ELD Standards Letter to Governor Brown

TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
November 26, 2013
The Honorable Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Governor Brown:
Assembly Bill 124 (Fuentes), Chapter 605, Statutes of 2011, as codified in California Education Code Section 60811.3 (e), mandates “The Superintendent and the state board shall present to the Governor and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature a schedule and implementation plan for integrating the English language development standards adopted pursuant to this section into the state public education system, including, but not limited to, incorporating the standards into the English language development test.” The California Department of Education has developed the required implementation plan entitled, California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) Implementation Plan (enclosed).
The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan identifies major phases and activities in the implementation of the CA ELD Standards throughout California’s educational system. The plan describes the philosophy of and strategies for the successful integration of the CA ELD Standards that align to the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and address English language and literacy skills English learners need in key content areas. The goal of the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is to serve as a guide for the major steps in the development, adoption, and implementation of the CA ELD Standards for local educational agencies and county offices of education.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
California Department of Education
California State Board of Education
TT/MK: ef
The Honorable Kevin de León, Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Mike Gatto, Chair, Assembly Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Mark Leno, Chair, Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee
The Honorable Nancy Skinner, Chair, Assembly Budget Committee
The Honorable Carol Liu, Chair, Senate Education Committee
The Honorable Joan Buchanan, Chair, Assembly Education Committee
Karen Stapf Walters, Executive Director, State Board of Education
Cathy McBride, Deputy Legislative Secretary, Governor’s Office