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Transcript: Grade 11 and 12 Science Designated ELD

Grade Eleven and Twelve Science Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade Eleven and Twelve Science Designated English Language Development: Written Explanation

Introductory Slides (00:00–03:20)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Video Series.

Narrator: Designated English Language Development—Building Into and from Science in Grades Eleven and Twelve. In this lesson, the students are reviewing and practicing listening, speaking, and writing skills to exchange information and ideas that build the language resources necessary to articulate and present their ideas about human impact on the environment. The students will use these language resources to accurately demonstrate their understanding of the science content in speaking and writing now and when they return to their science class.

Narrator: The Focal California English Language Development Standards Guiding this Lesson. The English Language Development Standards at the Bridging Level are: Grades 11 and 12, Part 1, Standard 5: Listening Actively, where students demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by asking and answering detailed and complex questions that show thoughtful consideration of the ideas or arguments with light support. Grades 11 and 12, Part 1, Standard 9: Presenting, where students plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and reports on grade-appropriate topics that express complex and abstract ideas, well supported by evidence and reasoning, and are delivered by using an appropriate level of formality and understanding of register. And Grades 11 and 12, Part 2, Standard 1: Understanding Text Structure, where students apply analysis of the organizational structure of different text types to comprehending texts and to writing clear and cohesive arguments, informative and explanatory texts, and narratives.

Narrator: Watch how students move from early levels of proficiency toward the Bridging levels of these English Language Development Standards throughout the lesson.

Narrator: The Supporting California Next Generation Science Standards Used in Tandem with the Focal English Language Development Standards. The Science Performance Expectation is High School, Life Sciences 2, Sub-item 7: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics, where students who demonstrate understanding design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity. Watch for how these California standards are addressed throughout the lesson.

Narrator: Watch how the teacher leads the students to review their written explanations, use peers as resources to expand upon their ideas, articulate solutions, and develop language structures and vocabulary. The students engage in small group discussions that require active listening and oral rehearsal to cultivate the use of a more academic register by exchanging ideas and clarifying information as they solidify their content understanding.

Teacher Introduces the Lesson (03:21–05:20)

Teacher: Today, what we're doing is we're just continuing working with the problem/solution texts and kind of gaining confidence interacting with, reading and summarizing and paraphrasing and questioning, coming up with additional solutions, and and hopefully preparing this for our biology presentations that we'll be doing later today.

Teacher: Activity 3 is a group discussion where you get to tell another group about your problem, a solution, and you guys have a dialogue and talk about your problems, right, and solutions, and you’re building and helping each other out.

[Four students standing in a group]

Teacher: So, here's what it'll look like. Just make sure you're standing with your partner, right. Just like that.

Teacher: Okay and so what we’ll model is if, for example, if this is pizza and this is attendance, right. So, let's just say it's pizza and attendance talking to each other. Pizza will go first, for example, and pizza will share for... Does anyone remember how many minutes?

Students: [choral response] Five.

Teacher: Five minutes, right. We're looking for five minutes but since there's two of you, it kind of breaks it down to how much?

Students: [choral response] Two and a half.

Teacher: Two and a half. So, a little bit of English and math for you. Okay, so about two and a half minutes, that's what we're looking for: extended speaking time. And so, as they are speaking, what is this group doing?

Several Students: [choral response] Listening.

Teacher: Listening. Okay, so behind us we've got the four L's of active listening. Just making sure. I know you guys have heard this so many times being here at Mission Hills. It's looking at your partner. You're leaning in but not too much. All right. You're lowering your voice so that everyone can hear and participate. And then you're listening closely because what could potentially be asked of you?

Several Students: [choral response] Questions.

Teacher: Bingo! Say it again.

Several Students: [choral response] Questions.

Teacher: Questions. Right, and so if we're not listening, we might not be able to answer the ...

Several Students: [choral response] Questions.

Teacher: Questions. Okay, thanks, Iris. All right and then after, I don't know, a few minutes. I got you on time. I'll read the room. I'll ask you to rotate again. Okay.

Students Discuss in Groups of Four (05:21–11:15)

Student 1: The main problem of this paragraph was that the, Dr. Miller is against, because tigers are getting, they're vanishing. And then they're trying to make like this, umm. They're trying to donate to save these tigers.

Student 2: Well, this tigers are disappearing and they’re disappearing really fast. So, what this Doctor Miller wants to do is to to tigers not extinct. So, his umm, his solution to this problem is to write to their Congress people and like he said donate to save the tigers. But, our solution, our additional solution is to people to be responsible for their actions because you know how people hunt these tigers and do not realize the consequences of their actions. And also, I think pollution gets into here because umm if you throw the trash then then some animals get trapped and die and they can go, umm this can go really badly because the food web can get um hurt.

Student 3: Um-hmm.

Student 1: And then these donations will help to support the the empower who who are those people who are fighting against the vanishing of the tigers.

Student 2: Questions?

Student 4: So, the problem is that many tigers are like being extent...ex...

Student 2: Extinct.

Student 4: Extinct. And the solution is like prevent them, protect them?

Student 2: Yeah.

Student 4:  From the people that damage them.

Student 2: Yes.

Student 3: Yeah 'cause another question is, do you know what specific tiger is that?

Student 1: No.

Student 2: No.

Student 3: Like... No?

Student 2: The... I don't know how to call it.  The one is orange with black.

Student 3: Oh yeah basically.

Student 2: And the white one, Bengala.

Teacher: Almost there. Keep it going. Good job.

Student 5:  I think, I mean parents have to pay more attention for their kids to, I mean, to follow uhh their kids’ attendance, academic of the school. And I mean, if you are really sick to come to school, it's fine, but don't miss a lot, a lot of days for the school. And that's not good and they can miss the lesson and can follow follow their partner, their classmate and can't get a good rate.

Student 6: Yeah but sometimes the kids don't like to come to school. They like... they prefer to stay at home.

Student 7: Actually, I think it is a good solution to count the attendance for grades because the students um could be more responsible for that.

Student 2: So, what you are saying is that should attendance would be a little bit later?

Student 7: No account for the grades.

Student 2: Ok.

Student 7: Would be account for the grades.

Student 1: So, like if you are absent your grades will lower?

Student 7: Yeah. I mean a percentage. Like attendance could be account 30% of...

Student 1: So, attendance would be like if you were, like if it was a grade, right?

Student 7: Yeah.

Student 1: A grade for a class.

Student 2: Oh, ok yeah.

Student 7: I don’t know. Actually, for me it is a solution for that.

Student 2: It would be great, I think. Nobody would be absent, I think.  Well they would be absent...

Student 7: If you justify your absence...

Teacher: 45 seconds K.

Student 7: You could be you know absent.

Student 8: When the river give a lot of water and flood there is plenty of water. Many people don't care about it about it.

Student 5: Um hmm.

Student 8: But it's risk and many people can get disease and they can get sick.

Student 5: Yeah, yeah, we we are talking about flooding and you know about it it's so so dangerous. And our solution is we have to repair the fresh water for drinking and repair the floor when the flooding coming. And beside you can use the same bag to protect your house so that the water not come into your house. So, our question is: What should we do when the flooding coming? What the best... I mean What the best chance when flooding coming and how we fail to fight with this?

Student 9: I think we have to put all the important documents in a bag, or—

Student 5: Yeah

Student 9: To protect everything. Everything important.

Student 5: I mean the best chance...

Teacher: Two more minutes.

Student 5: We should use ...

Student 10: Could you clarify the part of where the problem was?

Student 5: Um the problem?

Student 10: Yeah what's the problem? 'Cause I didn't understand.

Student 5: The problem is when the flooding coming the water will rise to your house and the flooding water we cannot drink I guess. And if you drink it, it's not good for your health. And the true thing of the water also rise for the road and the car can't ride on this. And I mean when you make the big flooding there many people lost there. I mean some someone can die.

Student 9: So, we can have other water bottles... apart.

Student 5: Yeah.

Student 10: So maybe we can create something that makes that water dirty into water, clean water.

Whole Class Debrief (11:16 – 12:29)

Teacher: So, here's something I was thinking just, just kind of watching you guys. And normally this is this is how we structure things, right. It's like individual time. It's small group time. It's whole group time or up doing rotations. Where is Cynthia at? Right, you love rotations. Okay well we're up and we're doing these little small little lessons. What would be the purpose of you guys rotating, standing up, rotating, talking to other people? What's the purpose of that just kind of off the top of your head? Yeah, Lizette.

Student 4: Um, practicing the language. And… yeah practicing and making like... um... The purpose of what we doing.

Teacher: Mm-hmm.

Student 4: And explaining our ideas to others.

Teacher: Yeah and it's really cool too because I like and I see you.  I see you.  I like when you said practicing the language. Maybe instead of just memorizing word, word, word, well you're actually you're you you're using it.

Student 4: You're using your own words.

Teacher: You're using your own words which is nice. Yeah, Jose.

Student 6: Getting opinion from different people. And also getting out of a fear of talking from like in front of other people.

Teacher: That's a huge one, right, talking in front of people.

Student 6: Yeah.

Teacher: And then hearing other perspectives.

Student 6: Yeah.

Teacher: Right, which is really good.

Students Reflecting on What They Learned in Small Groups (12:30–15:07)

Student 2: What I learned was how to know or identify the central idea of other person. And listen closely to my peers. And what I do... well ... I would do better to prepare participating in class discussion would be find more evidence to support my claim. And use it. Explain it, how. I put that this does help us in other classes like for example biology. Like we have that um…

Student 11: Presentation.

Student 2: Presentation we have to do. So, we can start our sentence or our… How do you say it?  The presentation with some examples that we learn here.

Student 11: Yup.

Student 1: And I think this will help us and biology the same because the presentations we're gonna do they are similar but in biology.

Teacher: Alright, good go ahead and find a place to stop with those discussions.

Student 1: And it will help us to connect and react, how to react when we're in groups.

Student 12: And so, another solution that I acquired is how to have a better discussion between every, my peers and how to address them better.

Student 7: Actually, you have ideas from solve those questions but you call solve, solutions, this is like your idea for solve that. So actually, um something like that I have is like how to um interacting with people and trying to solve a problem and share ideas and discussing about that topic. Um, yeah.

[other students talking in the background]

Student 6: Well, something that I can do better to prepare and participate in class discussion will be come up with more ideas, questions, to become expert on the topic. To can share to my partners like, interact with them, help out the team.

Student 12: Yeah and I think that sentence frames help us to communicate and introduce ourselves to have a better academic conversation. So that's the, why sentence frames are important to know and use them to develop our English.

Beyond the Lesson (15:08–15:50)

Narrator: Beyond the Designated English Language Development Lesson: Building Into and From Content Instruction. By engaging in Designated English language development lessons such as this one with opportunities for oral rehearsal, students are better prepared to engage with grade-level science content and are more confident to use an expanded range of language resources to explain their understanding. In addition, having students intentionally reflect on why engaging in collaborative speaking and listening activities such as this one will help them in other core classes affords them the opportunity to recognize interdisciplinary connections and successfully access content with increasing independence.

Students Discuss in Groups During Science (Integrated ELD) (15:51–16:28)

Student 13: Do you know why recycling wasn't brought up in the past?

Student 6: Because back in the past there was not a lot of trash like in the street. So, they not have the necessity to do it.

Student 13: Why do you think there wasn't a lot of pollution in the past?

Student 6: Because um back in the days there was more natural resources like plants and everything. Doesn't exist the plastic.

Student 14: Maybe, also like before we didn't really like notice all these effects. But like now since there's more and more piling up we're like looking at the effects now.

Closing Slides (16:29–17:44)

Narrator: Reflection and Discussion. Reflect on the following questions. First, how did you observe the following focal English language development standards and supporting content standards in implemented in this grade eleven and twelve designated English language development lesson? English Language Development, Part 1, Standard 5: Listen Actively. Part 1, Standard 9: Presenting. Part 2, Standard 1: Understanding Text Structure. And Life Sciences 2, Sub-item 7, Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy and Dynamics.

Narrator: Second, what features of designated English language development did you observe in the lesson? Now pause the video and engage in a discussion with colleagues.


Narrator: The California Department of Education would like to thank the administrators, teachers, and students who participated in the making of this video. This video was made possible by the California Department of Education in collaboration with WestEd and Timbre Films.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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