Parent Engagement Modules Series
The Parent Engagement Modules Series presents information and strategies for parents to develop their capacity to support their children at school and at home.Versión en español de la Serie de módulos sobre la participación de padres
A primary factor in student achievement and overall well-being, parents (or guardians) play an integral part in their children’s lives. For this reason, the California Department of Education’s Migrant Education Office (MEO), in collaboration with WestEd, created the Parent Engagement Module Series for parents to develop their capacity to support their children at school and at home. The MEO’s State Service Delivery Plan, a framework for migrant education service delivery, identifies the need to support and increase parent and family engagement. These seven parent modules were developed to provide parents and family with information and strategies to address important topics such as the use of positive discipline to support child development, ways to raise self-confident children, bullying at school, and more. All of the modules are intended to be presented by a facilitator but can also be viewed independently by parents.
Module 1, Facilitator Overview of Migrant Modules and Handouts
Module 1 is a 15 to 20 minute introduction to the Parent Engagement Module Series and provides a short overview of all the modules and handouts. It details how to use the modules as a resource for parent trainings or as an informational tool for individual use.
Facilitator Overview of Migrant Modules and Handouts
Module 2, Using Positive Discipline to Be a More Effective Parent
Module 2 participants will receive background information, implementation strategies, and practical examples of using positive discipline to be a more effective parent; reflect upon how this material applies to their daily lives; practice new strategies; and make a plan for applying new strategies.
Using Positive Discipline to Be a More Effective Parent
Versión en español de Utilizar disciplina positiva para ser un padre más eficaz
Module 3, Growing Self-Confident Children Through Goal Setting and Growth Mindset
Module 3 participants will receive background information, implementation strategies, and practical examples of growing self-confident children through goal setting and growth mindset; reflect upon how this material applies to their daily lives; practice new strategies; and make a plan for applying new strategies.
Growing Self-Confident Children Through Goal Setting and Growth
Module 4, School Systems and Multiple Cultures
Module 4 participants will receive background information about the U.S. school systems and cultural differences with other systems; receive practical strategies for bridging the differences, with a focus on examples of Mexican and U.S. schools; reflect upon how this material applies to their daily lives; practice new strategies; and make a plan for applying new strategies.
School Systems and Multiple Cultures
Versión en español de Sistemas escolares y múltiples culturas
Module 5, Supporting Your Child to Be Successful in School
Module 5 participants will receive background information, implementation strategies, and practical examples of helping their children be successful in school; reflect upon how this material applies to their daily lives; practice new strategies; and make a plan for applying new strategies.
Supporting Your Child to Be Successful in School
Versión en español de Ayudar a que su hijo/a tenga éxito en la escuela
Module 6, Understanding and Communicating with Your Teenager
Module 6 participants will receive background information, implementation strategies, and practical examples of effectively communicating with teenage children; reflect upon how this material applies to their daily lives; practice new strategies; and make a plan for applying new strategies.
Understanding and Communicating with Your Teenager
Versión en español de Entender y comunicarse con sus hijos adolescentes
Module 7, Bullying: What It is and How to Help Your Child
Module 7 participants will receive will background information, implementation strategies, and practical examples of how to help prevent and support children with regard to bullying.
Bullying: What It is and How to Help Your Child
Versión en español de El acoso escolar: Qué es y cómo ayudar a sus hijos