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Program Directors E-mail List Subscription

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EED agency Program Director: As required by contract Funding Terms and Conditions, Program Directors of EED contract agencies MUST subscribe to the “Program Director” list to receive critical documents and instructions related to their contract(s).

Agencies may enter the e-mail address of the Program Director or their designee. It is the responsibility of each contractor to assure that information sent from EED to the e-mail address provided will reach the Program Director.

To subscribe, complete the form below and select the Subscribe button. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Please check the box next to each EED program for which your agency holds a current contract.

At least one box must be checked.

Important Note: You should receive confirmation within 30 minutes that your e-mail address has been added to the list. If you do not receive confirmation, it is possible that your subscription request has not been processed. Please subscribe again.

To unsubscribe from this list: Send a blank message to Please note that the message MUST be sent from the address you wish to unsubscribe. You should receive confirmation within 30 minutes that your e-mail address has been removed from the list. If you do not receive confirmation, it is possible that your unsubscribe request has not been processed. Please try again.

Questions:   Early Education Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
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