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Juvenile Court Schools

Juvenile court schools provide public education for juveniles who are incarcerated in facilities run by county probation departments. These schools are located in juvenile halls, juvenile homes, day centers, ranches, camps, and regional youth education facilities and are operated by the county board of education in the county in which the facility is located.

Juveniles who are under the authority of the juvenile court system are required to attend school under California's compulsory education requirements. Juvenile court school students are provided a California standards-based curriculum and must take educational assessment tests required of all students in the state's public schools. These schools offer students a course of study that leads to a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate.

Students released from a juvenile facility who are under the age of nineteen and have not yet graduated or received their high school equivalency certificate are required to continue attending school, most often at a district or county-run school. Students from ages sixteen to eighteen who are released by a juvenile court must continue their public education.

The California Department of Education helps county offices of education meet funding, program, and facility requirements for these schools.

  • For more information about juvenile court schools, contact your county office of education.
  • The Juvenile Court Schools - CalEdFacts page provides more detailed information about juvenile court schools.
  • The links and information below were developed for educators and others who are directly involved with juvenile court schools.

Juvenile court schools provide an educational program that meets the needs of students who have been placed in juvenile halls, juvenile homes, day centers, ranches, camps, or regional youth education facilities. County boards of education administer and operate the juvenile court schools authorized by California Education Code (EC) sections 48645–48645.6. A minimum school day for Juvenile Court Schools is 240 minutes (EC Section 48645.3). Funding is provided by the state General Fund and is included in the annual apportionment to county offices of education.

Juvenile Court Student Transition Report (DOC)
As required by the passage of Assembly Bill 2276 (Bocanegra) in 2014, this report was developed by the Juvenile Court Student Transition Statewide Work Group to address improvement of practices in the transfer of students from juvenile court schools.

Program Summary
Information on program purpose, services, outcomes, funding, students served, and results.

Juvenile Court Schools - CalEdFacts
Part of the California Department of Education's information and media guide about education in the State of California. For similar information on other topics, visit the full CalEdFacts.

Resources for Educational Options Programs

Questions:   Educational Options Office |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 10, 2024