Multilingual Learners
Information and resources to ensure all students who bring the asset of a home language other than English to California schools receive equitable access to a meaningful education and that all California students are afforded opportunities to develop biliteracy.Vision | What’s New | Terminology | Multilingual Education | English Learner Students | Research and Guidance | Technical Assistance | Special Populations of Multilingual Learners | Social Media and Communication

California's Vision and Mission of Success for Multilingual Learners
California provides a world-class education that closes the achievement and opportunity gaps for all migrant, immigrant, and multilingual students, including English learner (EL) students and dual language learners (DLLs), preparing them to live, work and thrive in a multicultural world.
What’s New
The resources below are regularly updated to reflect the newest and most salient topics related to multilingual learners.
- Assembly Bill 2268 Transitional Kindergarten Guidance Letter
- Assembly Bill 2268 Transitional Kindergarten Multilingual Students Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This web page includes FAQs to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in implementing AB 2268 effectively. - Multilingual Learners in Transitional Kindergarten Sample Letter for LEAs (PDF)
Avaliable Translations of the Multilingual Learners in Transitional Kindergarten Sample Letter
This sample letter for optional use by LEAs informs families that their child has been identified as having multilingual experiences and provides information on English language proficiency testing.
- English/Spanish Glossary for Educational Settings (For Teachers and Administrators)
Glossary of English educational terminology translated into Spanish.
Multilingual Education
The resources below provide information and guidance on multilingual education, including multilingual programs and recognitions.
- Multilingual Education (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
This page offers information on the benefits of multilingualism as well as the types of multilingual programs, implementation resources, FAQs, parent resources, and a multilingual program directory. This web page includes resources and information for both families and LEAs and is available in English or Spanish. - Parent Toolkit for Multilingual Education (For Families)
The Parent Toolkit includes PowerPoint presentations and printable parent guides (available in 11 languages) about the benefits of multilingual education, multilingual programs, and how to become involved in their children's education. - State Seal of Biliteracy (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
The State Seal of Biliteracy program recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. - Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions (For Families, Teachers, Administrators)
The Biliteracy Pathway Recognition program recognizes preschool through grade eight students who are on the path to developing biliteracy. - Global California 2030(PDF) (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
Global California 2030 in Spanish (PDF) (For Families, Teachers, Administrators)
The mission of Global California 2030 is to equip our students with the world language skills to succeed in the global economy and to fully engage with the diverse mixture of cultures and languages found in California and throughout the world. - The CA Education for a Global Economy (CA Ed.G.E.) Initiative (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
This page includes information regarding the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative which authorizes school districts and county offices of education to establish language acquisition programs for both native and non-native English speakers and requires school districts and county offices of education to solicit parent and community input in developing language acquisition programs. - World Language Reading Challenge (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
The World Language Reading Challenge is an annual event taking place during National World Language Week in March. The World Language Reading Challenge was developed in partnership with the California Language Teachers’ Association Underrepresented Languages Special Interest Group.
English Learner Students
- EL Roadmap (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
The California State Board of Education-approved EL Roadmap Policy provides guidance to LEAs on welcoming, understanding, and educating the diverse population of students who are English learners attending California public schools. - Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL): (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page includes information about the OPTEL, a resource to support educators in monitoring and evaluating EL students’ language use. - Resources for Parents (For Families)
This page includes information and resources for parents about establishing language proficiency in English, types of programs, and many other resources. - Title III Programs and Funding (For Administrators)
This page contains information regarding Title III including parent notification, authorized costs, FAQs, the Federal Addendum, the EL Program and Immigrant Student Program Requests for Applications, and more. - Reclassification (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page includes information on how an LEA determines whether an EL student has sufficient English proficiency to be reclassified as a fluent English speaker. - English Language Development (ELD) Standards (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page includes the ELD standards, ELD video series, information, and resources to assist LEAs design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for EL students. - English Language Arts (ELA)/ELD Framework (For Teachers and Administrators)
The ELA/ELD Framework is the blueprint for the implementation of the California State Standards for ELA and Literacy and the California ELD Standards. - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page includes information and resources regarding California’s statewide test for English language proficiency, the ELPAC. - Parent Guides to Understanding (For Families)
The Parent Guides to Understanding are two-page flyers written in easy-to-understand language that answer key questions (what, why, who, how, and when) about California's assessment programs, including the ELPAC. Information is also included about how parents can support their student's success. - More Resources and Programs
Research and Guidance
- Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice (Nov-2020) (For Teachers and Administrators)
The page provides access to the book Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice. This book was created to support educators in designing, implementing, and enhancing educational programs for multilingual and EL students. - Multilingual Learners FAQs (For Families, Teachers, and Administrators)
This page includes links to the most used FAQs regarding multilingual learners and multilingual education.
Technical Assistance
- Technical Assistance and Monitoring (For Administrators)
This page provides Federal Program Monitoring and technical assistance regarding services to EL students. The resources on this page are for LEAs and include links to the EL Program Instrument. - Bilingual Coordinators Network
Information regarding the Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN), including meeting calendar. - Regional EL Specialists (For Administrators)
The Regional EL Specialists (formerly known as Title III Regional County Office of Education Leads) provide guidance and support to LEAs within each of the 11 County Superintendent regions focused on the implementation and continuous improvement of Title III programs.
Special Populations of Multilingual Learners
- Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing
Guidance letter issued June 20, 2024, regarding the English language proficiency testing of students in transitional kindergarten. - Dual Language Learner Support (For Early Childhood Educators and Administrators)
This page includes technical support, guidance, FAQs, and resources for the identification, reporting, and support of dual language learners (DLLs) in the California State Preschool Program. - California’s Best Practices for Young DLLs (PDF) (For Early Childhood Educators and Administrators)
This publication provides early childhood educators with valuable information on the most current research on the development of young DLLs. - Newcomer Students (For Teachers and Administrators)
The page includes information and resources to support LEAs serving newcomer students and their families. - EL Students with Disabilities (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page includes information regarding support for educators’ identification, assessment, differentiation of instruction, and reclassification of EL students with disabilities (Assembly Bill 2785). - Long-Term English Learner Community of Practice (For Administrators)
This page includes information about the Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) Community of Practice and resources and information regarding students identified as LTELs. - Migrant Education (For Teachers and Administrators)
This page provides information, background, and resources on the Migrant Education Program in California.
Social Media and Communication
- Multilingual Updates Newsletters (For Administrators)
The Multilingual Updates Newsletter contains the latest information and resources regarding EL and multilingual education. The archives of past issues are available here. - Join the Multilingual Updates Listserv (For Administrators)
To subscribe to the Multilingual Updates Listserv and receive the Multilingual Updates Newsletter along with other updates, send a blank email to