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December 2023 Meeting Agenda

American Indian Education Oversight Committee (AIEOC) public meeting agenda for December 15, 2023.

American Indian Education Oversight Committee Meeting Agenda

December 15, 2023
1–4 p.m.

To join this meeting by telephone: +1 213 338 8477
Join this meeting by video conference External link opens in new window or tab.
Webinar ID: 851 6341 6638
Password: 653187

NOTE: Please be advised, in accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, and to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of infection during the current state of emergency, the American Indian Education Oversight Committee will conduct this meeting by remote participation only. Committee members and members of the public may only attend this meeting using the teleconference/videoconference options described in this Notice.

The order of business may be changed without notice.

Item Agenda Item Presenter

Land Acknowledgement

Information/Discussion Item
Judy Delgado,
American Indian Education Consultant

Call to order and roll call

Information Item
Nicole Lim,

Welcome from Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction or Designee

Information Item
Tony Thurmond,
State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Welcome from Assembly Member James C. Ramos

Information Item
James C. Ramos,
Assembly Member

California State Board of Education Update

Information Item
James J. McQuillen,
Yurok Tribal Citizen,
State Board of Education

Native American Heritage Event Update

Information Item

California Department of Education Staff

Native American Model Curriculum

Information/Discussion Item
Johanna Harder,
Education Program Consultant

Governmental Affairs Division

Information/Discussion Item
Blake Johnson,
Legislative Representative

AIEOC Workgroup Updates

Information/Discussion/Action Item

Native American Graduation Adornments Taskforce

Information/Discussion Item
Judy Delgado,
American Indian Education Consultant

California Indian Education Act: California Education Code Section 3339091

Information/Discussion Item
Johanna Harder,
Education Program Consultant

Ensuring Educational Equity for All American Indian Students Series and Our Blanket Exercise trainings

Information/Discussion Item
Staci Block, Ed.D.,
Executive Leadership Coach,
San Diego County Office of Education

Washington American Indian Programs

Information/Discussion Item

Committee Business

  • Minutes review, revision, and approval
  • Announcement of matters of general interest.
Action Item
Nicole Lim,

Public comments and final remarks

Discussion Item
Nicole Lim,
XVI. Adjournment Nicole Lim,


Note: Items designated as discussion are items that are appropriate for action by the Committee if Committee members choose to take action. Items may be taken out of order.

Public Comment: Members of the public who are attending either in person or via teleconference will be given the opportunity to make comments on each agenda item prior to any Committee action. Additionally, there will be time for public comment at the end of the meeting. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per person; however, the Chairperson may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment period at their discretion.

ADA: The Council complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by ensuring that the meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities, and providing this notice and information given to members of the Council in appropriate alternative formats when requested. If you need assistance, including disability related modifications or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please make your request to the contact person listed on this Notice.

For additional information about the Committee meeting or to request assistance, please contact Judy Delgado, American Indian Education Consultant, by email at

Questions:   AIEOC Team | | 916-319-0506
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 05, 2023
Recently Posted in American Indian