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AIEC Program - Legislative Report 2021

Report to the Governor and the Legislature for the American Indian Education Center (AIEC) Program.

California Department of Education
Report to the Legislature:
California American Indian Education Centers Report
Executive Summary

This report is required by California Education Code (EC) Section 33384(a)(2) which states, "On or before January 1, 2021, and every five years thereafter, the department shall report all of the following information to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature." This report contains findings and recommendations regarding the California Indian Education Centers. The program was established to strengthen the delivery of instructional services to American Indian students within the public schools through the use of educational resource centers. The primary focus of the American Indian Education Centers (AIECs) is on providing direct services to improve achievement in reading/language arts and mathematics. A secondary but equally important purpose is to build student self-concept through cultural activities. A desired outcome of these activities is to create a skilled, educated workforce in the American Indian community and in California.

Since their implementation, the AIECs have touched the lives of hundreds of American Indian families. In 2013–19, over 1,500 American Indian students received services in the school year and over 1,000 American Indian students received services in the summer. Thousands of California residents, both American Indians and non-native, received the benefits of the AIECs’ cultural programming.

Report indicates that the AIECs are providing the services enumerated in EC Section 33381. Key findings include:

  • All centers report that they are providing programs that are designed to improve the self-concept of participants by focusing on cultural activities
  • All centers report that they are providing academic services with particular emphasis on reading and mathematics
  • The participating students report greater self-image/self-confidence and academic success

If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Judy Delgado, American Indian Education Consultant, Student Achievement and Support Division, by phone at 916-319-0506 or by email at

Report to the Governor and the Legislature on the American Indian Education Program 2021 (DOCX)

Questions:   American Indian Education | | 916-319-0506
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, July 18, 2023
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