State Funding
Adult education is a public education program for all adults. The California Adult Education Program provides state funds to support these activities.California Adult Education Program
The California Adult Education Program (CAEP)
provides adult education state funding to regional consortia, county offices of education, school districts, community colleges, and joint powers authorities consisting of community colleges, school districts, or a combination of these to support the following programs:
CAEP Program Areas
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
- English as a Second Language and English Language Civics Education (ESL; EL Civics)
- Short Term Career Technical Education (CTE)
- Adults with Disabilities (AWD)
- Adults Entering or Re-Entering the Workforce
- Adults in Training Programs to Support K-12 Child Success
More than a million students enroll in adult education programs funded by the CAEP each year. The CAEP delivery system is aligned along California community college district boundaries.
Funding Results
Funding results for K–12 consortia members that are direct funded, or for consortia whose fiscal agent is a K–12 local educational agency, are prepared by the Department of Education.
Funding Results 2024–25
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Funding Results 2023–24
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Funding Results 2022–23
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Funding Results 2021–22
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Funding Results 2020–21
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Funding Results 2019–20
Letter of authorization for apportionments, schedule of apportionments and list of entitled agencies.
Legislative Reports
The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction annually provides a CAEP
Legislative Report
. The legislative report includes preliminary state-level data on student enrollment, outcomes, skills gains, and other information using adult education data and accountability metrics.