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ELCD-Approved Training Opportunities

The Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) offers a wide range of training programs for child care providers.

The Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD)-approved training options listed below are funded or subsidized by the California Department of Education (CDE), and are available at no cost or at a reduced cost to participants who meet application criteria and until the CDE-funded spaces are filled. The menu below features training courses provided by ELCD-approved professional development providers, with links to web pages for more information about each service as well as contact information. Training updates will be posted to this page as needed.

California Collaborative on the Social and Emotional Foundations in Early Learning (CA CSEFEL)
California Early Childhood Online (CECO)
California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)
Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP)
Desired Results Developmental Profile© (DRDP© 2010)
Family Child Care At Its Best
Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC)
The Strengthening FamiliesTM Protective Factors Framework

California Collaborative on the Social and Emotional Foundations in Early Learning (CA CSEFEL)

To inquire about the following trainings, please contact:

CA CSEFEL External link opens in new window or tab.
These trainings are for administrators and specialists or for teaching staff in early care and education centers.

Component-A Training Option Hours of Training

Training Option A: CA CSEFEL Overview*

This training provides an overview for administrators and specialists or for teaching staff of the Teaching Pyramid Framework.


Training Option B: CA CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Fundamentals*

This training for teaching staff provides an in-depth look at the three fundamental strategies for building the foundation of CSEFEL’s Teaching Pyramid Framework: Positive Descriptive Acknowledgement, Expectations, and Visual Strategies, particularly schedules.


Training Option C: Supporting Families in Social-Emotional Development using CA CSEFEL Materials

This training provides a follow-up to the CA CSEFEL Overview (Option A) with a focus on sharing information on social-emotional development and challenging behavior with family members.


Training Option D: CSEFEL Positive Solutions for Families Training of Facilitators

This training is designed for people who facilitate parent groups. The Positive Solutions For Families Modules are based on the Teaching Pyramid, and adapted for California. There are a series of six sessions available for the families and “training of facilitators” is one-day if the participants are familiar with the CA CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid and two-days if the information is new.


CSEFEL Onsite Training, Mentoring, and Coaching for Implementation

This training and technical assistance package, which is designed for program-wide implementation of the Teaching Pyramid, is aimed at preschool staff to address the implementation of The Teaching Pyramid Framework strategies. There are 4-5 full days of training given over several months, coaching following each training module, and a leadership team that meets throughout the training period. In addition to the preschool modules, there are versions for infants/toddlers as well as Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten.


All component trainings are offered by WestEd.

*In addition, trainers who have been authorized as CA CSEFEL trainers may train the onsite option. Those who have completed additional specified training may also train on A or B (Overview or Fundamentals).

California Early Childhood Online (CECO)

To support early childhood teachers, the California Early Learning and Development System provides an integrated set of resources based on state- of-the-art information for early learning and development and best practices in early education. The modules provided on the CECO Web site External link opens in new window or tab. enable teachers to increase content knowledge and ability to provide developmentally appropriate experiences for children in their care. CECO provides access to comprehensive resources and courses in one centralized location to meet the ever-changing needs of the early childhood field. Please note: training module hours may vary; certificates will indicate amount of credit for training hours earned.

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California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

To register for the following regional trainings, please go to the CPIN Calendar of Events External link opens in new window or tab. Web site.

For contact information on your CPIN regional lead, please go to the CPIN Regional Leads External link opens in new window or tab. Web site.

Overviews of Foundations and Frameworks Hours of Training

Preschool Learning Foundations Vol. 1 Overview


Preschool Curriculum Framework Vol. 1 Overview


Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum
Frameworks Vol. 2 Overview

Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum
Frameworks Vol. 3 Overview

Social Emotional Development Domain Hours of Training
Self Regulation 3.5
Social Interaction 3.5

Language and Literacy Development Domain Hours of Training
Language and Literacy Development Overview 4
Phonological Awareness 3.5
Alphabetical Recognition 2
Comprehension 3
Literacy for all 3
Listening and Speaking


Dialogical Reading 3
Conversations 4
Writing 3
Early Steps to Reading Success 15
(3 days/5 hours per day)

English Language Development Hours of Training
English Language Development Overview 4
Preschool English Learners (PEL) Resource Guide 6.5
Spanish PEL Guide 6.5
PEL Guide Chapter 7 Extended Module 4
PEL Guide Chapter 8 Extended Module 4

Mathematics Hours of Training
Geometry 4
Number Sense 4
Measurement 4
Algebra and Functions 3
Math Reasoning 3

Visual and Performing Arts Hours of Training
Visual and Performing Arts Overview and Strands 3.5
Visual Art 3
Music 3
Drama 3
Dance 3

Physical Development Hours of Training
Physical Development Overview 4
Strand 1 - Fundamental Movement Skills 3.5
Strand 2 - Perceptual Motor Skills and Movement Concepts 3.5
Strand 3 - Active Physical Play 3.5

History-Social Science Hours of Training
Becoming a Community Member 3.5
History-Social Science Time 3.5

Science Hours of Training
Scientific Inquiry 4
Overview Science for Administrators 1.5
Physical Science 3.5
Life Science 3.5
Earth Science 3.5

Other Hours of Training
Health 3
Parents - Talking with Parents about Concerns 3
Including Children with Special Needs - Inclusion Works! 3

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Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP)

CCIP Training Module 1 is available below; the development of remaining modules is in progress.

For additional information regarding CCIP trainings, contact Domenica Benitez at, or visit the CCIP Primary County Contact List External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF) to find a trainer in your area.

CCIP Training Modules Hours of Training
Module 1: Operating a Strong Family Child Care Business External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF; 7MB)
1. Introduction
2. Feasibility
3. Steps to Becoming Licensed
4. Business Plan Development

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Desired Results Developmental Profile© (DRDP© 2010)

To register for the following scheduled trainings, please contact:
Phone: 800-770-6339
Web site: Desired Results Training External link opens in new window or tab.

Component-A Training Option Hours of Training
Observe, Reflect and Plan

Teacher Training on the Desired Results Developmental Profile- DRDP 2010


Meaningful Observation for the Desired Results Developmental Profile 2010 Training


Activity Planning in the Classroom Training


Sharpening Your DRDP© Skills


DRDP© SR - School Readiness


DRDP© Certified Trainer Institute

This Institute is held once each year to certify individuals to train on the DRDP©. Agencies may also contract to hold a Trainer Institute at their site.

(3 days at 6 hours per)

Desired Results Development Profile - Preschool/Infant Toddler Online

The online modules allow teachers to understand the components of the DRDP assessment tool. Teachers are able to complete the five modules at their own pace. Certificates are provided when all modules are completed.

DRDP© Online Course

These eight-week courses offer academic units through California State University, Channel Islands. Continuing education units are also available.

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Family Child Care At Its Best

Training and quality improvement services for licensed family child care home providers throughout the state.
To register for the following scheduled trainings, please visit the Family Child Care At Its Best External link opens in new window or tab. website.

Focus Component-A Training Option Hours of Training
California Collaboration on the Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CA CSEFEL) Module 1: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments (English and Spanish) 15
CA CSEFEL Module 2: Social Emotional Teaching Strategies (English and Spanish) 10
Health and Fitness Healthy Habits: Nutrition and Well-Being for Young Children (proposed January 2015) 5
Health and Fitness Motor Skills and Movement: Promoting Young Children's Physical Development 5
Infant-Toddler Culture and the Care of Young Children 10
Infant-Toddler Guiding Young Children 10


Learning through Relationships with Infants and Toddlers

Language and Literacy

Introducing Language Through Play

Language and Literacy

Supporting Emergent Readers and Writers

Language and Literacy Supporting Young Bilinguals 5
Parent Engagement Partnering with Parents 5
Parent Engagement Serving Children with Special Needs and Their Families 5
Science and Mathematics Building Numeracy Skills and Beyond 5
Science and Mathematics Scientific Inquiry for Young Children 5
Social Competence

Child Observation

Social Competence Loss, Trauma and Young Children 5
Social Competence Setting the Stage for Social Competence 5
Social Competence Social Emotional Development in Group Care 5

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Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC)

Component-A Training Option Hours of Training Contact Information

Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Academies External link opens in new window or tab.

The Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Academies will provide an opportunity to learn about the California Department of Education’s new learning and development system and how these resources can be used to support program quality and optimal child growth and development.

20 PITC Partners for Quality Regional Coordinators Contact Information website External link opens in new window or tab.

Infant/Toddler Learning & Development System Seminars External link opens in new window or tab.

The Development System seminars, offered in local communities across California, provide an overview of California’s Infant/Toddler Learning and Development System. The seminars will focus on the following major publications by the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division: Infant/Toddler Program Guidelines, the Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations, and the Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework.

18 PITC Partners for Quality Regional Coordinators Contact Information website External link opens in new window or tab.

PITC Institute for Trainers External link opens in new window or tab.

( Modules I & II and Modules III & IV are scheduled in hybrid in-person and online sessions)

120 Elizabeth Crocker
Phone: 415-289-2334

PITC Online Infant and Toddler Group Care Training External link opens in new window or tab.

(Modules I-IV are scheduled in four separate two-day sessions)

60 PITC Online Infant and Toddler Group Care External link opens in new window or tab.

Beginning Together Institute for Trainers External link opens in new window or tab.

(Module V; Certification as an inclusion facilitator or trainer)

60 E-mail:
PITC Partners for Quality Onsite Training, Mentoring, and Coaching External link opens in new window or tab. 20-115 Arlene Paxton
Phone: 415-289-2309
Beginning Together Onsite Training, Mentoring, and Coaching for Inclusion External link opens in new window or tab. varies E-mail:

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The Strengthening FamiliesTM Protective Factors Framework

Alliance Preventing Child Neglect Training External link opens in new window or tab.

To inquire about the following trainings, please contact:
Ludie Montoya
Phone: 661-861-5252

Component-A Training Option Hours of Training

Introduction – Protective Factors Framework 

This training will provide an overview on Strength-Based Theory, the Five Protective Factors, everyday actions that build protective factors, understanding and putting aside our biases, and the critical role parents play in strengthening families.

Parental Resilience

This training will demonstrate in multiple ways that parents are valued. Participants will be training on how to honor each family’s race, language, culture, history and approach to parenting; encourage parents to manage stress effectively; support parents as decision-makers and help build decision-making leadership skills; and assist parents with understanding how to protect their child during stressful times.


Social Connections

This training will provide participants with an understanding of how to help families value, build, sustain and use social connections; create an inclusive environment; facilitate mutual support around parenting and other issues; and promote engagement in the community and participation in community activities.

Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

This training will provide participants with an understanding of how to model developmentally appropriate interactions with children; provide information and resources on parenting and child development; encourage exploration of parenting issues or concerns; provide opportunities to try out new parenting strategies; and how to address parenting issues from a strength-based perspective.

Concrete Support in Times of Need

This training will provide participants with an understanding of how to respond immediately when families are in crisis; provide information and connections to other services in the community; and help families develop skills and tools they need to identify their needs and connect to supports.

Social and Emotional Competence of Children

This training will provide participants with an understanding of how to help parents foster their child’s social emotional development; model nurturing support to children; include children’s social and emotional development activities in programming; help children develop a positive cultural identity and interact in a diverse society; and respond proactively when social or emotional development seems to need support

Moving from Knowledge to Action – Wrap Up

This training will review the goals and objectives of the training, the Protective Factors, program strategies and reflect on what was learned.

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Questions:   Early Learning and Care Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
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