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File Structure: DOC Transportation Demographics

Field names, data types, and descriptions for the specified school year District of Choice (DOC) transportation demographics data files.

File structure for California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) District of Choice (DOC) transportation data by race/ethnicity, gender, and district of residence for specified school year.

DOC Transportation Demographics

CdsCode Character 14 14-digit county/district/school (CDS) code. For districts and county offices, the last seven-digits will be zeroes.
CountyName Character 50 County name.
DistrictName Character 50 District name.
DocsCdsCode Character 14

14-digit CDS code of the district of residence.

DocsDistrictName Character 50 Name of the district of residence.
Gender Character 50 Gender.
AmericanIndian Numeric 18 Number of American Indian or Alaska Native, not Hispanic.
Asian Numeric 18 Number of Asian, not Hispanic.
PacificIslander Numeric 18 Number of Pacific Islander, not Hispanic.
Filipino Numeric 18 Number of Filipino, not Hispanic.
Hispanic Numeric 18 Number of Hispanic or Latino.
AfricanAmerican Numeric 18 Number of African American, not Hispanic.
White Numeric 18 Number of White, not Hispanic.
MultorNoResp Numeric 18 Number of non-Hispanic of two or more races, or no race reported.
Total Numeric 18 Race/ethnicity total by gender (row total).
Year Character 4 Specifies the year of data.


Questions:   District of Choice Team |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 17, 2024