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Charter School Number Form

Information and instructions regarding the purpose, completion, and submission of the Charter School Number Form.

To request a charter school number for a newly-approved charter petition, authorizing local educational agencies (LEAs) should complete the Charter School Number Form (PDF; Revised 27-Sep-2021).

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Section 1. Charter School Number Request

Select the reason for requesting a charter school number as it pertains to the charter school.

Note: California Education Code (EC) Section 47612.7 prohibits the approval of a petition for the establishment of a new charter school that offers nonclassroom-based (NCB) instruction from January 1, 2020, to January 1, 2025. Detailed information regarding the temporary prohibition on new NCB charter schools is available at Temporary Prohibition on New NCB Charter Schools.

  • 1. Classroom-Based Charter School: As defined by EC Section 47605, a petition for the establishment of a charter school shall identify a single charter school that will operate within the geographic boundaries of that school district. A charter school may propose to operate at multiple sites within the school district if each location is identified in the charter school petition.

  • 2. Classroom-Based County Charter School: As defined by EC Section 47605.5, a petition may be submitted directly to a county board of education in the same manner as set forth in Section 47605 for charter schools that will serve pupils for whom the county office of education would otherwise be responsible for providing direct education and related services. Any denial of a petition shall be subject to the same process for any other county board of education denial of a charter school petition pursuant to this part.

  • 3. Classroom-Based Countywide Charter School: As defined by EC Section 47605.6, in addition to the authority provided by Section 47605.5, a county board of education may also approve a petition for the operation of a charter school that operates at one or more sites within the geographic boundaries of the county and that provides instructional services that are not generally provided by a county office of education. A county board of education may approve a countywide charter only if it finds, in addition to the other requirements of this section, that the educational services to be provided by the charter school will offer services to a pupil population that will benefit from those services and that cannot be served as well by a charter school that operates in only one school district in the county. A petition for the establishment of a countywide charter school pursuant to this subdivision may be circulated throughout the county by any one or more persons seeking to establish the charter school.

  • 4. Classroom-Based Partnership Charter School: As defined by EC Section 47612.1(a), except for the requirement that a pupil be a California resident, subdivision (b) of Section 47612 shall not apply to a charter school program that provides instruction exclusively in partnership with any of the following:
    • 1. The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 United States Code [USC] Section 3101 et seq.)
    • 2. Federally affiliated Youth Build programs
    • 3. Federal job corps training or instruction provided pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the federal provider
    • 4. The California Conservation Corps or local conservation corps certified by the California Conservation Corps pursuant to Section 14406 or 14507.5 of the Public Resources Code (PRC)

  • 5. Nonclassroom-Based Resource Center: A resource center is currently operating outside of the boundaries of the authorizing LEA under a currently-approved charter school that is operating within the boundaries of the authorizing school district. The charter school, on behalf of the resource center, submitted a petition to the school district in which it is located to operate as its own charter school. The charter school under which it previously operated remains in the school district in which it is located.

    Per EC Section 47605.1(c)(5)(A), a charter school that was operating a resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility outside the jurisdiction of the school district where the charter school is physically located before January 1, 2020, may continue to operate the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility until the charter school submits a request for the renewal of its charter petition. To continue operating the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility, the charter school, before submitting the request to the charter school’s chartering authority for the renewal of the charter petition, shall first obtain approval in writing from the school district where the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility is operating.

    Also, per EC Section 47612.7(b), (b) Subdivision (a) shall not apply to an NCB charter school that was granted approval of its petition and providing educational services to pupils before October 1, 2019, under either of the following circumstances:
    • 1. The charter school is required to submit a petition to the governing board of a school district or county board of education in an adjacent county in which its existing resource center is located in order to comply with Section 47605.1, as amended by AB 1507 of the 2019–20 Regular Session, or to retain current program offerings or enrollment.
    • 2. The charter school is required to submit a petition to a school district or county board of education in which a resource center is located in order to comply with the court decision in Anderson Union High School District v. Shasta Secondary Home School (2016) 4 Cal. App. 5th 262, or other relevant court ruling, and the petition is necessary to retain current program offerings or enrollment.

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Section 2. Charter School Information

Complete this section as it pertains to the charter school.

General Information

  • Charter school name as it appears on the charter petition and the authorizing LEA’s board-approved minutes
  • Physical street address of the charter school’s facility, including city, county, and zip code (if a facility has not yet been secured, provide the county and zip code of the general location)
  • Name, email address, and phone number (including area code) of the charter school administrator or principal
  • Date, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, by which the charter school will begin serving students/providing instruction
  • Grade span the charter school is approved to serve

Instructional Type

  • Classroom-based: Per EC Section 47612.5(e)(1), notwithstanding any other provision of law, and as a condition of apportionment, “classroom-based instruction” in a charter school, for the purposes of this part, occurs only when charter school pupils are engaged in educational activities required of those pupils and are under the immediate supervision and control of an employee of the charter school who possesses a valid teaching certification in accordance with subdivision (l) of Section 47605. For purposes of calculating average daily attendance for classroom-based instruction apportionments, at least 80 percent of the instructional time offered by the charter school shall be at the schoolsite, and the charter school shall require the attendance of all pupils for whom a classroom-based apportionment is claimed at the schoolsite for at least 80 percent of the minimum instructional time required to be offered pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 47612.5. Additionally, per California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section 11963(a), in accordance with the definition of classroom-based instruction specified in EC section 47612.5(e)(1), and for purposes of identifying and reporting that portion of a charter school's average daily attendance that is generated through nonclassroom-based instruction pursuant to EC sections 47634.2(c) and 47612.5(e)(2), classroom-based instruction in a charter school occurs only when all four of the following conditions are met:
    • 1. The charter school's pupils are engaged in educational activities required of those pupils, and the pupils are under the immediate supervision and control of an employee of the charter school who is authorized to provide instruction to the pupils within the meaning of EC Section 47605(l).
    • 2. At least 80 percent of the instructional time offered at the charter school is at the schoolsite.
    • 3. The charter school's schoolsite is a facility that is used principally for classroom instruction.
    • 4. The charter school requires its pupils to be in attendance at the schoolsite at least 80 percent of the minimum instructional time required pursuant to EC Section 47612.5(a)(1).

  • Nonclassroom-based: Per EC Section 47612.5(d)(1), notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as provided in paragraph (1) of subdivision (e), a charter school that has an approved charter may receive funding for NCB instruction only if a determination for funding is made pursuant to Section 47634.2 by the State Board of Education (SBE). The determination for funding shall be subject to any conditions or limitations the SBE may prescribe. The SBE shall adopt regulations on or before February 1, 2002, that define and establish general rules governing NCB instruction that apply to all charter schools and to the process for determining funding of NCB instruction by charter schools offering NCB instruction other than the NCB instruction allowed by paragraph (1) of subdivision (e). NCB instruction includes, but is not limited to, independent study, home study, work study, and distance and computer-based education. Additionally, per EC Section 47612.5(e)(2), for the purposes of this part, “nonclassroom instruction” or “NCB instruction” means instruction that does not meet the requirements specified in paragraph (1).

  • Combination: Select this option if the approved charter petition articulates how some of the student population will be served by definition of classroom-based instruction and a different set of the student population will be served by the definition of NCB instruction. If this option is selected, indicate the estimated percentage of students that will participate in each of the instructional types. The percentages provided in each box should total 100 percent.

Funding Type

  • Direct: The charter school receives funding directly through its own fund or account established in the county treasury.
  • Local: The charter school receives funding through a fund or account of the authorizing LEA established in the county treasury.

Data Reporting Type

  • Independent: The charter school reports data directly to California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and California Basic Education Data System (CBEDS), independent of its authorizing LEA.
  • Through Authorizer: The authorizing LEA reports the charter school’s data directly to CALPADS and CBEDS.

Note: Reporting status does not impact nor have any association with the charter school funding type. Additional information is available at CALPADS and Charter Schools Data Reporting Policy.

Special Education Information

  • Name, email address, and phone number (including area code) of the charter school's special education administrator
  • Special Education Local Plan Area affiliation

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Section 3. Authorizing Local Educational Agency Information

Complete this section as it pertains to the charter school’s authorizing LEA:

  • LEA name
  • County in which the LEA is located
  • Name and email address of the authorizing LEA superintendent
  • Date, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, of the authorizing LEA board meeting at which the charter petition was approved; this date must match the date on the authorizing LEA’s board meeting minutes showing approval of the charter petition
  • Term or length of time, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, for which the charter petition is approved as specified in the authorizing LEA’s board minutes or official notice
  • Charter school approved by county on appeal after denial by a school district governing board, per EC Section 47605(k)
  • Charter school located within the geographical boundaries of the authorizing LEA
    • Note: If the proposed site is not within the authorizing LEA’s geographical boundaries, verify compliance with any and all requirements pursuant to EC Section 47605(a)(5)(A), a charter school that established one site outside the boundaries of the school district, but within the county in which that school district is located before January 1, 2020, may continue to operate that site until the charter school submits a request for the renewal of its charter petition. To continue operating the site, the charter school shall do either of the following:
      • (i) First, before submitting the request for the renewal of the charter petition, obtain approval in writing from the school district where the site is operating; or
      • (ii) Submit a request for the renewal of the charter petition pursuant to Section 47607 to the school district in which the charter school is located.
  • Charter school occupying district facilities
    • Facilities provided shall be contiguous, furnished, and equipped, and shall remain the property of the school district. The school district shall make reasonable efforts to provide the charter school with facilities near to where the charter school wishes to locate, and shall not move the charter school unnecessarily.
    • Note: Per EC Section 47614(b), each school district shall make available, to each charter school operating in the school district, facilities sufficient for the charter school to accommodate all of the charter school’s in-district students in conditions reasonably equivalent to those in which the students would be accommodated if they were attending other public schools of the district.

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Section 4. Additional Charter School Information

Complete the following subsections as they pertain to the charter school:

Exclusive Partnership

Complete this section as it pertains to the charter school’s exclusive partnerships, if instruction is provided exclusively in partnership with one or more of the following. Select all that apply.

  1. Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, per 29 USC Section 3101 et seq.
  2. Federally Affiliated Youth Build Programs
  3. Federal Job Corps Training or Instruction, provided pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the federal provider
  4. California Conversation Corps or Local Conservation Corps, certified by the California Conservation Corps pursuant to PRC sections 14406 or 14507.5
  5. Instruction to juvenile court pupils or pupils in residential facilities
  6. Instruction not provided exclusively in partnership

Note: Per EC Section 47612.1(a), except for the requirement that a pupil be a California resident, subdivision (b) of Section 47612 shall not apply to a charter school program that provides instruction exclusively in partnership with any of the following: 1. The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 USC Section 3101 et seq.); 2. Federally affiliated Youth Build programs; 3. Federal job corps training or instruction provided pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the federal provider; or 4. The California Conservation Corps or local conservation corps certified by the California Conservation Corps pursuant to sections 14406 or 14507.5 of the PRC.

Management Organization

Complete this section as it pertains to the charter school’s association with a management organization.

  • Charter Management Organization (CMO): Non-profit organization that operates or manages multiple charter schools (i.e., either through a contract with the charter schools or as the charter holder) linked by centralized support, operations, and oversight.
  • Education Management Organization (EMO): For-profit entity that contracts with new or existing public-school districts, charter school districts, and charter schools to manage charter schools by centralizing support, operations, and oversight.
  • Other: Organization that is not a CMO or EMO and that provides management services to one or more charter schools.

Retirement System

Complete this section as it pertains to the charter school’s retirement system for teachers and classified staff and as described in the charter petition. Select all that apply.

  • California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS)
  • California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS)
  • Other

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Section 5. Certifications

Authorizing Local Educational Agency Certification

The superintendent’s original signature is required for the certification. If a designee provides a signature, the designee is representing compliance with defined EC on behalf of the authorizing LEA.

Charter School Administrator Certification

The charter school administrator’s original signature is required for the certification representing compliance with defined EC on behalf of the charter school.

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Submission and Next Steps

Once the Charter School Number Form is complete, refer to the information provided under Submission and Next Steps at Charter School Numbers.

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Questions:   Charter Schools Division | | 916-322-6029
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 12, 2023