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English Language Development Standards

The English language development (ELD) standards, ELD video series, information, and resources to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for English learner (EL) students.

California Education Code (EC) Section 60811 requires the State Board of Education (SBE) to approve ELD standards for pupils identified as EL students. The standards shall be comparable in rigor and specificity to the standards for English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science.

California English Language Development Standards: Kindergarten Through Grade 12

California English Language Development Standards (PDF)

The California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) amplify the California State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (ELA/Literacy). The CA ELD Standards, when used in tandem with state content standards, assist English learner students to build English proficiency, refine the academic use of English, and provide students access to subject area content.

EL students need a purpose for using language (social function), need to understand how to use the language meaningfully, and access resources to be knowledgeable in language selection to be precise and convey exact meaning.

The SBE adopted the CA ELD Standards in November 2012.

The CA ELD Standards are available as a free download. Printed publications of the CA ELD Standards may be purchased through the California Department of Education (CDE) Press Educational Resources Online Ordering web page.

CA ELD Standards Webinars

California English Language Development Standards Webinar Series External link opens in new window or tab.
This link contains a playlist of all the webinar recordings in this series.

Webinar 1: Revisiting the California ELD Standards External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:12:28)
This webinar was recorded on January 24, 2024. It provides an orientation to the California ELD Standards. It included an overview of the six chapters, the Proficiency Level Descriptors, and Parts I–III of the standards.

CA ELD Standards Webinar 1 Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

Webinar 2: Professional Learning for Successful Implementation of the California ELD Standards External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:19:12)
This webinar was recorded on February 28, 2024. It highlights the following chapters in the California ELD Standards publication to support the professional learning for implementing the ELD standards:

  • Chapter 4, Theoretical Foundations and the Research Base of the California English Language Development Standards
  • Chapter 5, Learning About How English Works; and
  • Chapter 6, Foundational Literacy Skills for English Learners

CA ELD Standards Webinar 2 Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

Webinar 3: California ELD Standards Proficiency Level Descriptors External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:06:13)
This webinar was recorded on March 20, 2024. It provides a detailed presentation of the California ELD Standards Proficiency Level Descriptors and how they are intended to be used as a guide for teachers to provide EL students with targeted instruction in ELD as well as differentiated instruction in academic content areas.

CA ELD Standards Webinar 3 Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

Webinar 4: California ELD Standards Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:11:20)
This webinar was recorded on April 24, 2024. It provides a detailed presentation of Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, of the California ELD Standards to gain a better understanding of the standards and discuss how to develop appropriate integrated and designated ELD for EL students.

CA ELD Standards Webinar 4 Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

Webinar 5: California ELD Standards Part II: Learning About How English Works External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 1:08:08) This webinar was recorded on May 22, 2024. It provides a detailed presentation of Part II: Learning About How English Works, of the California ELD Standards to gain a better understanding of the standards and discuss how to develop appropriate integrated and designated ELD instruction for EL students.

CA ELD Standards Webinar 5 Links
This page includes links to the resources referenced throughout the webinar.

CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan

Letter presenting the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan to the Governor
Following adoption of the CA ELD Standards, EC Section 60811.3 (e) required the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the SBE to present to the Governor, and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature, a schedule and implementation plan for integrating the CA ELD Standards into the public education system.

CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan (PDF)
The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan identifies major phases and activities in the implementation of the CA ELD Standards throughout California’s educational system. The plan describes the philosophy of, and strategies for, the successful integration of the CA ELD Standards that align to the ELA/Literacy Standards to address English language and literacy skills EL students need in key content areas. The goal of the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is to serve as a guide of the major steps in the development, adoption, and implementation of the CA ELD Standards for LEAs.

Integrated and Designated ELD

Integrated ELD is instruction in which the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards (Title 5 California Code of Regulations [CCR] Section 11300[c]).

Designated ELD is instruction provided during a protected time in the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards. During designated ELD, EL students develop critical English language skills necessary for accessing academic content in English. (5 CCR Section 11300[a]).

The following resources are available to support administrators and teachers to design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for EL students.

Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series

The ELD Video Series tab contains videos demonstrating designated ELD and related integrated ELD instruction for ELA, mathematics, and science in grades transitional kindergarten/kindergarten through grade twelve.

Integrated and Designated ELD Letter to the Field (Dated December 18, 2019)
The California Department of Education (CDE) and the SBE provides the field with guidance for integrated and designated ELD instruction and additional resources.

Integrating the CA ELD Standards into K–12 Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning: A Supplementary Resource (DOC; 2015)
The CDE developed a supplementary resources to support the implementation of the CA ELD Standards in mathematics and science subject content area instruction. The supplementary resource provides examples explicitly demonstrating the relationship between the ELD standards and the mathematics and science standards.

English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, Volume 1 External link opens in new window or tab.
The toolkit provides high leverage strategies to increase English language proficiency in both integrated and designated ELD. The toolkit was developed by the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) ELA/ELD CISC Subcommittee ELD Workgroup.

Strategies for ELD External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
This collection of ELD strategies, with descriptions and examples, was compiled by the Tulare County Office of Education from the snapshots and vignettes within the ELA/ELD Framework (2015).

Expanded View of the ELA/ELD Framework Resources
A collection of resources that support the implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework, including integrated and designated ELD instruction for English learners.

ELA and ELD Implementation Support Videos
Videos from the Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework web page are organized by key theme and area of focus, including integrated and designated ELD.

Content Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

California ELD Standards (PDF)
The CA ELD Standards, when used in tandem with state content standards, assist EL students in building English proficiency, refining the academic use of English, designed to provide them access to subject area content.

Content Standards
Content standards defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level in mathematics, science, history-social science, visual and performing arts, world languages, computer science, health education, and other content areas.

ELA/ELD Framework
The ELA/ELD framework, specifically Chapter 2, provides guidance for implementing the CA ELD Standards for integrated and designated ELD instruction. Chapters three through seven provide guidance for the implementation of ELA/ELD instruction specific to each grade level. 

Vignette Collection of the ELA/ELD Framework (PDF)
The vignette collection lists the vignettes for each grade level with the chapter and page number where they are located in the ELA/ELD Framework.

ELA/ELD Framework Vignettes Summary Sheet
The vignette summary sheet is organized so that each grade level section has a pair of vignettes that can be interpreted together: an ELA/Literacy with integrated ELD vignette and a companion designated ELD vignette.

Snapshot Collection of the ELA/ELD Framework (PDF)
Snapshots for each grade level with the chapter and page numbers where they are located in the ELA/ELD Framework.

ELA/ELD Framework Vignettes and Snapshots Chart
Snapshots and vignettes for each grade level with the chapter and page numbers, and indicates the different content areas each snapshot and vignette addresses in the ELA/ELD Framework.

All Curricular Frameworks
SBE-adopted curricular frameworks for mathematics, science, history-social science, visual and performing arts, health education, and other content areas.

Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series

ELD Video Series Home | Transitional Kindergarten-Kindergarten Videos | Grade One Videos | Grade Two Videos | Grade Three Videos | Grade Four Videos | Grade Five Videos | Grade Six Videos | Grade Seven Videos | Grade Eight Videos | Grade Nine Videos | Grade Ten Videos | Grade Eleven Videos | Grade Twelve Videos

The California Department of Education (CDE) developed a series of videos demonstrating integrated ELD instruction and its related designated ELD instruction during ELA, mathematics, and science. The Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series demonstrates the relationship between the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) and the state content standards. When used in tandem, English learner students build English proficiency, refine academic use of English, and access subject area content in transitional kindergarten/kindergarten through grade twelve.

The videos in this series feature teachers delivering integrated and designated ELD instruction to English learner students. Teachers use the CA ELD Standards to design intentional and purposeful ELD instruction that supports English learners to learn English and apply academic use of English through various content areas. English learners are equipped with linguistic resources and experiences to meaningfully engage with grade-appropriate text and contribute to academic discussions with their peers and teachers.

The CDE ELD Video Series: Administrator’s Guide for Facilitating Remote Professional Learning (DOCX) provides guidance and resources for facilitating remote professional learning using the CDE ELD Video Series.

For additional guidance on how to adapt ELD in distance learning, click on the ELD Distance Learning tab.

This video series aligns with the California English Learner Roadmap Policy, Principle Two–Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access, where English learners engage in intellectually rich, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency. These experiences integrate language development, literacy, and content learning as well as provide access for comprehension and participation through native language instruction, native language support, and scaffolding lessons in English.

ELD Video Series Webinars

These webinars are designed to engage the field and support educators in incorporating the Integrated and Designated ELD Videos Series into professional learning settings.

The archived webinar recordings are available through the WestEd Webinar Series on the CDE Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series External link opens in new window or tab. web page.

ELD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to the questions most asked related to ELD.

  1. What is designated ELD?

    Designated ELD is instruction provided during a time set aside in the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards. During designated ELD instruction, EL students are assisted in developing critical English language skills necessary for accessing academic content in English. (Title 5 California Code of Regulations Section 11300[a]).

  2. What is integrated ELD?

    Integrated ELD is instruction in which the state-adopted ELD standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specially designed academic instruction in English (5 California Code of Regulations Section 11300[c]).

  3. Are LEAs required to provide integrated and designated ELD for each EL student?

    Yes. LEAs shall provide language acquisition programs for EL students and any language acquisition program shall be designed using evidence-based research and include both integrated and designated ELD (5 California Code of Regulations Section 11309). For information on designated and integrated ELD, see pages 346 and 347 of the California Department of Education publication, Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice (PDF).

  4. What is the minimum number of minutes required for ELD instruction?

    An LEA determines the amount of time and frequency of the integrated or designated ELD instruction to support EL students in overcoming language barriers and recouping academic deficits that may be incurred while learning English. An LEA should evaluate the design and implementation of its EL instructional program to ensure it is meeting its intended goals (5 California Code of Regulations Section 11302; Castaneda v. Pickard [5th Cir. 1981] 648 F.2d 989, 1009-1011).

  5. Are EL students required to have access to the standard instructional program?

    According to EC Section 60811.8 External link opens in new window or tab., EL students cannot be denied access to the standard instructional program.

  6. Are there instructional materials available for integrated and designated ELD instruction?

    In 2015, the SBE adopted instructional materials for ELA and ELD programs. Information is available on the California Department of Education 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption web page.

  7. Must an LEA purchase ELD instructional materials from the SBE adoption list?

    No. California EC Section 60210, addresses use of instructional materials not adopted by the SBE. Also, please see FAQ #46 on the 2015 ELA-ELD Adoption Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) web page.

    Note that the SBE does not provide an adoption list for materials in grades 9 to 12. For questions regarding ELA/ELD instructional materials adoption, contact the California Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division by phone at 916-319-0881 or by email at
  8. Are there resources available to help teachers prepare to provide integrated and designated ELD instruction?

    Teachers can consult the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) (PDF) publication for guidance on the development of integrated and designated ELD instruction. Proficiency Level Descriptors are discussed on pages 18–24. The following chapters might also be helpful: Chapter 4: Theoretical Foundations and the Research Base of the CA ELD Standards; Chapter 5: Learning About How English Works; and Chapter 6: Foundational Literacy Skills for English Learners.

    Teachers may also consult the ELA/ELD Framework External link opens in new window or tab.(PDF) in connection with the implementation of integrated and designated ELD instruction and Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice (PDF) to inform on instructional practices that support ELD instruction for EL students at the elementary and secondary levels.

    In addition, the CA ELD Standards Webinar Series recordings and the Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series are resources that might offer additional support teachers in providing integrated and designated ELD instruction. These resources are available on the California Department of Education ELD Standards web page.

    Also, see question 6, above.
  9. Can a parent opt their child out of ELD and EL services?

    A parent has the right to opt their child(ren) out of, or decline, the EL program or a particular EL service that an LEA provides, and LEAs must notify parents of this right (20 United State Code [U.S.C.] Section 6312[e][3][A][viii]). The student maintains their status as an English learner and LEAs must continue administering the Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) or Summative Alternate ELPAC to the EL student annually until reclassification occurs (20 U.S.C. 6311[b][2][G], 6823[b][3][B]).

    For information regarding an LEA’s obligation to EL students who have opted out of EL services, an LEA may consider reviewing the EL Toolkit Chapter 7: Tools and Resources for Serving English Learners Who Opt Out of EL Programs External link opens in new window or tab. , available from the U.S. Department of Education website. Generally, the EL Toolkit should be read in conjunction with the Dear Colleague Letter, “English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents”, (January 2015) External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF), available from the U.S. Department of Education website.

  10. May ELD be taught by any teacher, regardless of qualifications?

    No. For information regarding the appropriate authorization(s) a teacher must hold to provide instruction to EL students, visit the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Serving English Learners External link opens in new window or tab. web page, FAQ–Appropriate Assignment and Authorization to Serve English Learners External link opens in new window or tab. web page, and English Learner Authorization External link opens in new window or tab. web page.

  11. Is integrated and designated ELD required in language acquisition programs, such as dual language immersion settings?

    Yes. Integrated and designated ELD is required for all EL students in language acquisition programs, including settings such as dual language immersion (EC sections 305[a][1], 306[c]; 5 California Code of Regulations sections 11300[d], 11309).

Professional Learning Resources

These resources were developed by the California Department of Education (CDE) and outside agencies to assist educators implement the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for EL students.

CDE Resources

Integrated and Designated ELD

Click on the Integrated–Designated ELD tab to find these and other resources that support teachers and administrators to design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for EL students.

Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series

Click on the ELD Video Series tab to find the videos demonstrating designated ELD and integrated ELD instruction for ELA, mathematics, and science in transitional kindergarten/kindergarten through grade twelve.

Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework
Collection of resources supports the implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework.

ELA and ELD Implementation Support Videos
These videos are compiled from those posted on the Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework web page. They are further organized by key theme and area of focus. These select videos support the related guidance in the ELA/ELD Framework

Other Resources

Blueprint for Effective Leadership and Instruction for our English Learners' Future (B.E.L.I.E.F.) External link opens in new window or tab.
The B.E.L.I.E.F. Professional Learning Modules support district and site administrators with implementation of both integrated and designated ELD. The modules include current ELD research; opportunities to deepen understanding of integrated and designated ELD; activities to analyze, reflect upon, and refine programs for EL students; and follow-up activities to use with staff to support implementation. The modules were developed by the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) ELA/ELD CISC Subcommittee.

English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, Volume 1 External link opens in new window or tab.
This toolkit includes a resource for teachers to help EL students accomplish particular learning goals. The toolkit provides high leverage strategies to increase English language proficiency in both integrated and designated ELD. It addresses reading, writing, listening, and speaking for literacy in the twenty-first century, connects to task types found in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California, and provides a checklist that includes strategies for word, sentence, and text level understanding. The toolkit was developed by the CISC ELA/ELD CISC Subcommittee ELD Workgroup.

Strategies for ELD External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
Collection of ELD strategies that includes a description and example for each strategy. This Collection of ELD Strategies was compiled by the Tulare County Office of Education from the snapshots and vignettes within the ELA/ELD Framework.

ELD Instructional Resources

The following resources are available to support teachers and administrators as they design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for English learner students in ELA, mathematics, science, and other content areas.

English Language Development

English Parent/Guardian ELD Overview Brochures External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
Spanish Parent/Guardian ELD Overview Brochures External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
These brochures explain the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) to parents/guardians, providing insights into what students will learn and highlighting the progression from kindergarten through grade twelve.

Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework
Collection of resources that support the implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework.

ELA and ELD Implementation Support Videos
These videos are compiled from those posted on the Implementation Support for the ELA/ELD Framework web page. They are further organized by key theme and area of focus. These select videos support the related guidance in the ELA/ELD Framework.

Supporting Content Learning in the Secondary Classroom through Literacy: Resources for Science, Mathematics, History/Social Science, ELD, and ELA External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
An abbreviated list of high‐utility resources was compiled to support teachers of grades six through twelve in all content areas to develop their students’ literacy skills. It is organized into four categories: web sites, video‐based resources, books, and additional resources.

Additional California Department of Education (CDE) Resources

Spanish Language Development Standards
The Spanish Language Development Standards are the Spanish translation of the CA ELD Standards with linguistic augmentations.

Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents
The Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents is a secure database to assist LEA staff in locating parent notification documents translated into non-English languages.

ELD Intentional Teaching Presentation (PDF)
This is a PDF version of the ELD presentation delivered at conferences during the 2021–22 school year.

California State Content Standards

English Language Development Standards (PDF)
The CA ELD Standards, when used in tandem with state content standards, assist English learner students in building English proficiency, refining the academic use of English, and provides them access to subject area content.

English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Standards (PDF)
The ELA/Literacy Standards help ensure that all students are literate and college- and career-ready no later than the end of high school. The ELA/Literacy Standards set requirements not only for ELA, but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Just as students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, so too must the standards specify the literacy skills and understandings required for college- and career-readiness in multiple disciplines.

Next Generation Science Standards for California
The Next Generation Science Standards were developed to prepare California students to be future citizens and future scientist.

California State Standards for Mathematics (PDF)
The CA Mathematics Standards are designed to be robust, linked within and across grades, and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that young people will need for success in college and career.

Content Standards
Content standards were designed to encourage the highest achievement of every student by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level in mathematics, science, history-social science, visual and performing arts, world language, computer science, health education, and other content areas.

Curriculum Frameworks

English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework
The 2014 ELA/ELD Framework was developed to support and incorporate the ELA/Literacy and the CA ELD Standards for implementation of these interrelated Standards. The SBE adopted the ELA/ELD Framework in 2014.

Science Framework
The 2016 Science Framework was developed to support the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards.

Mathematics Framework
The 2013 Mathematics Framework supports the implementation of the CA Mathematics Standards by emphasizing mathematical instruction and learning that focus on key topics, build mathematical understanding and fluency in a coherent manner, and develop students’ ability to apply mathematics creatively to analyze and solve complex problems.

All Curricular Frameworks
The SBE-adopted curricular frameworks for mathematics, science, history-social science, visual and performing arts, world languages, career technical education, health education, and other content areas.

California English Learner Roadmap Policy

CA English Learner Roadmap (CA EL Roadmap) Policy
The CA EL Roadmap SBE Policy: Educational Program and Services for English Learners explicitly focuses on English learner students in the context of the state’s efforts to improve the educational system, the quality of teaching and learning, and educational outcomes. It centers on standards, curriculum frameworks, assessment, accountability and school improvement, educator quality, early childhood and preschool, social and family support services, parent and community involvement, and higher education. Its purpose is to promote local capacity-building and continuous improvement in each of these areas and their interrelationship, based on evidence of effectiveness from local experience as well as the most current rigorous research evidence that speaks to the strengths and needs of the diverse population of English learner students.

CDE Publications

The 2010 CDE publication, Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches, assists school districts in the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs for English learner students. It also assists educators in addressing the instructional needs of English learner students and supporting the implementation of ELD, as well as the subject-matter standards and frameworks. This publication is available for purchase on the CDE Press Online Ordering web page.

State and Federal Legal Citations

California Education for a Global Economy Initiative (CA Ed.G.E.)—Proposition 58External link opens in new window or tab.
School districts and county offices of education will solicit input on, and provide to students, effective and appropriate instructional methods including, but not limited to, establishing language acquisition programs, as defined in EC Section 306. This requirement is intended to ensure that all students, including English learners and native speakers of English, have access to the core academic content standards, including the English language development standards, as applicable, and become proficient in English.

Lau v Nichols 1974External link opens in new window or tab.
The United States (U.S.) Supreme Court ruled in 1974 to affirm the rights of English learners to have equal access to a meaningful education. The civil rights of the class of students were violated by not being granted access to (1) English language development programs nor, (2) meaningful access to the curriculum. Most importantly, equality in this case meant providing a program appropriate and targeted to the needs of English learners, and not just the same as what is provided to native speakers of English. 

Castañeda v Pickard 1981External link opens in new window or tab.
LEAs enrolling English learner students have a dual obligation to provide a program for English learners designed to overcome language barriers and provide access to the core curriculum (Castañeda v. Pickard 648 F.2d 989, [5th Cir. 1981]). This court ruling defines appropriate programming for English learners. The three prongs of the Castañeda ruling ask that the policies and practices adopted by a school or district (1) be based on sound educational theory, (2) be implemented with sufficient rigor, and (3) demonstrate evidence of effectiveness in overcoming the language barriers and recouping any academic deficits incurred within a reasonable period of time.

Plyler v Doe 1982External link opens in new window or tab.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1982 that Texas statutes that denied public school enrollment and withheld state funds from local school districts for children “illegally admitted” to the United States was unconstitutional. The Texas statutes violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects “any person,” not just “any citizen.” Because the Plyler decision applies to every state and is still valid, the same test of constitutionality applies to any state law that conditions school attendance on citizenship.

California Code of Regulations

IdentificationExternal link opens in new window or tab.
LEAs must identify English learner students in need of language assistance in a timely manner.

CA Ed.G.E. Initiative—Proposition 58
The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative (Proposition 58) ensures that all children in California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language, and access high-quality, innovative, and evidence-based language programs that prepare them to fully participate in a global economy. The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative authorizes school districts and county offices of education to establish language acquisition programs for both native and non-native English speakers, and requires school districts and county offices of education to solicit parent and community input in developing language acquisition programs.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 03, 2024
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