the Budget Act of 2019 (Chapter 23 Statutes of 2019), in support of the California Adult Education Program as provided by California Education Code commencing with Section 84900.
Summary of Apportionment
Amount Appropriated in Item 6100-156-0001: $422,078,300
Less: Reserved for CALWORKS program: $ 8,739,000
Total Available for Adult Education Program: $413,339,300
Less: Current Apportionment: $413,339,244
Balance: $56
Warrants will be drawn on the State Treasury by the State Controller in favor of the County Treasurers as specified on the attached schedule. The County Treasurers are requested to deposit immediately the amount received to the appropriate Funds of the County Superintendents of Schools for further distribution to school districts.
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct statement of apportionment made by me as directed by law. I further certify that this apportionment is in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Budget Act, the California Education Code, and the Constitution of the State of California pertaining to the particular appropriation cited in this document.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
or Authorized Designee
CA: 25313/INDEX: 0615 SACS: 6391