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Title III Immigrant Student Private Schools

This page contains information and resources from the California Department of Education (CDE) about private school participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program.

A private school may participate in the Title III Immigrant Student Program if it meets the following specifications:

  • The private school holds not-for-profit status,
  • The private school submitted to the Student National Origin Report (SNOR) online reporting system the number of eligible immigrant students necessary to determine eligibility,
  • The private school is located within the geographic jurisdiction of a local educational agency (LEA) that is eligible and receives funding, and
  • The private school participated in consultation with the LEA to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Once a private school has requested participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program, it is the responsibility of the LEA that has geographic jurisdiction to initiate and engage in timely and meaningful consultation with the private school, after which a MOU will be developed. It is recommended that the MOU should contain the information listed below:

  • A description of how students’ needs will be identified.
  • The products and services that will be offered.
  • A description of how services will be evaluated and assessed by the LEA and private school to inform needed changes.
  • The amount of funds available and estimated costs of products and services.
  • The size and scope of products and services to be provided.
  • The dates and location of delivery of provisions.

LEAs may not allocate Title III funds directly to private schools, but instead, the LEA must provide products and services to eligible immigrant students enrolled in private schools.

The LEA must document and keep on file evidence of private school acceptance or rejection to participate in the Title III Immigrant Student Program. The evidence must demonstrate meaningful consultation and must be dated and signed by the private school official. This information must be made available during a federal program monitoring review.

As private schools participate in the SNOR filing, LEAs, as part of their Title III Immigrant allocations, receive funds based on the counts of eligible immigrant students enrolled in the public and private schools located within their jurisdictions. For current year per pupil allocations, please visit the CDE Request for Applications web page. The amount allocated for products and services provided by the LEA for eligible immigrant students in local private schools should be based on the amount of the per pupil allocation.

How is the immigrant per pupil funding amount determined?

Based on immigrant data reported, in 2023–24 the CDE will provide formula subgrant awards to eligible LEAs that have five or more eligible immigrant students and experience a significant growth of one half of one percent in the enrollment of eligible immigrant students in the preceding fiscal year compared with the average of the two preceding fiscal years LEAs entitlement amounts are posted annually on the CDE Title III English Learner and Immigrant Programs web page.

Private Schools Notice to Participate Letter
This link provides a copy of the letter sent to private schools informing them of an opportunity to participate in the Title III Immigrant Student program.

CDE Private Schools Equitable Services Ombudsman Participation Information
This link provides guidance and information for private school participation in federal programs.

CDE Title III FAQs for Private Schools
This web page contains frequently asked questions for private schools about participation in Title III programs.

ESSA Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Guidance External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
This document provides guidance and information regarding the changes to the fiscal requirements for participation in federal programs.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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