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ELD Video Series Guidance for Administrators

This page provides guidance for administrators and professional learning leaders on the Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Series for use in professional learning settings to enhance ELD instruction.

ELD Video Series Home | Establishing Professional Learning Opportunities | Phase One | Phase Two | Phase Three | Phase Four | ELD Professional Learning Resources

The Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series is a collection of videos of classroom instruction that demonstrate integrated ELD instruction and designated ELD instruction. The collection is designed to assist educators through discussion and conversation, to identify the key features of each ELD setting. Each of the following subject area content, English language arts (ELA), math, and science is paired with both ELD settings for each grade level, transitional kindergarten through grade twelve. Site and district administrators can utilize this collection to design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction and the overall professional learning program.

Establishing Professional Learning Opportunities

Administrators provide time and structure for staff (teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, coordinators, parents, etc.) to engage in professional learning about ELD instructional practices in classrooms. This series assists educators by providing real classroom examples and related resources into context for the purpose of reflection and ultimately continuous improvement of ELD instructional practices. Here are some inquiry questions to aide in opening conversations, but each site/district can collectively determine what they want to know, learn, and implement.

  • What do we want to know about integrated and designated ELD?
  • What do we want to know about integrated and designated ELD at our school/district?
  • How well do we know the three parts in the ELD standards?
  • What do we do on a regular basis to provide all the domains of ELD?
  • How long does it take for an English learner to become fluent in our school/district?
  • What does integrated ELD look like?
  • What does designated ELD look like?
  • How prevalent is ELD at our school/district?
  • What strategies are common at our school/district?
  • What do we do well in our school/district regarding integrated ELD?
  • What are our challenges?
  • What could we focus on to improve integrated ELD?
  • What do we do well in our school/district regarding designated ELD?
  • What are our challenges?
  • What could we focus on to improve integrated ELD?

The video series is designed to be viewed over a period of time in sessions throughout a school year.

Phase One

In phase one, focus on establishing the protocols and structures for the professional learning engagement, discussions, and expectations for ELD instruction at the site or for the district. This phase is not limited to one session and can take a while to establish, if necessary. Administrators can lead and arrange the following:

  • Introduce the professional learning objectives and goals and establish the time, process and procedures for teachers to work together and collaborate during and beyond the professional learning sessions.
  • Provide opportunity for teachers to observe each other's classrooms using an observation tool. Use the information as preliminary data to discuss.
  • Engage teachers in a conversation about ELD. Teachers can share their successes for implementing integrated and designated ELD instruction to their English learner students. Teachers can also share the challenges they face for implementing integrated and designated ELD instruction.
  • Introduce a selection of instructional resources and tools that the teachers can read and engage with during and beyond the sessions and describe a process for working with the resources.
  • Provide an overview of the video series by showing teachers where they can access the videos and the available resources.
  • Allow time for teachers to read or view a resource, engage in reflection and discussion, and share out (teachers and administrators identify and select readings from the CA ELD Standards, content standards, curriculum frameworks, or other ELD resource):
    • Teachers can form groups (grade level, content area, etc.).
    • Teachers can read individually, form expert groups, or do jigsaw reading and then come together to share.
    • Reading and viewing videos can be done as a group, grade level, job alike, or mixed groups. The collection is flexible to accommodate different approaches.
  • Lead teachers in a conversation about the distinct features between integrated and designated ELD and make connections to the information presented in the resources they read or viewed.
  • Establish opportunities and a schedule for teachers and administrators to observe ELD instructional practices in both designated ELD settings, and in content courses.
  • Collect and discuss what was seen during the observations.

Phase Two

In Phase two, select and view videos to identify features of an integrated ELD lesson. Take time to discuss those features before moving on to the paired designated ELD video. Allow participants to view the videos more than once. Administrators can arrange and lead the following:

  • Preview some known features of integrated ELD or designated ELD. Give participants time to generate them and have discussion about the features they listed. This can be in grade level groups or other grouping. Have groups then share to the collective group.
  • As a group, identify the next set of integrated and/or designated ELD video to view, discuss, and analyze.
  • View one of the videos (integrated or designated) for a grade level and ask participants to identify the features of ELD they observe, then do the same with the other video.
  • Direct participants to reference readings, resources, research, etc. to confirm the practices observed.
  • Allow time for participants to view the videos again to observe what the teacher is doing and what the students are doing. Then provide time and opportunity for group discussion.

Phase Three

In phase three, provide opportunity for teachers to focus on the features of integrated and designated ELD instruction observed in the school/district classrooms as currently implemented. Administrators allow time and opportunity for the following:

  • Provide time for teachers to discuss the ELD instruction they observations in the classrooms visited and in their own classroom.
  • Allow teachers to share lesson plans, materials, strategies, etc.
  • Provide time for teachers to analyze student data and identify where English learner students excel with language development and academic achievement—identify where the greatest support should be provided with regards to language development and academic achievement for groups or cohorts of English learner students.
  • Provide time for teachers to identify the ELD standard(s) on which to focus and teach to support their English learner students’ language development during designated ELD—identify how those standards will be used in tandem with the content standards(s) during integrated ELD.
  • Provide time for teachers to identify and agree on at least one strategy to implement for integrated ELD to further develop and implement in all classrooms. These should be observed during the next round of walk-throughs. Share the data of the observations with teachers.
  • Provide time for teachers to identify and agree on at least one strategy to implement for designated ELD to further develop and implement in all classrooms where designated ELD is provided to English learner students. Allow time for teachers to collaboratively plan integrated and designated ELD lessons or share ELD lesson plans with other teachers to receive constructive feedback.

Administrators can further support teachers by providing collaborative opportunities beyond the sessions, for example:

  • Provide time and resources so teachers can regularly meet to view videos, analyze student data, plan for ELD instruction, etc.
  • Support teachers with specific ELD training, time, and resources to observe other teachers during their ELD instruction time and provide time and space for them to debrief what was observed.

Phase Four

In phase four, teachers take the lead to identify and plan next steps in using key understanding of ELD. The administrator can do the following:

  • Celebrate successes
  • Provide teachers the opportunity to reflect on their ELD instruction whether it is integrated ELD, designated ELD, or both
  • Create time and space for continued teacher collaboration
  • Revisit familiar ELD resources or encourage teachers to find new resources
  • Invite teachers to design current and future sessions

ELD Professional Learning Resources

The following are resources that participants should read prior to viewing the videos. These resources describe the ELD standards and explain their relationship with the corresponding content standards. These resources also provide guidance to assist teachers when designing and implementing integrated and designated ELD instruction.

ELD and Content Standards

California ELD (CA ELD) Standards (PDF)

  • Read pages 26–134: Kindergarten through Grade 12 ELD Standards
  • Read pages 148–149: Interacting in Meaningful and Intellectually Challenging Ways
  • Read pages 151–152: Developing Academic English

California State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (ELA/Literacy) (PDF)

Next Generation Science Standards for California
The Next Generation Science Standards were developed to prepare California students to be future citizens and future scientists.

California State Standards for Mathematics (PDF)
The California Mathematics Standards are designed to be robust, linked within and across grades, and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that young people will need for success in college and careers.

Integrating the CA ELD Standards into K–12 Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (DOC)

  • Read pages 16–22: Integrating CA ELD Standards into Mathematics Teaching and Learning
  • Read pages 191–198: Integrating CA ELD Standards into Science Teaching and Learning

Curriculum Frameworks

English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework

  • Read pages 10–11: Emphasis of English Learners in this Framework
  • Read pages 30–31: Intent of the CA ELD Standards
  • Read pages 104–119: ELD
  • Read pages 167–168: Integrated and Designated ELD

Science Framework
The 2016 Science Framework was developed to support the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards.

2013 California Mathematics Framework

  • Universal Access Chapter (PDF)
    • Read pages 667–670: New Language Demands of the California State Standards for Mathematics
    • Read pages 683–687: Planning Instruction for California’s English Learners

Other Professional Learning Modules

Blueprint for Effective Leadership and Instruction for Our English Learners' Future (B.E.L.I.E.F.) External link opens in new window or tab.
The B.E.L.I.E.F. PLMs support district and site administrators with implementation of both integrated and designated ELD. The modules include current ELD research; opportunities to deepen understanding of integrated and designated ELD; activities to analyze, reflect upon, and refine programs for English learners; and follow-up activities to use with staff to support implementation. The modules were developed by the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC), ELA/ELD CISC Subcommittee.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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