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Attendance Fields

The page introduces new attendance status fields in the CDD-801A report, tracking child care attendance with standardized codes.

Attendance Status Code(s)

The attendance status fields in the CDD-801A Monthly Child Care Population Report are designed to capture the attendance of each child enrolled in subsidized child care programs. The following codes are used to represent various attendance scenarios: 

  • 01 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day due to program closure (temporary or emergency): This code should be used when a child is enrolled in the program, but no attendance occurred due to the program being temporarily closed or due to an emergency.
  • 02 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day; program is open and operating: This code applies when the child is enrolled, but did not attend any day during the reporting period, even though the program was open and operating normally.
  • 03 – Child attended all enrolled days with zero absences: This code indicates that the child attended every day they were enrolled without any absences during the reporting period.
  • 04 – Child attended 1–5 day(s) in the month: Use this code if the child attended between 1 and 5 days during the month.
  • 05 – Child attended 6–10 days in the month: This code should be used if the child attended between 6 and 10 days during the reporting month.
  • 06 – Child attended 11–15 days in the month: This code applies when the child attended between 11 and 15 days in the reporting period.
  • 07 – Child attended 16–20 days in the month: Use this code if the child attended between 16 and 20 days in the month.
  • 08 – Child attended 21+ days in the month: This code is for children who attended 21 or more days in the reporting period.
  • 09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need: This code is specific to the following program codes: California Alternative Payment Program (C2AP), California Alternative Payment Program (C3AP), California Alternative Payment Program (CAPP), and Migrant Alternative Payment Program (CMAP). The indicated Alternative Payment Programs are not required to report attendance.

Each of these codes provides a standardized way to report attendance, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all submissions. Agencies must select the appropriate attendance code for each child, corresponding to the days they attended under each specific Program Code.

Where to Find It

Contractors are responsible for tracking the attendance status for each child internally for reporting purposes

Error Messages and Solutions

The Attendance Status Information is invalid [801A Electronic File Transfer]

Problem: The Attendance Status is not in the list of valid Values.

Solution: Enter a valid Attendance Status code.

The Attendance Status Information is invalid [801A Electronic File Transfer][801A Input/Edit][801B]

Problem: The Attendance Status is not in the list of valid Values.

Solution: Enter a valid Attendance Status code.

The Attendance Status is invalid for Program Code [801A Electronic File Transfer],[801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Attendance Status/Program Code combination provided is not allowed

Solution: Confirm that the Correct Program code and/or attendance status are selected. The following combinations are accepted:

  • 01 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day due to program closure (temporary or emergency): This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 02 – Child enrolled but did not attend any day; program is open and operating: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 03 – Child attended all enrolled days with zero absences: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 04 – Child attended 1–5 day(s) in the month: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 05 – Child attended 6–10 days in the month: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 06 – Child attended 11–15 days in the month: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 07 – Child attended 16–20 days in the month: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 08 – Child attended 21+ days in the month: This code can be used with ALL Program Codes
  • 09 – Alternative Payment Program – No Need: This code only be used with C2AP, C3AP, CAPP and CMAP
Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 02, 2024
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