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Management Bulletin 04-08

Early Education and Support Division

Subject: Desired Results Regulations

Number: 04-08

Date: August 2004

Expires: Until Rescinded

Authority: California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Education, (5 CCR) Chapter 19, sections 18023, 18270.5, 18272, 18273, 18274, 18275, 18279, 18280, and 18281

Attention: Program Directors of Child Care and Development Programs


This Management Bulletin informs existing California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division (EESD) contractors of the changes to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Education, (5 CCR) regarding the Desired Results for Children and Families (Desired Results) system. These revised regulations became effective September 23, 2003.


The EESD worked on developing Desired Results for over six years. The new system was based on the 1997 California State Plan for Child Care and Development Fund Services that included the following three goals:

  1. Develop desired results for children and families;
  2. Develop program standards to support the achievement of those results; and
  3. Revise and replace program review procedures based on those program standards.

Desired Results changes the way child development services are evaluated from a process-oriented model to a results-based model. The new approach complements the accountability system for elementary and secondary education, and is intended to improve the results achieved for children and families receiving child development services funded by the CDE. Desired Results documents the progress made by children and provides information to help practitioners improve their child development services.

With the assistance of a national and state panel, the EESD identified the key results it "desires" to achieve for children and families in EESD-funded child care and development programs. These Desired Results are listed as follows.

The Desired Results for children are

  • Children are personally and socially competent.
  • Children are effective learners.
  • Children show physical and motor competence.
  • Children are safe and healthy.

The Desired Results for families are

  • Families support their child's learning and development.
  • Families achieve their goals.

The attached regulations were developed to provide specific guidance for contractors to determine whether children and families are achieving the Desired Results and whether the programs are supporting their achievement.

Regulatory Requirements

Changes were made to 5 CCR Chapter 19, sections 18023, 18270.5, 18272, 18273, 18274, 18275, 18279, 18280, and 18281. Attached is the final version of the 5 CCR sections identifying the information that was deleted (lined out) and the new information that was added (underlined). You can also view the revised regulations without the strike out and underline on the California Code of Regulations Web page at

Section 18023 added definitions of "compliance review" and "CCR," specified that reviews shall be conducted according to the provisions of "CCR," and made other minor, non-substantive changes.

Section 18270.5 was added to provide definitions of terms used in Desired Results.

Section 18272, Developmental Profile, was amended to require the Desired Results Developmental Profile and to establish revised completion dates for the profile based on the age of the child.

Section 18273, Education Program, was amended to include additional requirements related to Desired Results.

Section 18274, Staff Development Program, contains minor, non-substantive changes.

Section 18275, Parent Involvement and Education, contains minor amendments regarding conferences with parents for school-age children and requires sharing information between staff and parents concerning children's progress.

Section 18279, Program Self-Evaluation Process, was amended to include the program self-evaluation components developed for Desired Results. Please note that the due date for submission of the agency self-evaluation has been changed from March 1 to June 1 of each year. Refer to Management Bulletin 04-02, for additional information regarding the self-evaluation requirements.

Section 18280, Parent Survey, was added regarding the requirement to conduct a parent survey using the Desired Results Parent Survey.

Section 18281, Environment Rating Scales, was added regarding the requirement for center-based programs and family child care home networks to complete an environment rating scale to measure program quality.

Please note that some of the forms and documents referenced in the regulations contain incorrect dates. The most current forms and documents related to Desired Results can be found on the CDE/EESD Desired Results Reference Materials and Forms Web page at

Questions regarding the information in this Management Bulletin should be addressed to the assigned EESD Field Services Consultant at

This Management Bulletin is mandatory only to the extent that it cites a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement.  Any portion of this Management Bulletin that is not supported by a specific statutory and/or regulatory requirement is not prescriptive pursuant to Education Code 33308.5.

Questions:   Early Education and Support Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 24, 2025
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