English Learner Roadmap Public Meeting Notice

Official Letter
Official Letter
Public Meeting Notice and Agenda
The California English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Program, and Practices for English Learners
(Meeting is Open to the Public)
Thursday, November 10, 2016
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Courtyard Sacramento Airport Natomas
2101 River Plaza Drive
Sacramento, CA 95833-3877
Telephone: 916-319-0678
Contact Person: Gina Garcia-Smith
The purpose of this public meeting is to convene a panel of experts, practitioners, and community stakeholders to provide recommendations to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the development of the California English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Program, and Practices for English Learners (EL Roadmap). In consultation with the State Board of Education, the EL Roadmap will be published to inform policy regarding the education of English Learner students. The EL Roadmap will be designed to assist local educational agencies to implement California’s 21st Century college- and career-ready standards, curriculum, instructional programs, and assessments.
9:00 a.m. ±
1.0 Welcome and introductions
2.0 EL Roadmap Workgroup Procedures, Intent and Timeline
3.0 Vision and Purpose for the EL Roadmap Development
4.0 Existing Policies and Guidance Documents Informing Services for ELs
5.0 Identifying Needs for Serving ELs
6.0 Audience and Components of the EL Roadmap
7.0 Summary of Deliberations and Next Steps
8.0 Reminder of Future EL Roadmap Workgroup Public Meetings
9.0 Public Comment
5:00 p.m. ±
Meeting Adjourned
All times are approximate and are provided for convenience only. The order of business may be changed without notice.
Written Comments
In addition to comments at the public meeting, written comments will be accepted. All written comments must be received prior to 3 p.m. on Friday, November 11, 2016.
Written comments can be submitted by mail, fax, or e-mail as follows:
Gina Garcia-Smith, EL Roadmap Project Coordinator
Language Policy and Leadership Office
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 2204
Sacramento, CA 95814
Attention: Gina Garcia-Smith
For More Information
California Department of Education
Language Policy and Leadership Office
1430 N Street, Room 2204
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-319-0845, (FAX) 916-319-0138
Reasonable Accommodations will be provided for any individual with a disability.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting may request assistance by contacting the Language Policy and Leadership Office at least ten days prior to the meeting.