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Long Descriptions for Chapter Seven

Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in chapter seven of the Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice.

Figure 7.1. Components of the Aligned Continuous Improvement Model

A figure shows a graphical representation of the three components of the Aligned Continuous Improvement Model (ACIM). The image is a circle, with multilingual learner (ML) students’ academic success at the core, surrounded by three layers.

The first layer outside of the core attends to quality instruction, assets orientation, and meaningful access.

The next layer includes the three components of the ACIM model: attending to organizational culture, focusing on policy and management, and developing educator capacity. Under each component is a list of subareas. Attending to organizational culture includes data-informed decision-making, instructional vison and guiding principles, leadership and collaboration, and parent and community engagement. Focusing on policy and management includes policy and guidance, resources (funding, extended supports, and human resources), and monitoring. Developing educator capacity includes school leadership teams and classroom teachers.

Around these three components is the next and final layer, which depicts a continuous arrow and the text “Aligned Continuous Improvement Within and Across Systems.”

Appendix. Multilingual Learner Systemic Improvement Plan: Planning Flowchart by Stage

A graphical representation of six planning and generative stages of a Multilingual Learner Systemic Improvement Plan. The six stages include:

  1. Initiate Process—Establishing a core leadership team, identifying and recruiting stakeholder groups and a plan for gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
  2. Vision Development—Building capacity to create an evidenced-based and data informed vision and Language Development Approach (LDA)
  3. Instructional Program Models—Defining the components of the LDA, determining the educator competencies needed for implementation of the LDA, and designing a professional learning plan
  4. Theory of Action—Developing a theory of action with strategic goals and objectives and high-leverage strategies that will ground an implementation plan; determine the specific plan implementation actions, timelines, and identify responsible owners for each action; identify milestones and outcomes to monitor plan implementation
  5. Writing—Creating a clear guidance document for the district that includes all of the components of a strong and actionable systemic plan for multilingual learner success and a clear oversight structure for monitoring implementation progress and outcomes
  6. Vetting the Draft Plan with Communities—A process and timeline for vetting the draft plan broadly and then refining it for final approvals.

Data is gathered, analyzed, and used to inform plan development throughout the first four stages.

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Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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