Child Care Annual Aggregate Report Data (CDD-800)
Description of Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 800 report and links to tables of data generated from the reports.Beginning in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2004-05, the CDD-800 was generated electronically using the CDD-801A monthly child care reports submitted online by all agencies providing direct services. Using the CDD-801A to generate the CDD-800 provides an accurate representation of the total unduplicated number of children served during the year because the data can be unduplicated across multiple agencies. This report was developed by counting children once (children may be counted twice if they received services from more than one program throughout the year) during the fiscal year.
For Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 1999-2000 through FFY 2003-04, these counts were generated by requiring agencies to provide an unduplicated count of the families and children served during the FFY in order to comply with federal reporting requirements established by the Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act of 1996. During these years, CDD-800 data represent unduplicated counts at the agency level, and because children can be served by multiple agencies during the year, they tend to overstate actual annual enrollment.