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Child Care Reporting--Employer Identification

Provider Federal Employment Identification Number/Social Security Number

The Provider Federal Employment Identification Number [FEIN]/Social Security Number [SSN] information field indicates the unique identification number that the federal government requires all workers and agencies to have for tax purposes. For providers who do not have an FEIN, use their SSN.

The Provider FEIN/SSN is used by the Early Education Division (EED) to determine the unduplicated count of providers (both centers and homes) serving children during a one-year period. This count is needed for the ACF-800 Annual Aggregate report, which is a required federal report.

  • For AP contractors, the Provider FEIN/SSN submitted must be the FEIN or SSN of the license-exempt provider, Family Child Care Home (FCCH) provider, or center (the individual who operates the center) that provided the actual services to the child.
  • For Center-based Programs and FCCH Networks, the FEIN is the tax identification number of the provider where the child actually received services. If the child received services in a FCCH, enter the FCCH provider’s FEIN or SSN. If the child received services in a center, enter the FEIN of the agency that operates the center.

Where to Find It

  • For AP Contractors: The agency must have the FEIN or SSN in order to make payments to the provider. The agency’s payment office will have the provider’s FEIN or SSN.
  • For Center-based Programs and FCCH Networks: The agency’s fiscal or accounting office will have the center’s FEIN and the FEIN or SSN of all FCCH providers who receive payments.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • This field must contain exactly nine numbers. Do not enter hyphens or spaces.
  • If the child received subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract from more than one provider during a report period, the Provider FEIN/SSN for each provider must be reported.
  • Note: Agencies must change the Services Date when there is a change in providers.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Provider FEIN/SSN is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Provider FEIN/SSN is blank.

Solution: Enter the Provider FEIN/SSN.

  • Invalid Provider FEIN/SSN. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Provider FEIN/SSN is not exactly nine numbers, or the Provider FEIN/SSN contains nonnumeric characters, or the Provider FEIN/SSN contains a repeating number (see exceptions above under Rules and Guidelines).

Solution: Enter a valid and complete Provider FEIN/SSN.

  • FEIN must contain nine (9) numbers. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edits.

Problem: The Provider FEIN/SSN is not exactly nine numbers

Solution: Enter a complete Provider FEIN/SSN.

  • The Head-of-Household SSN and Provider FEIN/SSN cannot be identical. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The same number under both the Provider FEIN/SSN and HoH SSN is entered. The information, as entered, indicates the parent is the service provider, which is not allowed.

Solution: Delete the SSN indicated in the Head-of-Household (HoH) SSN information field; the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) no longer accepts HoH SSNs. Confirm the Provider FEIN/SSN entered.

  • One or more duplicate records for this family. [801A File Transfer], or This Provider/Type of Child Care already exists for this child’s services. [801A Web Input]


CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer:

  • Two identical rows exist in the electronic file, or
  • Two nearly identical rows exist in the electronic file. The only difference between the rows is the program code. This could occur if a child changed programs during the report period.

CDD- 801A Input/Edit: Duplicate provider information is entered for the same child. An agency is trying to add a Type of Care for a Provider FEIN/SSN that already exists for this child.


  • CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer: Delete one of the duplicate rows in the electronic file or revise the information in the row with the error to reflect the correct family, child, and provider information. If the child received care from one provider during the report period but changed programs (i.e., from CSPP to CCTR) during the report period, report both program codes for that same provider in the same row under Program Code 1 and Program Code 2.
  • CDD-801A Input/Edit: The information provided under the Provider FEIN/SSN and Type of Care has been entered twice. Verify the information entered under each type of care displaying the error. Correct the information as necessary. If the child received care from one provider during the report period but changed programs (i.e., from CSPP to CCTR) during the report period, report both program codes for that same provider under Program Code 1 and Program Code 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have a child who has changed centers during the month. Both centers are operated by the same provider, but they have different zip codes. Nothing else changed for this child except the zip code of the provider. How do I report this child’s provider information?

For children who receive services from the same provider but changed locations during the report period, report two providers for this child – one for each zip code.

  • The Provider is a license-exempt non-profit. The provider does not wish to disclose their FEIN. Is there a way to record only zeros for this provider's FEIN/SSN field?

If the provider receives monies from the CDE, EED, they must disclose their actual FEIN.

Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 15, 2024
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