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Impact Inclusion Workgroup

The Impact Inclusion Workgroup exists to lift, advocate for, and advance early childhood inclusive programs for children with disabilities.

The Impact Inclusion Workgroup exists to lift, advocate for, and advance early childhood inclusive programs for children with disabilities in and across all sectors and systems in the state and tribes. We recognize and value the need for a culturally and linguistically responsive system reflective of our communities that honors individual strengths, differences, similarities, and perspectives, as essential to a quality inclusive system. Thus, a unified inclusive early learning and care system driven by an equity lens, will lead to equitable access, meaningful participation and a strong sense of authentic belonging for ALL of California’s children, their families, and the communities that serve them.  


“One System, All Children: Better Together” 

Mission Statement

The Impact Inclusion State Workgroup exists to lift, advocate for, and advance early childhood inclusive programs for children with disabilities in and across all sectors and systems in the state and tribes. We recognize and value the need for a culturally and linguistically responsive system reflective of our communities that honors individual strengths, differences, similarities, and perspectives, as essential to a quality inclusive system. Thus, a unified inclusive early learning and care system driven by an equity lens, will lead to equitable access, meaningful participation and a strong sense of authentic belonging for ALL of California’s children, their families, and the communities that serve them. 

Guiding Principles 

We Believe...

  • Children with varying abilities are recognized as children first and learn alongside their peers with and without disabilities in natural community environments  
  • All children, including underserved children; those with disabilities, multilingual learners, Tribal children, those experiencing homelessness, poverty, or who live in rural areas, etc., are provided supports and services that are embedded within their daily routines and activities 
  • Promoting, cultivating, and embedding inclusive practices into early learning and care standards, policies, and practices improves the quality of the continuum of services 
  • An integrated and effective early learning and care system is paramount to ensuring access to inclusive services, supports and learning opportunities so that every child may pursue a productive and fulfilling life
  • The early learning and care workforce must be supported by an effective infrastructure

Our Call to Action 

  • We will identify gaps in the system, co-constructing strategies and benchmarks to bridge those gaps.  
  • We will create a structure to share successful strategies across California.  
  • We will develop and implement a state level strategic action plan to advance early childhood inclusive programs for children with disabilities statewide. 

Definition of High-Quality Inclusion (workgroup adopted)

Early childhood inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every infant and young child and their family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts as full members of their family, community, and society. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children with and without disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and development and learning to reach their full potential. The defining features of inclusion that can be used to identify high-quality early learning and care programs and services are: access, participation, and supports. 

High-quality inclusion should have the following components: intentionality, sufficiency, and supported interactions between peers with and without disabilities; specialized, individualized supports; evidence-based practices; family involvement; inclusive, interdisciplinary services and collaborative teaming; a focus on critical equitable, culturally competent outcomes; effective, ongoing professional development; and ongoing program evaluation.  

This language is consistent with California’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care, Preschool Development Grant Renewal, and other cross-sector inclusion initiatives and guidance. 

Workgroup Representatives

The workgroup consists of state and local agency representation as well as parent representation.  The California Department of Education Early Education Division and the Special Education Division are the facilitators of the workgroup.

Representative Agency Representative/Role
Maricris Acon Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Deputy Director, Federal Programs Early Start/Part C services
AnnLouise Bonnitto, JD California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. Tribal child care
Hannah Hughes Redding Rancheria Head Start and Child Care Tribal child care and Head Start
Yvette Baptiste Eastern Los Angeles Family Resource Center Family Resource Center
Devon Homme Valley Mountain Regional Center Regional center
Cindy Collado California State University, Sacramento Institutes of Higher Education
Dana McVey First 5 California First 5 California
Toby Espley Multi-tiered System of Support, Orange County State technical assistance provider
Brinda Ghiya Parent, Los Angeles Parent
Sarah Leoni Mendocino County Office of Education Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program grantee/Local educational agency (LEA)/County office of education
Heather McClellan-Brandusa Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division Child Care Development and Division
Ada Sergio Department of Social Services, Child Care Licensing Child care licensing
Nicolas Watson Charter School LEA
Marie Poulsen Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) for Early Intervention ICC Chair
Cecilia Rojas Crystal Stairs, Inc. Resource and Referral Agency
Kelsey Petithomme Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Administrators of California SELPA
Questions:   Kim McMillan | | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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