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Title III EL Student Program Private Schools

This page contains information and resources from the California Department of Education about private school participation in the Title III English Learner (EL) Student Program.

Local educational agencies (LEAs) that receive a Title III English Learner (EL) Student Program Subgrant are required to serve EL students enrolled in private schools whenever the administration of a particular private school requests to participate in the program.

  • Private schools should identify those pupils being considered for participation in the Title III program after administering a Home Language Survey (HLS). Pupils with an HLS indicating a language other than English are assessed for language proficiency.
  • If a language other than English is indicated on a student's HLS, the LEA is required to administer an initial language assessment to those students. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California are restricted and not allowed to be used by private schools. The assessments must have technical data demonstrating their validity and reliability to measure listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English for non-native speakers. A list of tests that may be used for assessing the English language proficiency of students in private schools is available on the CDE List of Tests for English Learners web page. The LEA is responsible for the oversight and costs of initial identification. Through consultation and documentation, private schools may request additional initial identification costs as part of their equitable services.
  • LEAs may not allocate Title III funds directly to private schools but instead may provide materials, services, and products to private school staff of EL students enrolled in the private schools.
  • If the private school declines to participate in the Title III EL Student Program, documentation of the meaningful consultation, dated and signed by the private school official, is to be kept on file locally, and made available during a federal program monitoring review.
  • During the meaningful consultation process, the LEA develops a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with each private school that requests to participate in the Title III EL Student Program. The MOU should, at a minimum, include a description of the materials, services, and/or products to be provided, the estimated costs, and the dates they are to be provided. Please see the sample MOU (DOCX).
  • The cost of the materials, products, and/or services provided to private schools should be proportionate to the number of EL students enrolled in the private school and be equitable compared to the Title III services provided to public school students. For Title III EL notification of allocation and equitable services proportional share calculations, please visit the CDE Equitable Services Ombudsman web page.
  • The LEA is paid in arrears for its services to private school EL students. Each spring, the LEA submits the Other ESEA Nonprofit Private School Participation Report on the Consolidated Application and Reporting System with the number of private school EL students served in the current school year. The number of private school EL students served will be added to the public school count to calculate the following year’s award amount.

Private School Participation and Consultation Letter
The letter provides statute and information regarding participation in the Title III EL Student Program for private schools.

Private School Equitable Services Ombudsman
Ensure equity for private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel.

CDE Title III FAQs for Private Schools
Title III FAQs to facilitate implementation of programs for EL students in private schools.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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